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"WHAT?" Loki shouted with anger. "The Avengers are at your house?!"

"Yes! Aren't you listening, that's exactly what I said! What do we do??" Y/N said as she walked around the room.

"We kill them. That would be easier." Loki said as he griped his arm.

"Wait, that wasn't the plan, you said you want the tesseract, not to kill the Avengers." She said with a slight mad tone.

"If the Avengers are dead it will be more easier to get the tesseract." Loki came closer to Y/N.

"Loki we are not killing them! Natasha is my sister!"

"Oh please, you have fought against her-"

"Yes, but I'm not killing her!" She said to Loki raising her voice.

"You do NOT raise your voice against me!" He said pining Y/N against the wall.

 You push him back, pull out a knife from your pocket and aim it at Loki's neck. "Do that again I'll kill you."

Loki laughs, "Please. You wouldn't." He smirks at her.

"Why do you think that?" She looks at Loki with a pissed look.

"Because you love me." He walks towards you.

"H-how did you.." You look at him confused.

"I can read minds." He smirks.

"Fuck." She says hiding her face in her hands.

"Sorry pet," He says, "You are a good sidekick but I don't feel the same way." He obviously was lying.

"I didn't expect you to," You look at him, "You have a cold heart. You can't love anyone except yourself." You walk out and get in your car. "Fuck," You hit your steering wheel. "What was I thinking." You turn on the car and Loki watches you as you drive away.


The next morning you walk downstairs and there's everyone sitting around and talking while Tony makes pancakes for everyone.

"Good morning Y/N." Tony smiles at her.

"Morning." You answer rubbing your eye.

"How did you sleep?" Nat asks while she takes a pancake and gives it to Y/N.

"Thanks," She says as she takes the plate with a pancake. "I slept well, how about you guys?" Y/N asks while smiling at them.

"Your beds are really comfortable!" Thor says with pancakes in his mouth.

"Thank you, Thor." Y/N laughs.

"By the way," Steve  looks at Y/N, "Why did you leave the house last night?" 

Y/N starts to panic because she can't say that she went to meet Loki and that she's Black Flame. "In the evenings I usually go out on walks to calm down my nerves so I can sleep better."

"Hmm, ok," Steve gives her a suspicious look, "I'll believe you." He  smiles and laughs a bit.

She laughs nervously. 

After a while you're all sitting around the table eating pancakes and talking. You suddenly get a notification.

"Excuse me," You get up, "I'll check my phone."

You go get your phone and you have a notification from Loki.

Your texts are normal

Loki's is in bold

"Y/N we have to get the tesseract as soon as possible, either I'm coming to your house right now and kill them or we meet up and strike together.

"You are not coming to my house and killing them, we're meeting up."

"Fine, at the mall in 15 minutes"

"Guys, I need to go somewhere, It'll not take long." Y/N says as she looks at everyone.

"Yeah sure, have fun." Natasha says to her while smiling.

She rushes upstairs and changes her clothes. Y/N's worried that Loki will indeed kill the Avengers. She quickly goes downstairs trying not to make any suspicious actions. She as calm as she can walks out the door and gets in her car. She throws her suit in the back seat and starts her car. She drives out on the street and heads to the mall. Once she's at the mall she heads inside and starts to look for Loki. She gets a text message.

"Look at the cafe that's on the right side from you."

She looks up and sees Loki sitting and waving at Y/N. She goes up to him and sits opposite of him.

"What do you want this time." Y/N with a pissed tone asks him.

"First you gota calm down." He looks at her with a mad face. 

"Loki I'm not in a mood. Stop pissing me off." She says as she drinks the water that Loki ordered for her.

"Now, here's the plan. The Avengers are at your house so they wont be able to come to the S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ so fast so we got some time. We break in as quietly as possible, then get to the bottom floor where they keep the tesseract and BOOM, it's ours."

"Ok, that could actually work." You look at Loki a little impressed. "Well, it is easy and simple, but still. Great plan.

You get up and walk to the toilet. You toss off all your clothes. You put on your suit. It looks like this :

(Without the arrows and bow

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(Without the arrows and bow.)

You walk out the toilet and everyone who sees you immediately walks or runs the opposite way. A security guard walks up to you and you light him up. You walk up to Loki.

"Lets go?" Y/N asks Loki.

"Yes, lets go." He says as he stands up. 

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