Have you ever had this feeling? Like you don't belong somewhere because your different? Or that feeling that you just don't belong? Yeah, I'm feeling a whole lot of that sh¡t now.
I was waking towards Luke's apartment. Four and I were just hanging out, he had to leave for work so I went back home.
I opened the door to the apart. Dead silence.
"Calum?" I called out. No answer. "Luke?" I called once more. Still no answer. Where was everyone. I started to get worried so I ran to the control room knowing Four would be there.
"Four!" I shouted. He turned around alarmed. When he realized it was me he ran towards me.
"What? What's wrong? Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?" He asked frantically. Once he realized nothing happened to me physically he slightly relaxed. So, I told him my little situation. As he listened he furrowed his eyebrows, he always did that when he was in deep thought.
Later we found Luke. I was relieved at first but when I asked about Calum he told me he hasn't seen him all day. Four had to leave once again, so me and Luke set off looking for him. When we finally went to the last place we though he would be.
Aron's apartment. (Their dad, if you forgot :))
Luke and I were currently sitting In my room (we are in his apartment). My head was resting on his shoulders. I was close to tears. I've always been insecure about myself, even at a young age.
"I don't get it Luke. When I asked him what's wrong he looked at me like I was a whole different person!" I ranted to him.
"Hey...don't worry about him. He took a pretty hard beating. But your right he's been acting really strange lately. And he's not the only one." Wise old Lucas told me. He wasn't wrong. Lily has been acting pretty weird lately. She's either locked up in her room or doing paper work. Eric told me that she hasn't been eating either. Luke and I are really close to her and we're really worried. I laid down absorbed in my thoughts.
"Be Brave, Stormy." Luke told me quietly. He kissed my forehead and got up. Just as he was about to get up a called him.
"Luke..." I called. He turned waiting for what I was going to say. "Thanks." I told him and smiled. He returned it and bid me a goodnight.
A few hours in and I still haven't fallen asleep. So many things were happening. Lily being depressed. Not only Calum but Kian was also acting weird around me. My aptitude test is tomorrow. I'll be choosing my faction,I'm staying in dauntless of corse.
But what really bothered me was how different Calum is acting and how different I was from my family. Would he be transferring? I immediately dismissed that thought.
Thoughts of me being different from my family started flowing. Kian, Sam both had brunette hair and Calum has dark brown hair. I have black hair. Calum and Sam got our mothers warm brown eyes and Kian got out dads light green eyes. I'm here with light brown eyes. Kian and Sam have pale skin while Calum has regular looking skin. And here I am again with slightly tanned . skin. I look like someone I know, but I just can't place who.
I finally drifted into a restless sleep.
A/N if you skipped the previous A/N I have a INITIATE CONTEST! You can create your own initiate and be in my story! You can also create more than one if you want.Who do you think stormy looks like?
Peace! Stay Cloudy☁️

Made of Steel (Divergent Fanfiction(Divergent/Eric)) AU
FanfictionShe was Dauntless He was Erudite She loved him with all her heart.He returned the favor When he transfers to Dauntless things start to change... But is it for the best? Ft. 5 seconds of summer! ✔️ = edited...