Chapter Nine: Ulquiorra goes to school

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It was Monday and Orihime was running around the apartment in a hurry. She didn't want to go but she had to go to school no matter how much she wanted to stay home and cuddle with Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra came out of their room in the school uniform he got from the school and watched Orihime run back and forth. He just leaned against the door frame watching her with a small smile on his face. After a few minutes he decided to make her slow down and take a breath before he fainted somewhere.

"Hime slow down." he told her

"I can't I have to be at school in less than an hour!" She said

"Hime the school is not to far away from us." Ulquiorra said

"I know but still!" She yelled excitedly

Orihime kept rushing around the apartment that she didn't even realized that Ulquiorra was wearing her school uniform. That is until she ran in to him. Orihime paused for a second and looked at him. She had finally realized he was wearing a school uniform for her school. Her eyes went wide and she looked in his green eyes with confusion in her grey ones. Was Ulquiorra going to school with her?

"Ulqi are you going to school with me?" She asked

"Yes. I registered the other day while you were enjoying time with your friends. I wanted to surprise you this morning." He explained

Orihime was very much surprised and very happy. She didn't have to wait until after school to see her love. She threw her arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss him. Showing him how happy she was that he was doing this for her and in order to be with her through out the day. Ulquiorra kissed back feeling her happiness and her joy. He was happy that he made her happy. Orihime ended the kiss and smiled up at him with a bright and beautiful smile that made his heart race.

"Thank you Ulquiorra. This makes me really really happy!" She said

"I'm glad I was able to make you smile once more my princess." Ulquiorra said with a smile.

After a few more minutes they left the house and made their way to the school where they met up with Tatsuki who was happy that Ulquiorra wasn't dead. This meant that her best friend was happy again for that she could over look the fact that he had kidnapped and had nearly killed Orihime at one point. She walked with them and watched as they held hands and talked and laughed together. It was nice for to see Orihime happy in months it was also good not to see her on her own anymore. All of sudden she got this sort of chill running up her spine. She knew that feeling well it was a sign that Chizuru was coming.....again.

"Orihime Chan!!!!!" Chizuru screamed

She latched on to Orihime making her let go of Ulquiorra's hand. Chizuru squeezed Orihime to her not noticing the intense glare that would possibly have killed her by now. Tatsuki noticed that and tried to get Chizuru to let go of Orihime before the ex espada killed her.

"Chizuru let go of Orihime or else it won't end well for you." Tatsuki warned

"Why should I Orihime is mine!" Chizuru yelled

That made Ulquiorra even angrier you could feel the killing aurora coming off of him in waves.

"Now you've done it" Tatsuki sighed


Before Chizuru could say a word she was flipped in the air and ended up landing right on her ass. She looked up to scream at who did that but choked on her words when her eyes met intense green eyes that were glaring down at her. Ulquiorra had put Orihime behind him and glared down at the girl wanting to kill her on the spot for say that his Orihime belonged to her when she obviously belonged to him as he belonged to her.

"She is not yours she is mine. She is my princess. My woman. My Orihime. Just as I am hers." Ulquiorra said in a dangerous voice.

"W..w...who are you? What do you mean she's yours and you are hers?" Chizuru asked

Orihime was the one to answer her question. She took hold of Ulquiorra's hand and looked at Chizuru with a sorry look.

"This is Schiffer Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra is my boyfriend." She explained

At this Chizuru went into shock. Tatsuki just sighed and kept moving to the class room Ulquiorra dragging Orihime with him and followed. So far his first day of school was interesting and somewhat annoying because of that red head girl that decided to cling to his Orihime. But that was fine as long as Orihime kept smiling at him like she was now.

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