Chapter Twenty (Final Chapter):Haruka

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Ulquiorra was nervous. He had been nervous sense Ichigo had called him and told him that Orihime had went into labor a month early. He got even more nervous when she went in to give birth to their child. He was happy that he didn't have to wait alone. Ichigo had called all their friends even those that had to go to the Soul Society with Ichigo's surprise. They had all came and tried to keep him calm. But when he heard Orihime's screams of pain he had almost lost it and went into the room. Chad had to hold him down so he wouldn't rip the door off the room where Orihime was. Another hour went by with more screaming. Then all of a sudden there was a loud cry that echoed throughout the entire clinic.

He knew in that moment that their daughter had been born. He had to wait another hour before he could go in. Sense they were cleaning Orihime and the child up before they let anyone else into the room. Isshin walked out and over to the group of people who stood around Ulquiorra waiting. Isshin smiled at them all.

"Congratulations Ulquiorra you have beautiful baby girl. Both mother and baby are doing just fine. Orihime Chan just passed out from exhaustion and she will be fine. The father can go in and see them now. Just the father." Isshin said

Ulquiorra walked passed Isshin and to the room where his wife and daughter were resting. He went straight to Orihime and saw that she was resting peacefully. He pushed a strand of hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. He looked over to the bassinet when he heard a gurgling sound. He walked over to the bassinet and looked at his daughter. Who looked right back at him with the his eyes. He reached down and picked her up supporting her head.

"Haruka. Your finally here." Ulquiorra whispered

As Ulquiorra looked at his small daughter Orihime woke up from her slumber. She turned her head to see her husband holding their little girl and smiled.

"Ulquiorra" She whispered

Ulquiorra turned around at the sound of her voice and smiled. She smiled back at him. Orihime held out her arms wanting to hold their daughter for the first time. He walked over and placed Haruka in her arms. Orihime scooted over a bit so Ulquiorra could lay next to them. Orihime looked down at their daughter and smiled brightly. She was finally here! She was so perfect.

"She perfect." Orihime whispered

"Just like her mother." Ulquiorra whispered back

They sat there watching their daughter for a while until there was a knock at the door. Ulquiorra called out letting them know it was okay to come in now. All their friends came in and circled the bed to get a look at the child. They all cooed when the baby looked at them with her bright green eyes. Orihime looked at Ichigo who was looking at Haruka with a smile on his face. That's when she go the idea. She whispered to Ulquiorra who's eyes went wide then he smiled nodding in agreement.

"Ichigo come here." Orihime said

"Yes Orihime?" Ichigo asked in confusion

"I want to ask you to be Haruka's godfather well one of them. The other won't be here until tomorrow." Orihime said

"You two want me to be the other godfather!?" Ichigo asked in shock

They both nodded. Orihime gave Ichigo Haruka. Ichigo cradled the baby girl in his arms and felt tears fill his eyes. He already loved this little girl like she was his own even though he knew she wasn't. He decided then and there he would always protect her.

"I would be honored to be her other godfather." He said proudly

"Thank you Ichigo." Ulquiorra and Orihime said together

Ichigo handed Haruka back to her mother. Orihime was happy. In the beginning she had been so depressed and had almost taken her own life in order to be with her love once more. But then he came back to her they went to school together got married and had a child. She was so happy to have her own little family and she was even more happy that Ulquiorra had come home to her. Her life was good now and she didn't want that to change. She looked at their little Haruka and smiled yea her life was just getting better.

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