ch8 tired

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"mama?" aimilios says, walking into y/n's bedroom. the covers are covering her body. "mama?"

"yes baby?" aimilios hears under the covers. "what's up?"

"is mama okay?" he asks, climbing into the bed. he wiggles under the covers, seeing his mama. "mama? you look sad. did someone hurt you?"

y/n shakes her head. she kisses aimilios on the cheek and forehead, him doing the same. 

"i'm fine, baby,"


"promise," y/n says, sticking her pinky finger out. aimilios clamps his pinky around his mother's bigger one.

"'kay! can i have your phone?" he asks, grabbing it. y/n nods, going back under the covers. "thanks mama!"

"course, baby," y/n says as he jumps of the bed. "tell me if you need anything,"

"i want-"

"it has to be important," y/n chuckles, making aimilios pout.





that's k i n k y


it's me





hey son


wat dos kinky mean?


so caling u daddy is curly

u r so werid


im a child

i duno how 2 spel


so what do you need?

mama is relly sad rit now

i duno wat 2 do daddy

can u cum over



prewtty plz


im coming

i'll be there in 5 min

im cowtin


authors pov

izuku runs his hand down his face.  

"she definitely doesn't want to see me..." he mumbles, hand still in his face. "but milios...damn. what should i do?"

an idea pops in his head, something y/n and him were still a couple and she wasn't having a good day or she was just tired, with no motivation.

"would it even work?" izuku mumbles, taking his demin jack of the rack. "she can't have changed that much,"


a knock on the door makes aimilios smile. he rushes to open the door and izuku's there with a large bag. 

"daddy!" aimilios says. 

"hey-" a large amount of white feathers shoot themselves at izuku's neck. another feather picking up aimilios, putting him in y/n's arm as she walks down the stairs.

"what did i say about opening the door to strangers?" she asks, looking at him. he pouts, crossing his arms.

"but it's not a stranger," he says. "it's daddy!"

y/n turns her head, seeing izuku, rigid as ever. she deactivates her quirk, letting the white feather fly back to her wings.

"is it your day today?" y/n asks. "i thought you would have him tomorrow,"

"i wanted him here!" aimilios says. "you were sad, mama. and i want you to be happy!"

"so you asked your dad to come?" y/n asks her son. he nods. "why?"

"because i thought," aimilios starts. "because he's my daddy and you're my mama then you had to be together before, so you knew each other. which means daddy knows what things to do to make you happy. and i know you're not together now,"

"he got all of that for knowing me in a month?" izuku asks.

"you shouldn't be surprised. i told you he was smart," y/n says, placing him to the ground. 

"is it okay if i stay?" izuku asks. y/n furrows her eyebrows.

"sure, just don't do anything stupid-"

"how am i going to do anything stupid if you're there?" izuku asks with a smirk.

"i'm not going to be there though," y/n crosses her arms. "i'm going back to sleep,"

"no. you're not,"


"aimilios said he wants you happy again and that's what i'm going to do," izuku says, taking her wrist, gently. he pushes her on her sofa, aimilios jumping onto her lap. y/n rolls her eyes, playing with aimilios' curly hair. 

"do you even know how to make me happy, midoriya?"

"you can call me izuku, you know?"

"i'm good," y/n says, closing her eyes. 


in the end izuku knew exactly how to make y/n happy. he ended up putting one of her favourite cartoons and snacks.

but y/n end up falling asleep half way through.

"daddy?" aimilios says, making izuku look at him. izuku hums. "did you ever tell mama you're sorry?" 

"sorry," izuku repeats the word.

"who knows maybe she'll forgive you," aimilios says. izuku chuckles, shaking his head at his son's innocence.

"i don't think she will,"

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