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The flight was long. Y/N fell asleep hour later after the plane took off.

"Wow, she really likes to sleep." Thor says as he looks at Y/N.

"Yup." Nat smiles

"Do you guys want some snacks?" Tony asks.

"Huh, snacks?" Y/N says with a sleepy voice as she wakes up from her nap. The rest of the friends all burst out laughing.

"What?" Y/N rubs her eye, "What did I do?" She looks confused.

"Nothing, you want something?" Steve says as he looks at her.

"Yeah," She yawns as she says.

Loki smiles thinks to himself : "She's so cute when she's sleeping or is half asleep." 

"So what do we have?" Y/N asks impatiently.

"Uh," Tony looks through the little food cabinet that he has. "We have skittles, M&-"

"Yeah, give me skittles." She cuts Tony off not letting him finish.

"Okay," Tony chuckles, "Here!" He throws the candy at her.

"Thanks." She catches it with her hand. "What have you guys been up to the time I was sleeping?"

"Eh, nothing much, it's hella boring in here." Nat says as she drinks her water.

"We could play a game, you know." Tony suggests.

"Yeah. Sounds fun. What could we play?" Y/N agrees with Tony.

"Truth or dare?" Natasha suggests. "The basic one."

"Yeah sure why not." Tony shrugs his shoulders.

"So, Tony, truth or dare." Nat smirks at him.

"Oh god," He exhales, "Why me?!" 

"Truth or dare!!" Natasha laughs.

"Ugh, truth." Tony laughs a bit.

"Can I ask him this one?" Y/N exclaimed.

"Be my guest." Nat smiles.

"Tony, what is the worst thing about Steve." She smirks.

"Wo ho." Steve laughs. 

"This is going to be so much fun." Nat takes a sip of her juice.

"Do you want this plane to land or what?!" Tony sarcastically asks her.

Y/N bursts out laughing. "Well, yes I do, and I want to hear the answer as well."

"Tony go on and say it, I won't be offended." Steve looks at Tony.

"But if he will be we'd at least see witch one of you is stronger." Y/N winks.

"Yeah Y/N really wants to set the team on fire." Nat laughs.

"This was a bad decision." Tony exhales.

"Yep it was Tony, a note, never play truth or dare with me." Y/N proudly tilts up her head.

"We'll see when it's your turn to answer some questions." Steve looks at  her and smiles.

"We indeed will, Rogers." She winks at him.

Loki sitting in his seat is watching how Y/N is talking with others, smiling, winking ect. He is obviously jealous. He tries to hide it but, isn't that successful.

"Brother, is something wrong?" Thor asks Loki looking his way.

"Oh no, everything's fine." He looks at Thor.

Thor looks the direction that Loki was looking in and realizes that he as been looking at Y/N.

"Brother, do you like Lady Y/N?" He smiles.

"No, I do not. Why would you think that?" He retorted.

"Because you were looking her way. But don't worry, your secret is safe with me, brother." He pats Loki on the shoulder and smiles at him.

Loki looks up to him and grins a bit. He was never a trust person. You already know why.

For the rest of the flight to Hawaii the avengers exchange stories and funny moments in their lifes. Y/Ns and Lokis eyes meet a few times. Every time that happens Y/N gets butterflies. Though she forgets that Loki can read minds. Loki smiles to himself every time because he thinks it's kind of cute. You know, not every day you get to feel this feeling. 

After 12 exhausting hours they finally land.

"Ah, finally we're here." Y/N exhales as she exits the plane and stretches.

"I rented a mini bus so we can get to the houses by that." Tony says as he puts on his sunglasses.

"Alright, as you say, the teams diva." Y/N chuckles.

"What did you say?" Tony smiles and runs after Y/N.

"Shit!" Y/N starts to run god knows where.

"Kids." Steve exhales.

After Tony is done chasing Y/N they all get in the mini bus and head to the place where Tony rented the houses. 

"So are we sleeping in like pairs or what?"  Y/N asks as Tony's driving.

"No, you all get a separate house to sleep." Tony answers her question.

"Oh wow, that's cool." Y/N smiles.

They arrive at the place. It's a beautiful place besides the ocean with little hawaiian houses joined together with paths. As Tony shows every single one of them which house are they going to sleep in the sun is setting down.

"Wow look, evening allready. Are any of you hungry?" Tony asks as he looks around.

"Nope, not me atleast." Y/N says.

"Me neither." Steve agrees with Y/N.

"Well then, I guess then we can head to our houses."  Tony says as he walks away to his house.

Its around 11PM and Y/N can't sleep. She really wants to go for a swim but doesn't want to go alone. She tries to find something to do. She had tried drawing, listening to music, going on social media but nothing is so exciting as a late night swim. It's like the ocean is calling her. She changes into her swimsuit and grabs her phone to open the avengers group chat.

The chat -

Y/N, 11.03PM "Hey, is anyone awake?"

Tony, 11.03PM "Dear god, go to sleep Y/N."

Nat, 11.04PM "Tony you aren't sleeping as well."

Steve, 11.04PM "Wow, I'm surprised I'm not the only one awake."

Y/N, 11.05PM "I really want to go swimming, does anyone wanna come with me? I don't want to go alone."

Steve, 11.05PM "Yeah, I'll come."

Thor, 11.05PM "Me too!"

Tony, 11.05PM "Why are we all awake?!"

Nat, 11.06PM "To go swimming Stark! I'm in Y/N"

Y/N, 11.07PM "Yey, thank you guys! Meet you outside. :)"

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