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"Those coughs will go away Y/N, don't worry. Just a cold or something." Tony says as he rubs Y/N's back while she's making hot chocolate for herself.

"Yeah, I'm not so worried myself." Y/N says as she looks up and smiles at Tony.

"You know, we should throw a party!" Tony all of a sudden exclaims.

"Yeah! I like that idea." Natasha said, "Oh, but Y/N.." She looked at Y/N.

"I'll be fine, the coughs will go away sooner or later." Y/N said as she smiled.

"Are you sure my love?" Loki asks as he comes up to me and takes my hand.

"Yes Loki, I'll be fine." She said as she coughed a bit.

"Ok.." He said still worried about me.

"Wait, when's the party?" Thor asked.

"Uhh.. tonight?" Tony said as he looked at everyone.

"Wow, ok." Steve said with a surprised face expression.

"What Rogers? Not ok for you?" Tony looked at him.

"No, no everything's fine." He said as he smiled.

"Ok then." Tony said and looked at everyone.

"When's the party?" Natasha asked Tony as he left the kitchen.

"Uhh, lets see, it's 2PM.. 8PM?" He asked as he looked up from his phone.

"Yeah, why not?" Steve said.

"Great, me and Y/N are going to get ready cause we don't have much time." Natasha said as she took Y/N's hand and dragged her to her room.

"But, but it's 2PM? You have a lot of time." Clint said looking confused on Nat and Y/N.

"Clint they are women, they need time to get ready." Thor said. "They need to put that thing I don't remember the name of on their faces and those dresses."

"Makeup." Loki looked at his brother. "Its called makeup."

"Yes, right brother. Thank you." Thor smiled as Loki rolled his eyes and everyone else laughed a bit.

Time passed and everyone was getting ready for the party. Tony had found guests from God knows where. As Nat and Y/N were getting ready for the party they chatted as well about their love life's and stuff.

"So, how was the first time?" Natasha asked Y/N as she did Y/N's makeup.

"What?!" She exclaimed as she opened her eyes and polled away. "Nat!!"

"What, I want to know!" Natasha smirked. "Come back I'm not finished."

"It was.." Y/N signed as she sat back closer. "Ok."

"Ok?" Nat asked as she looked at Y/N. "Come on, he's the god of mischief how can it be just GOOD?"

"Ok, ok. It was amazing." Y/N smiled.

"Now that's better." Natasha smirked.

After a while it came closer to 8PM, the girls were ready and Y/N was wearing a beautiful dress (you can choose the color) with a hole on the back and Natasha was wearing a beautiful red dress. The boys were ready as well and Loki couldn't wait to see Y/N.

Finally, the party started and the tower was filled with people no one knew. Even Tony didn't know the most of the people.

Everybody were tossed all over the room. Natasha was at the bar with Bruce. Steve, Thor and Tony talking with Maria and Rhodes. Y/N couldn't find Loki though. As Y/N walked down the stairs with her beautiful (d/c) dress every look in the room fell at her. Y/N proudly walked down the stairs. At the bottom she finally spotted Loki.

"Where were you? I couldn't find you?" Y/N asks Loki as he takes her hand.

"I was in the bathroom, sorry." He said.

"It's ok, at least now I found you." She said as she smiled at him.

The evening went perfect. Except Y/N coughs. As I said, they weren't that often but they hurt a bit. Loki was always was besides Y/N to help her just in case.

Time passed and it was around 11PM and everyone had left except the hosts and his friends. If some of you didn't get that, The Avengers were still at the party room hanging out at the table. They exchanged stories and played games.

"I think I'm going to go to bed." Y/N said as she yawned.

"I'm going to go with you." Loki said as he looked at her.

"Oh you don't have to, stay with them and chat a bit." Y/N said as she looked at him.

"No, I'm coming with you, I don't like them." Loki says as he and Y/N gets up.

"Wow brother, thank you." Thor says as he looks at his bother. Loki gives him a faded smile and follows Y/N.

"Goodnight!" Natasha says.

"Night." Y/N simply replies.

This time Y/N slept like a dead bird. Didn't wake up a single time. Though, she woke up one time to get a glass of water because of the coughs.

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