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The Avengers had been fighting one specific villain a while now. They can't risk and head back to the compound, they need a safe place to stay for a while and recover. 

"Hey, I know a place out of town that we could go to." Natasha said as they were leaving the compound in a quin jet with all their stuff. 

"Yeah that could work." Tony said as he sat down and exhaled.

Natasha and Clint were in charge for controling the quin jet. Once they finally arrived they landed in a field with beautiful yellow flowers. Besides the field there was a house. 

The house looks like this :

The house looks like this :

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"We're here!" Nat says as she exits the quin jet.

"This house is really beautiful." Tony says as he admires the house.

"Lets go inside, I'm starving." Clint says as he starts to walk towards the house.

They all approach the house and Natasha knocks on the door. A girl wearing sweatpants and a crop top opens the door and immediately hugs Natasha.

"Nat, god I missed you." The girl says while hugging Nat tightly.

"Ah, I missed you too hun." Nat says.

"Uh, excuse your reuniting moment but, uh hi we're here too." Tony sarcastically comments.

"Oh yeah, sorry, this is-" 

"Y/N Romanoff, nice to meet you." She stretches out her hand for a handshake.

"Oh god." Nat rubs her face in her arms.

"You- you mean as in.. Natasha's sister, right?" Tony stutters from surprise.

"Of course as in sister, what did you think?" Y/N says as she shakes Tony's hand.

"I'm Steve." Steve says as he leans in and shakes Y/N hand while smiling at her.

"Nice to meet you, Steve." She says as she gives a warm smile to Steve. "Shall we go in?" Y/N says as she steps aside from the door welcoming everyone in.

They all go inside where they see a beautifully decorated house. It's cozy, with plants, fairy lights, just like in those movies. They all make their way to the couch and sit down. 

"Wow, this is the most comfortable couch I've ever sat on." Bruce says as he looks around.

"Why thank you." She kindly thanks Bruce. "Do you guys want to eat something?" She says as she opens the fridge.

"Yeah, a snack could work." Natasha says as she walks up to the sink and grabs a glass of water.

She takes out 12 eggs and chicken nuggets. "I can make you guys eggs with nuggets, I don't want to make anything big."

"I'd love to try those chicken nuggets!" Thor says as he smiles at Y/N.

"Ok! Egg with nuggies then!" She says as she turns on the stove.

"So, Nat why didn't you tell us about your attractive sister?" Tony says as he rests his arms against the couch. Y/N looks at him laughing.

"Well, you never asked Tony." Nat tells Tony as she sits beside him.

"But who is the older sister out of you two?" Thor asks while looking at Natasha and Y/N.

"I'm the oldest one, she's my baby sister." Nat says proudly as she laughs.

"I'm not your baby sister, I'm just 5 years younger than you, that isn't such a big difference." Y/N says rolling her eyes. "Ok, here you go guys," She says as she takes two plates in each hand while trying to take more of them,

"Please, let me help." Steve says as he comes up to Y/N and takes them from her.

"Thank you." She says as she smiles at Steve. 


"Well, you have eaten all the eggs and chicken nuggets that I had in my fridge. That's sad." Y/N says as she took all the dirty plates from the table. Everybody laughs.

"We owe you 12 eggs and two packs of nuggets." Tony says as he stands up and goes to help clean up the dishes.

"Oh no, you-" Y/N says as she tries to take the dishes out of Tony's hands.

"I insist, you fed us, we help you clean up, now, go sit down and talk to everyone." Tony says as he takes the dirty plates from Y/N's hands and gently pushes her away.

"Okay.." She says as she weirdly looks at Tony and takes a paper towel to dry her hands. She goes up t the couch and sits in Tony's place next to Nat.

"So uh, what brought you here?" Y/N curiously asks.

"We came here because we can't go to our compound." Nat answers to her.

"Why?" She asks already knowing the answer.

"There's a villain we're fighting for the past few weeks and we can't risk." Tony says shouting from the kitchen.

"Oh, but WHOM are you fighting?" Y/N asks a curious but at the same time useless question.

"Everybody calls her "Black flame". She can light her self up, and light anything up." Steve answers to her question.

"Oh, that sounds dangerous." 

"It indeed is." Thor says. "AND. They're working with Loki. So that's Double trouble. You could think they're even dating"

"Wow. Sucks to be you guys.." Y/N laughs a bit.

"Yeah, it isn't that cool and easy how everyone thinks it is." Nat says as she yawns, "I'm pretty tired."

"Oh yeah, let me show you your rooms." She stands up and heads upstairs. "So," She starts as she walks in the second floor's hallway, "This is one room, you can chose who sleeps with who." She says as she opens the door to a bedroom with two cozy looking beds. 

"I could sleep here with Steve." Thor insists.

"Yeah, wouldn't mind sleeping with Thor." Steve agrees.

"Ok then, that's that," She opens the door to another bedroom next to Thors and Steves. "This one as well for two people."

"Bruce, would you mind sharing a room with me?" Tony says as he points at him.

"No, not at all." Bruce doesn't hesitate.

"And so it's left Nat and Clint..." She looks at both of them and opens a bedroom door that's next to hers room. "Here." She welcomes them in the room.

"Thank you." She says as she enters the room.

"I've got to do a few things so, good night then." Y/N says as she smiles at everyone.

"Goodnight Y/N." Tony says as he smiles at her.

"Night." Nat says as she gives her a hug and enters her room.

Everybody has settled in and ready to go to bed. All the lights are our, except Steve's still awake. Y/N doesn't notice it and leaves the house.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" Y/N swears as she locks the house front door and rushes to the car. "Loki's going to kill me."

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