Chapter Thirteen: Their Wedding

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Today was the day. Today she would no longer be Inoue Orihime she would be known as Schiffer Orihime. She was excited but nervous. Everything had been going so well lately sure they had their fights but they made up and sure they had both been jealous at some point sense they had been reunited but that was only natural. They both knew no one could take the other from them and that they were meant to be. Orihime looked stood in front of the mirror looking at the dress that Rangiku had picked out. Surprisingly it wasn't too reveling but it was graceful and made Orihime look like a princess. Orihime looked at the picture of her brother on the table in the room and smiled a little smile.

"It's finally happening big brother. I'm marrying the man of my dreams are coming true. I wish you could be here but I know your watching me from heaven. I hope we have your blessing and that your happy for me. I love you big brother." Orihime said

Orihime closed her eyes and said a silent prayer. As she did this Rukia and her older brother Byakuya came into the room. Orihime stood up and smoothed out her dress and turned to look at them with a smile. Rukia came over to Orihime and handed her the flowers she was to hold. The were beautiful lilies Orihime's favorite flowers. She smiled even more at this. Orihime then looked at Byakuya in confusion. Rukia giggled a little bit and explained

"Hime. My brother will be walking you down the aisle. I know that you wanted your big brother too but I hope you don't mind mine doing that for Sora?" Rukia tried to explain

Orihime smiled at Rukia and took her hand and squeezed it gently in thanks

"Of course I won't mind one bit and neither will Sora. He would be happy that there was someone to walk me down the aisle." Orihime smiled

Byakuya nodded his head and held out his hand. Orihime took his hand and smiled. Tucking her hand in his arm he pulled her from the waiting room Rukia following behind them. When they got to the sanctuary doors Orihime's excitement came back ten fold. She heard the music start to play and watched as Rukia and Ichigo walked in first then Rangiku and Renji. After those two Tatsuki and Chad and last was Uryu and Yoruichi . Soon the wedding march started and it was Orihime and Byakuya's turn.

As they walked into the sanctuary all eyes were on Orihime. They all thoughts she looked extremely beautiful. She was like a princess to them. As everyone was looking at her Orihime only had eyes for one person and that person was Ulquiorra. There he stood in his black tux looking as handsome as ever. When she looked at them their eyes met and all there was was them in that time in that moment. Ulquiorra thought she looked like a princess and smiled in front of everyone for the first time shocking everyone in the room. When they finally got to the altar Byakuya gave Ulquiorra Orihime's hand and went to sit in the front row. Ulquiorra brought her forward and they both turned to look at the priest who smiled kindly and began the wedding ceremony.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are gather hear today to join Inoue Orihime and Schiffer Ulquiorra in marriage. If anyone has any reason why these two shouldn't be married and happy together speak now or forever hold your piece." The priest said.

There was a silence through out the hall. No one said a word against the union.

"Alright let us continue. The bride and groom have written their own vows. If the groom would say his first?" The priest asked

Ulquiorra closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He let out the breath and looked into Orihime's stormy eyes and smiled.

"Orihime I first met you in that park near your house. At first I thought nothing of you sense at the time you were the enemy. When I was sent back to take you back Las Noches I still didn't think anything. But as time went on as I talked with you and got to know you in that small room. I began to see you in a different light. You showed me what a heart was. And as I watched you stand beneath the moonlight praying for your friends I realized that you were more then a girl with God like powers. You were innocent, pure everything I wasn't. At that time is when I fell in love with you. When our friends came to get me telling me you were depressed I made every effort to be with you and made sure we would have no problems here. Inoue Orihime I love you and always will." Ulquiorra finished with a small smile on his face

"Now for the bride if you would say your vows. "

"Ulquiorra from the very beginning I was memorized by you. I didn't know what it was. I didn't understand why you had my attention. So when you asked me to come with you I didn't hesitate. I did go with you in order to protect my friends but I also went because I wanted to get to know you. I wanted to understand you more Ulquiorra. After sometime I began to fall in love with you and when I thought I lost you I felt as if my heart and soul was ripped from me. But when you came back into my life I felt whole again I was so happy Ulquiorra I love you so so much!" Orihime said with tears in her eyes.

The priest had to wipe tears from his eyes. Their vows were so heart felt that it had made even the priest to start crying.

"Now Schiffer Ulquiorra do you take Inoue Orihime to be your wife?" The priest asked

"I do" Ulquiorra answered

"Inoue Orihime do you take Schiffer Ulquiorra to be your husband?" The priest asked

"I do" Orihime answered

The priest smiled then signaled for the rings to be brought over. Once the rings were there Orihime and Ulquiorra picked one of them up.

"Repeat after me. With this ring, I wed thee" The priest said

"With this ring, I wed thee." Ulquiorra and Orihime said in unison.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" The priest announced

Ulquiorra pulled Orihime to him and kissed her gently on the mouth. Orihime could feel all the love that came from Ulquiorra flow into her. It was done she was no longer Inoue Orihime but Schiffer Orihime. They broke off the kiss coming back down to earth and hearing the applause from their close friends. They turned around and smiled at them.

"May I pronounce Mr. and Mrs. Schiffer" The priest announced

Ulquiorra looked at the crowed then looked down at Orihime. She was smiling with tears in her eyes. She was happy and that made him happy. Finally he was with the women he loved and he wouldn't be letting her go anytime soon.

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