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"Shit." Y/N said leaning over her sink at almost 3AM. 

She was trying to understand what is happening with her. The voices. Coughing out blood. 

While she was leaning over the sink with her eyes closed, still coughing, she didn't notice a petal fall into the sink.

"What the...?" She looked at the flower petal very confused. "Did, did I cough that out?!" She picked it up and.. it seemed very real.

"There's no way I could cough out a PETAL." She started to worry a bit. "I'm just hallucinating. This isn't real." Y/N calmed herself down and went back to bed.

The next morning Y/N woke up around 10AM. She got out of her bed, washed her face, brushed her teeth and changed. Everything seemed normal until she went to make her bed. 

There it was. One pretty soft pink petal laying beside her pillow with blood on it.

"No." She quickly grabbed the petal, went to her bathroom and threw it out.

Y/N sat on her bed and exhaled. 

"Please, no." A slight tear appiered in her eye. "This isn't real. I'm fine. I'll be fine." She sniffed. "I better go downstairs." She said as she got up from the bed and went downstairs.

"Well good morning Y/N!" Natasha said as she smiled at her sister.

"Morning" Y/N gave her a faded smile as she walked up to the fridge.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" Natasha started to worry.

"I'm fine. Just, a rough night." Y/N said.

"Ok.. but if something's wrong you can come to me, ok?" Natasha said as she walked up to Y/N.

"Ok." Y/N smiled. "But I'm fine, really." 

"Hey, where's everyone?" Y/N asked as she looked around.

"They left about an hour ago. Tony said that they had to be somewhere, don't remember where exactly." Natasha said.

"Oh.. wait, even Loki?" She looked at Nat confused.

"Yep, but I don't know where he'll be useful." She chuckled.

"Yep." Y/N laughed a bit. 

"Hey, wanna do something, together?" Natasha said. "We finally have time. We could go to a cafe or a cinema. Anything, really. I want to make you feel better."

"Aww, thank you Nat." She hugged Natasha. "Yeah, we could go somewhere."

"Ok then, get ready. I'll think of something." Nat said.

"Ok." Y/N said as she started walking towards the stairs when all of the sudden, she cough out a petal, with small drops of blood, again. It fell to the floor. Y/N was scared that Natasha would see it and start questioning her so she quickly grabbed the petal from the floor and rushed up stairs smearing the blood with her shoe.

Y/N walked circles around her room for good 5 minutes repeating "What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?" If Natasha sees her coughing out petals, as I said earlier, that won't be pretty fun. But what if Y/N just told Natasha what's happening, THEN her sister would be worried to death. We don't want that. 

"I'll just act normal." Y/N said as she calmed down and finally started to get ready.

After 10 minutes or so Y/N was finally ready. She put on her perfume and was finally ready. She opened the doors of her room and saw that Tony and everyone else were back.

"Oh, hi Y/N!" Tony said as he saw her leave her room and go downstairs. 

"Hi Tony." Y/N smiled.

"Where are yo two going?" Steve asked.

"Y/N didn't seem very good this morning so I'm taking her somewhere to make her feel better." Natasha said.

"Aww, your relationship is so sweet, I wish me and Loki had this kind of relationship." Thor said as he smiled at Natasha and Y/N.

"Yeah, but you know Loki, he'll never will be like that." Y/N laughed a bit.

"Yeah, that is true." Thor smiled. 

"BUT, if you ever need a sister-y hand, I'm always here." Y/N walked up to Thor and hugged him. 

"Aww, thank you, Y/N." Thor said as he hugged her back.

You could see Loki rolling his eyes.

"Ok, we gotta go." Y/N said as she patted Thors back pulling back.

"Have a nice day!" Tony said as they left. 

Loki softly smiled and waved after Y/N, glad seeing her so happy again.


"This day was amazing. Thank you, Nat." Y/N said as they walked towards the compounds door. Natasha smiled at her as they walked in and headed towards the elevator.

"Oh you're back!" Tony said as he looked at the two sisters leaving the elevator.

"Yep. Hi everyone." Y/n smiled.

"So, how was your day?" Steve asked  Natasha and Y/N.

"It was great." Natasha smiled.

"Good then. " Steve said a bit awkwardly as he went on with doing his stuff.

"Hey, uhh Loki, can we talk?" Y/N quietly said as she coughed and walked up to Loki.

"Oh, uhhh yeah, sure." Loki said as he looked up from his book and stood up.

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