Chapter Eleven: Ulquiorra Proposes

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The day was finally here. It was graduation day and everyone was excited especially Ulquiorra and Orihime. Orihime was excited to start something new in her life and be with Ulquiorra more so then she already was. Ulquiorra because today he would pop the question and hope for the best. He was nervous but didn't show it. He just stayed by Orihime's side the whole day before the ceremony started. Everyone was talking almost a mile a minute some were trying not to cry.

"Orihime Chan I can't believe I won't be able to see your beautiful face anymore!" Chizuru wined

"It'll be okay Chizuru Chan" Orihime said gently

Ulquiorra's eye started to twitch. He was restraining himself from killing the red head bitch as much as possible. She found any excuse to hang on to Orihime when ever she could and it was driving him up a wall. He really hope he didn't have to see her anytime soon after the graduation cause if he did he wouldn't be responsible for her suddenly going missing. Tatsuki sighed and pulled Chizuru off of Orihime and held on to her shirt so she didn't attach herself to Orihime again. Orihime giggled and walked over to Ulquiorra and put her arms around his waist and nuzzled her face into his chest. Ulquiorra wrapped his arms around her and put his nose in her hair smelling the faint smell of her vanilla shampoo. They stayed that way until it was time to go to their graduation ceremony.

The ceremony wasn't long nor was it fast. Orihime started to feel a little sad. She had hopped that Sora would be there to see her happy and graduating. But that wasn't going to happen sense he had died long ago. Ulquiorra felt her sadness come off her in waves. He understood with out asking. He had seen the pictures and herd stories of Inoue Sora. He even knew the story behind his death. Ulquiorra understood that she wished for him to be here with them. To see them graduate and to see her happy.

Soon the graduation ceremony ended. There were people shouting with joy and some crying. Orihime was among the ones crying. She would miss high school and the people she had met and made connections with. She turned around to look at Ulquiorra with a bright joyful smile full of happiness. Ulquiorra smiled back at her and took her left hand in his.

"Orihime I need to ask you something very important." he said

"What is it Ulqui?" She asked smiling

He took the ring out of his pocket and slipped onto her ring finger. Orihime looked down at the ring then back up at him. Fresh tears made there way down her face as it dawned on her what he wanted to ask her.

"Be my woman forever?" Ulquiorra asked

"Y...yes! Yes I'll be yours forever!" Orihime yelled

Orihime through her arms around Ulquiorra's neck and pulled him down for a kiss. The day had gotten even better with Ulquiorra's proposal. She was so happy that she could be with him forever. The kiss ended and they looked into each others eyes ignoring the others around them. In that moment they were in their own world.

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