Chapter Nineteen: Unexpected Birth

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It had been a month sense Grimmjow was taken to the soul society to start his tests. The test was the exact same as when Ulquiorra had taken them. Orihime and Ulquiorra were glad that he was doing so well. Rukia would come back once and while and tell them all about his process and how he was doing. That pleased Orihime that he was getting along with their friends though Soi Fon kept trying to attack him. He was under the protection of Captain Kuchiki now so it wouldn't be a problem anymore.

Orihime was in her eighth month of pregnancy and was really having a hard time getting things especially when Ulquiorra was at work. Days like those Ichigo was there to help her. He worked with his dad at the clinic and usually had time to come over if it wasn't to busy. It was a good thing he was there too. Orihime had been feeling a sharp pain sense she woke up but just thought nothing of it and went on with her day. She and Ichigo were talking cheerfully about the baby.

"She really loves to kick when Ulquiorra put's his hands on my stomach or when I sing to her." Orihime beamed

"Hahaha that actually sounds like how Karin and Yuzu was when inside mom. Would kick like crazy when she would sing." Ichigo chuckled a bit

"Ichigo?" Orihime asked

"Yea?" Ichigo smiled at her

"Do you want children of your own one day?" Orihime asked

"I do. But I won't be able to" He said sadly

"And why not?" Orihime asked with a slight frown

"Well.... um I'm gay so it won't be possible for me at all. Especially sense I'm a guy you know." Ichigo said sadly

"Oh Ichigo there is a way to have a child even if you can't have one of your blood." Orihime said

"You mean adopt?" Ichigo asked

"Mhmm. You can give another child a good hom...."

Orihime felt a sharp pain and doubled over. Ichigo came around the table and keeled in front of her trying to see what was happening. All of sudden her water broke and they looked at each other in surprise for a few minutes before they went into a panic. Ichigo ran into her and Ulquiorra's room with his cell to his ear calling Ulquiorra. He had just got her bag when Ulquiorra answered the phone.

"Ichigo I'm in the middle of a cla..."

"I don't care Orihime's water just broke! I'm taking her to my dad's right now! I know it's early but your kid is ready to come into the world so get a substitute or what ever and get your pale ass to the fucking clinic!" Ichigo yelled

"I'll be there right away!" Ulquiorra yelled

Ichigo hanged up the phone and ran back into the kitchen where Orihime was taking deep breaths. Ichigo helped her out of her seat and slowly out the apartment and down to his car. He strapped her in and got in the car and drove off. He drove with one hand and the other he was letting Orihime squeeze it to her hearts content. They finally made it to his dad's clinic and Ulquiorra was at the passengers side and helped Orihime out of the car. Her breathing was labored as she tried to hold on and get inside before she had their child on the sidewalk.

"Dad! Orihime is giving birth!"

Yuzu and Karin ran into the clinic and took both of Orihime's hands and brought her into the room. Isshin came into the clinic and told Ulquiorra and Ichigo to stay outside while Orihime gave birth. He went inside and saw that the girls had gotten Orihime ready to give birth and that she was breathing hard but slowly keeping herself as calm as possible.

"Alright girls! Karin I need you over here to help me for when this little one greets the world. Yuzu I need you by Orihime's side to give her comfort. Alright Orihime let's get your little girl out of there." Isshin said

Orihime nodded. Isshin told her to push as hard as she could. Orihime pushed and hard. After a while she stopped pushing and breath hard. Yuzu was by her encouraging her. Orihime pushed some more.

"I see the head Orihime. Give me another big push."

Orihime took a big breath. She screamed when her daughters head came out of her. It felt as if she was being ripped open from the inside out. She stopped pushing and felt the tears roll down her face.

"Come on Orihime Chan! You can do it just give one one more big push!" Yuzu encouraged her.

Orihime nodded and took another breath and pushed as hard as she could. She started to see black dots cloud her vision. She almost passed out when she heard a loud cry. Her daughter was born. She was finally here. All of a sudden Orihime's world went black and

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