Chapter Eight: Of Forgiveness and Friendships

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Orihime stood outside her apartment looking up at the sky. Last night had been emotional for her. The one person she loved had come back to her but he had help in order to make that possible. Ichigo had wanted to fix his mistake and to bring her smile back. All of her friends did. She couldn't be mad nor could she stay hurt after what they went through for her. She had to talk to them and thank them and hoped they forgave her for how she acted towards them all these months.

As she stood outside she didn't notice Ulquiorra come out until he put his arms around her and rest his head on her shoulder. When he had woken up alone he had known she would be out here. She had stayed awake after they had fallen asleep on the couch after he told her how he came to be here. For an hour he watched her look at the sky thinking not wanting to disturb her from her thoughts. But after a whole hour of her just standing there and not moving he got a bit worried.

"Hime what are you thinking about?" He asked her gently

"My friends. They brought you back to me and I have been nothing but rude to them. Refusing to talk or look at them because I thought you were dead." Orihime said sadly

"Hime their not upset with you. They understand why you were in such a state and no one can blame you for thinking I died. You couldn't have known that I would regenerate" Ulquiorra explained

"I know I just want to talk to them. To fix this and to thank them for bringing you home to me." She whispered

"Then do so. They are your friends hime they will understand and will not judge you what so ever." He whispered in her ear

Orihime turned her head to look at him. He smiled at her and kissed her gently to give her encouragement. They went back inside and Ulquiorra waited for her to get dressed. Once she was dressed she grabbed her keys and followed Ulquiorra out the door and locked it. They walked down the stairs and once they hit the bottom they intertwined their hands together and walked the distance to Kisuke's shop. Once their they saw Kisuke sweeping in the front. He looked up and waved at them with a smile

"Had a feeling you would both show up here. Their all inside waiting for you go on in." He said with a smile

They went in and sure enough the others were there. They all looked confused, they didn't know why they were there at all. They all looked up when Orihime and Ulquiorra walked into the room and everything got silent. Orihime started to panic but Ulquiorra just squeezed her hand in comfort and support. They sat down with everyone else at the table. Orihime took a deep breath to calm her nerves and said what needed to be said in thanks and in order to fix the mess that had formed in her heart.

"I...I want to thank you all. You brought Ulquiorra back to me alive. I also wish to apologize for the way I acted towards you for these past few months it was just hard to talk to any of especially you Ichigo. I didn't want to talk to the person or people involved with his death and the only thing I could think of was to distance myself off from all of you." Orihime explained

"Orihime we understand. When I found out that I had literally ripped your heart out because you thought that Ulquiorra was dead and that I was the cause of his death I felt ashamed. It's one of the reasons we brought him back the other is because we wanted the old Orihime back the one who's smile brought joy and happiness to everyone. If you can forgive me Orihime for almost killing Ulquiorra that would make me happy." Ichigo said with a smile

"Only if you can forgive me for being so mean and rude to you the past few months." Orihime said with a smile

"Deal!" Ichigo said with a laugh

Everyone laughed and forgave each other for what had happened. That day their friendship had become stronger.

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