I woke up to a steady beeping noise. My eyes flew open to be met by the blinding light.
"Ugh." I groaned.
"Guys she's awake!" I heard a familiar voice called out. My eyes finally adjusted to the lighting to meet a blonde boy with baby blue eyes.
"Hey lukey" I croaked out.
Michael and Calum rushed in. I looked Calum. His face was completely fine but his hair was ruffled. Him and Michael looked exhausted. Like they have been here for days. "how long was I out?". This confused me a lot. Usually I would be out for maximum 5 hours. This was just weird.
"You were out for a day." Said Michael.
Realization hit me like a train. No pun intended. "When the choosing ceremony?" Kian wasn't here and I wanted to see his choosing. Michael glanced at the clock. It was about 6. "Don't worry, you have plenty of time." Calum told me. Just then the nurse came in. "Oh your awake! How are you feeling Hun?" She asked me. "I'm doing good." I replied. "But how did I get here?" I played dumb. Michael and Luke saw right through me and Calum looked nervous. "You were found in your kitchen, knocked out. You father came in panicking. Your two brothers were with you too." She said glancing at Calum. "ohh" I said, as though the information she gave me helped at all. I was glad my younger brother Sam wasn't hurt. When mom left, he was too little to remember her. So I was the motherly/parent figure in his life. Yeah we had our dad but he is to busy being a leader to do anything with us. But when he does have time he spends time with us.
After her checking me, making sure everything is ok, she let us go.After that, Luke and Michael grabbed us by the arms and dragged us to a spot near the chasm.
"What happened?" Luke and Michael demanded from me and Calum.
Calum started my saying he come home drunk like usual, but he didn't find me so he got mad and started doing the usual until I came. He did worse to me so I ended up in the infirmary. Kian and Calum woke up around midnight but they couldn't find me. They looked inside our fathers room to find him asleep. But I was a different story. Apparently after I passed out he did the old belt routine. I was not fazed by any of this. He had been doing this for almost 8 years to both me and Calum.Luke being the gentleman came up and gave me a hug.
I buried my head in his chest muttering a thanks.
After that we just talked and goofed around as though nothing happened.Since Michael was 2 years older than us he had to do work. He worked as the trainer for transfers and sometimes dauntless born. I really hoped he would train me in my initiation.
I checked the time on Calum's watch to see that the train would leave in about 10 minutes to pick up the initiates. The three of us ran to the station and hoped on the train. As we reached abnegation i looked outside. Unlike most people from dauntless, I admired the people of abnegation. The way they are selfless and how they help people in every way they can.
Just then one by one initiates jump in to the train. I see Zeke and jumped on his back. "He didn't choose to be a stiff!" I rejoiced. "Shut up." Then I saw another person. This guy happened to be from abnegation. I was appalled. He's the first ever stiff to come to dauntless. "Hey I'm Stormy" I introduced my self. I'm not the usual person to go and make friends, but you got to hand it to him. Being a stiff transferring to dauntless is really brave. He looked startled. "This is the part where you introduce yourself by saying your name" I told him. He cracked a smile but then it disappeared. "my name is Tobias" he said. I extended my hand for him to shake. He looks at the gesture as though it was an alien. He shook my hand but retrieved his hand quickly. I smiled and left saying see you around.
I looked at the transfers seeing there was an Amity. I cringe. Why was there an Amity? I absolutely hated them. They're go happy sluts that think everything in the world is ok. Ugh.
I glanced at the Erudite. I saw Eric standing as one of them. He catches my eye and his eyes sparkle. I smile at him and waved slightly.
I went back to Luke and Calum who were talking to Zeke. "thank goodness your staying Zeke. I would of thought that you would join abnegation or something."
He playfully rolled his eyes and punched my shoulder.
I glanced back to Eric to see the Amity girl literally all over him. He looks at me and gives me a pleading look.
I made my way over to them. My posture straight and my shoulder back so I look stronger than my regular slouching posture.
I cleared my throat. The slut looks at me and raises her eyebrows to challenge me. I glare at her intensely. She squirms away to the other side of the train. I looked at Eric to see him smirking at me. "Do let it get to your head, nose" I told him while winking. I waved and made my way back to Luke and Calum. They had smug looks on their faces. Shut up" I muttered to them.
We jumped off the train where the initiates would jump off. As soon as I landed I saw my best friend in the whole wide world, Lil. She was a dauntless leader, she's now 27. Lil looked after me when my parents couldn't. (A/N just forget that stormy knew Shauna okay? Okay.) It's nice to have a friend that's a girl. She's the only one that knows my feelings for Eric. I mean, Luke, Calum, and Michael know about Eric but not asmuch.Next to Lil was my dad. His eyes intimidating eyes softened and ran up to me. "Oh my gosh sweety. Are you ok? I woke up today to hear you were in the infirmary." The thing was, he didn't know he was the cause. I acted normal and lied through my teeth saying, "oh that. It was just one of Uriah and Zekes pranks gone wrong. It's ok" Half of me felt bad for lying, and the other half wanted to rip his balls of because he was the reason.
Lil looked at me knowingly. "Hey storm, why don't you announce the jumpers?" She asked. She gave me a look saying we are definitely talking about this later. "Ok." I said. Luke went down the hole first, then Calum.I stepped up into the small wall to jump in. My legs sprung from the ground doing a flip into the darkness. My back hit the net. It felt so blissful making me ecstatic for my initiation.
Amar let us down. I'll told him that I'll be announcing and he was perfectly fine with it. (A/N I've never read the book four so I don't know who jumped first ;) )
I heard my fathers commander voice asking who wanted to jump first. I smirked. I saw the dauntless born initiates enter through a passage that's hidden so the transfers have to go jump through the hole. In their minds there is no where else to go when really theres a stairway. Almost makes me want to laugh.I saw someone jump down. I see a white lab coat and blue. Maybe it's Eric. The person didn't make a sound and hit the net. The nose started to laugh. I started laughing also while Amar helped the nose from the net. It was a girl. She had brunett hair and piercing brown eyes. "What's your name?" I asked the girl. The girl stuttered a bit. "Think hard, you can change it if you want." I smiled at her. She smiles back and says, "Spence. My name is Spence" her confidence building up again.
"Make the announcement storm." Says Amar."FIRST JUMPER, SPENCE!"
A/N hoped you liked that! Read my other stories of your interested. Comment on how you like this chapter!Comment, Vote, follow! BYEEE

Made of Steel (Divergent Fanfiction(Divergent/Eric)) AU
FanficShe was Dauntless He was Erudite She loved him with all her heart.He returned the favor When he transfers to Dauntless things start to change... But is it for the best? Ft. 5 seconds of summer! ✔️ = edited...