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A/N : There are slightly more curse words in this chapter I don't know why.

"Well well well, who do we have here." Loki says as he saunters down the stairs.

"You fucking asshole." Tony swears giving Loki a death stare. "Why did you involve Y/N in this."

"I've got my reasons." He says as he stands with his hands behind his back and looking at Y/N.

"Are we done?" Y/N asks with a pissed look.

"Y/N why are you doing this?" Natasha asks with a slight tear in her eye.

"Natasha. Don't. You were rescued during an attack on Stalingrad while they left me on the streets. Then, Hydra found me. Tra la la fast forward trying to do experiments and stuff but i run away. Now i'm here." She tells her raising her voice.

"No you're messing something up. They- they told me that you were token as well, they just trained you in a different place." Nat explains as she stutters.

"Oh wow," She laughs as she stands up, "You are so naive Natasha."

The Avengers look at Y/N with confused looks.

"But, you have this house and everything." Tony looks at her confused.

"Oh yeah, this is from the time that I worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. Honestly, I hated it." She says boredly.

"I actually didn't know that." Loki looks at Y/N with a shocked expression.

"Well, now you know." She looks back at him with cold face.

"Loki, hand over the tesseract so we can stop this nonsense." Thor cuts their little talk.

"Oh, I don't think so, brother." He smirks.

"Leave now if you don't want any consequences." Y/Ns hands start to form fire. But then she smirks. " Or would you rather want to fight" she said sweetly, as she slowly walks a little bit closer to them. 

"We are not fighting you, Y/N." Steve says as he starts walking out but Loki attacks him. Seeing Loki attack Steve, Y/N attacks Tony. Soon it turns into a fight between the Avengers and the duo. While fighting Loki and Y/N are practically dancing. They seem to have fun. Suddenly the lights turn off and that was a disadvantage to Loki and Y/N. But that gave the Avengers an opportunity to win the fight. Y/N and Loki suddenly black out. Then they feel them being picked up and carried to wherever they need to be.


They both wake up in the compound, power observant collars on their necks, both in separate cells that are right next to each rother. 

"Bravo." Loki says sarcastically slowly clapping his hands, "Look what you got us into." He says a little bit angrier.

"My fault?!" She looks at him raising her voice. "MY? FAULT? Oh so I was the one who attacked Steve, huh?" She shouts at Loki as she gets up from the floor that she's been sitting on and walks towards Lokis cell.

"If you wouldn't've have been so stupid to locate your lab in your house so that someone can find it, we wouldn't be here." He slams back.

"Oh please, you were the one who insisted me to join you." 

"Hey, keep it down we can still hear you, you know?" Tony says as he walks down the stairs that lead to the cells.

"Oh shut the fuck up already, it's not the time for your little sarcastic comments Stark." Y/N with a pissed tone shushes Tony.

"Oh, you weren't this mean when we were at your house." Tony looks at her.

"That's because it was Natasha's little useless shit sister. This is Y/N you're talking to." She turns away from Tony.

"Welp, I guess this is not gonna work the good way. We'll have to keep you in here for a while if you're so bitchy." Tony exhales.

"Hey, don't talk to her like that." Loki raises his voice.

"Oh please puny god, why do you care." Y/N gives him a *I'm so done* look.

All of the sudden, the alarms go off.

"Tony, Hydra has decided to strike us. Get up here, now." Steve says over the coms.

"Shit, perfect time huh." Tony swears as he looks at Y/N and Loki, then leaves the room.

"This should be interesting." Y/N chuckles as she sits down on the floor.

Loki and Y/N are stuck in their cells as the Avengers are trying to defeat Hydra. As they're sitting in their cells, bored, an Hydra agent runs in the cell room. He spots Y/N and immediately says something in russian over the coms.

"Я заметил нашу давнюю подругу мисс Романофф. Мне взять ее с собой?"  He says.

(I've spotted our old friend miss Romanoff. Should I take her with me?)

He listens to the answer and nods. Then, walks up to Y/Ns cell and asks her with a russian accent.

"I'm going to take you with me, Romanoff. If you want to or not." He says as he tries to open the cells door.

Loki gets mad and out of anger, he brakes the power observant collar and with his magic breaks through the cell and takes down the Hydra agent. He opens the door to Y/Ns cell and breaks her collar as well.

"... Thank you." Y/N said hesitantly. 

"No problem." He smirks.

"Lets go help others." She says as she walks out the cell in the stair direction.

"Don't you want to run away?" Loki looks at her confused.

"Natasha's my sister and she and her friends are in danger." Y/N says.

"Wow, where did the bitchy bitch go that I saw earlier?" Loki asks.

She gives him a death stare. "Are you coming?"

"Yup, I am please don't kill me." He raises his hands in the air.

She laughs a bit and heads upstairs. As they walk upstairs they see that the avengers are losing. Y/N decides to help and kills almost every single one of them.  

"How did you two get out?!" Tony yells at them.

"We decided that you could use some help." Y/N says.

Loki points his finger at Y/N. "She decided, not me. I'm just participating because she'll kill me if I don't." 

"We don't need you." Tony says as he gets back to fighting.

"Well, ok then I'll let you lose. Bye." She says as she smiles and waves.

"No, wait." Natasha yells after them. "We need you. Ignore him."

Y/N smiles as she and Loki start fighting with them.

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