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The next morning Y/N wakes up to see Loki admiring her in her sleep.

"How long have you've been watching me?" She laughs a bit as she rubs her eyes still half asleep.

"Long enough." He says as he smiles and gives her a kiss on her forehead. "Morning, darling."

"Go a bit lover." She says as she grabs Loki's chin and pulls him in a kiss. "That's what I mean." She say as she's looking at Loki.

"Should we get breakfast?" He asks her looking in her beautiful eyes.

"Yeah, wait-" She freezes as she looks at her body, naked, under the blanket. She grabs the blanket and covers her body up to breasts. "I'm naked!!"

"Yeah." Loki laughs. "That's how you have sex, you know?"

She rolls her eyes, "Turn around, I want to change."

"You know, I've seen you naked before. Like, last night." He looks at her smiling.

"Ok then." She says as he gets out of the bed with her back tuned to Loki, compelitely naked, when she realizes she's in Loki's cabin and all her clothes are in her cabin. She quickly turns around and jumps back in the bed, covers with the blanket and burries her face in the blanket.

"What's wrong, my love?" Loki asks as he laughs a hit.

"My robe is in my cabin!" She groans with her face in the blanket.

"You have your trousers and," He stops as he looks at the floor. "Yeah, about your shirt, in conclusion, you don't have one." He looks at her. "You can take mine." He smirks as he lifts up her chin.

"Do you want me to wear your shirt?" She smirks back at Loki.

"Well if you don't want to, it's fine." He says as he lays back on his side of the bed.

"No no no," She rests her head on his chest. " I'd love to wear your shirt." She looks up. "Why wouldn't I want to?" She kisses him.

He smiles at her. "I'll get you a shirt." He says as he gets up and goes to his closet that he put all his clothes in.

"Wait, so you are laying here with your boxer shorts and I'm here totally naked." She looks at him as he's wearing black boxer shorts.

"Do you want the t-shirt or no?!" He looks at her smiling and raising his eyebrow.

"Yes, yes I want one, give it to me."

Loki throws her a grey shirt and she puts it on. It's very big so it goes over her butt. She gets out of the bed, walks up to her pants and underwear that's laying on the floor and puts them on. Then, she makes a messy bun and looks at Loki.

"How do I look?" She stands there looking at him.

"You look like my queen." He smiles at her.

She smiles at Loki. "Thank you, green bean." She walks up to him and kisses him on the cheek. "Ready to go?"

"Yup." He simply replies.


"I don't want anyone to know about, tonight, you know, not yet. So, lets just not make anything obvious." Y/N says as they're walking on the footbridge.

"Why?" He looks at her confused as they're walking. "Embarrassed that you slept with the god of mischief?"

"Just don't tell anyone ok!" Y/N looks at him.

"Ok darling." He smiles.

"Guys, wait for us!" Tony yells after them.

"Great." Y/N exhales.

"Where did you guys disappear last night?" Nat asks as she walks up to them.

"I was tired so I went to sleep. I have no idea where this fella went." Y/N looks confused.

"Liar." Loki says under his breath. Y/N hits him in the ribs right after that. "Ouch."

"Shut up." Y/N with clinched teeth threatens him as both of them are walking after Tony, Nat, Steve, Thor, Bruce and Clint to go get some breakfast.


"You had sex, didn't you." Nat asks Y/N as they're both sitting by the counter eating their food.

Y/N chokes on her food. "Natasha what the fuck?" She looks at her wiping her mouth.

"Don't lie to me, I can see it." She looks at her smirking.

"So, who's the lucky guy?" She asks Y/N while turning tp her.

Y/N starts to stress a bit and quickly looks at Loki that's sitting on the other side of the counter, then, looks back. Natasha notices that she looked somewhere so she turned the way Y/N looked. Nat made eye contact with Loki when he immediately looks down at his food.

"Oh, my god." Nat lookes at her shocked. "Loki?!"

"Shh." Y/N shushes her.

"I can't believe this! Well, it isn't a surprise, you worked together to kill us but still OH MY GOD!! I thought you hated him!!"

"Well, maybe I did but he isn't that bad after all. But please, don't tell anyone. Please?" Y/N begs her sister.

"Fine, I won't." Nat exhales.

"Thank you." She says as she smiles.

"But oh my god!!!" She exclaims as Y/N puts her hand over Natasha's mouth.

"Stop acting like a child!!" She argues wile looking at her madly.

"Ok, sorry, I just can't believe it." Nat looks at her and then at Loki.

"Hey, you guys want to go scuba diving?" Tony asks all of a sudden.

"Yeah!" Y/N immediately answers to him to escape her awkward chat with Nat.

"Yes, that could be fun!" Steve agrees.

"Ok! Lets go then!" Tony says as he stands up from his seat.

"Oh! Now? Ok?!" Y/N looks at him as she gets up as well.


They spent then whole day scuba diving and having fun. Y/N and Loki bumped into each other couple of times while they were swimming. Once when the met Loki bowed to Y/N causing him to turn 360° which made her laugh.

When they were finished swimming it was about 10PM and they got out of the water because it started to get cold. Y/N was wrapped in her blanket because she wanted to warm up, while Loki was hugging her.

"I wanna go to sleep." Y/N said as she yawned.

"I'll go then too." Loki said as he looked at Y/N.

"Goodnight guys." Y/N said as she and Loki headed to the cabins.

"Goodnight!" Nat shouts after them and Y/N waves at her not turning around.

Loki walked with Y/N to her cabin and they chatted a bit.

"Oh uh yeah, umm Natasha knows that we had.. you know." Y/N tells Loki a bit scared.

"What?!" Loki stops as he raises his voice.

"I'm sorry! I didn't tell her, she figured it out herself somehow!" She explains to him.

"It's ok, I'm not mad at you." Loki smiles a bit at her.

"Ok, goodnight, I'm going to bed." She gives Loki a kiss on the cheek as they're standing in front of Y/N's cabin.

"Can I stay with you?" Loki gives Y/N puppy eyes.

"Fine." Y/N exhales.

Both of them fell asleep snuggling each other. Y/N fell asleep in the first 5 minutes but Loki stayed up running his fingers through her hair and admiring her. Soon he fell asleep tightly holding Y/N in his arms.

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