the perfect match (camarry fanfic) CHAPTER 1

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"Wake up, camz! We've got rehearsal today!" Normani screamed, shaking me. "Give me five more minutes" I groaned. "No way, not unless you want Simon to explode again, just like last time" Normani said. I shivered. The last time we were late, Simon broke the judges table. They had to go and buy a new one. "Fine" I moaned. I sat up but I fell right back asleep. "ONE DIRECTION! THEYRE DOWNSTAIRS ALREADY! WAKE UP, KAKI!" Lauren screamed from the dining room. She exploded into the bedroom jumping all over the place. "WHAT?!" I screamed "OMG WAIT I'LL GET READY NOW" I said as I ran out of bed. I got ready as fast as I could, put on my cutest shirt, jumped into my sweatpants, and slipped my feet into my new shoes I bought last week when we all went shopping. I ran out of the room and joined the girls in the elevator. The second we arrived backstage, I brushed my hair with my hands rapidly, looking around like a mental person. "Where are they?!" I asked Lauren. She started laughing. "They're on their way, calm down. How else could I have got you to get ready that fast. I shoved her. We watched emblem 3 rehearse and they came out all sweaty. "Good job, babe" Lauren said as she gave Keaton a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, babe" he said back and kissed her on the lips. "COME ON GIRLS, IT'S YOUR TURN!" Simon screamed from his judge chair. I looked around to see if they were here yet, but there was still no sign of them. I sighed and ran on stage. "Come on girls! Again! We have to perfect this if you want to get into the finals" Clarisse (our trainer) said. We all sighed and did the dance again. As I turned around, I saw Harry and all the other boys in the corner of my eye. I was absolutely sure Harry was staring right at me. I screamed and tripped. Everyone ran up to me, but Harry reached me first. "Are you okay? What hurts?" he said, as he rolled up my sweatpants. "U-um, i'm f-f-f-fine th-thanks" I stuttered. I felt my face go hot. I was blushing like crazy. I looked up and my eyes met his. His emerald green eyes sparkled like stars. We stared into each others eyes which felt like forever. "You've got a couple of scratches on your knee. Harry, do you want to bring her to the clinic and get her some plasters, maybe some ice too?" Niall said. We both jumped. I looked at the girls who obviously were trying their best not to faint. I smiled at them and mouthed "BEST DAY E V E R. IM DYINGGGG" they all laughed. After I mouthed that to them, I felt someone grab me under my legs and I felt someone grab my back. Before I knew it, I was being carried. HARRY WAS CARRYING ME! Okay, then that's when I fainted.

the perfect match (camarry fanfic) CHAPTER 1Where stories live. Discover now