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Y/N wakes up in the middle of the night, all sweaty and trembling. She looked next to her and Loki hasn't woken up. She's sitting on the bed rubbing her face from tiredness. She gets out of the bed and makes her way to the bathroom. She coughs a bit on the way there. She doesn't know why.

"Dear god, when are these coughs going to stop?!" She asks quietly to herself. "For the last three days I've been cursed with these coughs." They aren't that bad. Just a couple times in a day but it hurts a little as the time goes.

She drank the glass of water and left the bathroom. After 20 sleepless minutes in her bed Y/N decided to take a walk.

As she was walking through the hallways of the compound she felt a little weird, but she decided to ignored it. After a while of walking she decided to head to the roof. She walked up the stairs that lead to the roof. She opened the roof's door she saw the beautiful night sky covered in thousands of stars. Y/N sat there for good 40 minutes.

Suddenly she heard whispers that she didn't understand, at first, but with time they became clearer.

"You're doomed."  The voice said whispering. 

"What?" Y/N said as she looked up.

"You will die." The voice kept going.

"Stop it!" She said as she stood up.

"You, are not, loved." The voice kept talking to her as Y/N looked around.

"You're just a voice inside my head, you're just voice inside my head." Y/N kept repeating to herself covering her ears. 

"You're cursed!" The voice kept telling Y/N things. And as it kept talking Y/N was struggling even more.

"Stop it!!!" Y/N yelled.

By that scream Y/N woke up Loki. He sat up in the bed and looked next to him. Y/N was gone. He rushed out of bed and went looking for Y/N. He rushed to the roof and saw her on her knees, covering her ears.

"Y/N!!" Loki yelled as he run up to her and got on his knees. "Oh my god are you ok?!" 

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Y/N said rubbing her head. 

"What are you  doing out here?!" Loki helps her up.

"I- I just couldn't sleep so I went for a walk, and then all of a sudden these voices and, and-" She stuttered as she walked with Loki.

"Darling, calm down, it's going to be fine." He puts his arm around her and leads them back to their room.


The night was crazy wasn't it? However, when Y/N woke up in the morning she felt fine. She didn't wake up anymore in the middle of the night. That was a bit weird, but at least girl got her sleep.

As Y/N sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes, Loki came into the room with a plate of food.

"Good morning Y/N" He walks in the room smiling at her.

"Morning bean." She smiles back.

"I made you breakfast." He said as he walked up to Y/N who was laying in the bed. 

"Thank you, Lo." She says as she takes his face and kisses him.

Loki laughs as both of them pull away. "Now eat, my dear." He smiles. Y/N smiles back at him.

As she has finished eating her breakfast she goes downstairs.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Natasha says as she spots Y/N walking down the stairs.

"Hi." She simply replies.

"Wow, not a good mood?" Steve asks a bit surprised.

"Don't even ask." Y/N looks at Steve.

"Well, then isn't a good time to say that we have a training session?" Tony looks at her with a unsure look. 

"Oh please, that's the least thing I need right now." She chuckles. "Can I just, I don't know, take day off or something?" She asks as she pours in cereal in her bowl.

"Yeah, sure," Tony smiles at her.

"Thanks." Y/N smiles back at Tony.

As Y/N is sitting in  her bed and watching YouTube on her computer the coughs start. They aren't bad but a little more hurting. With time, it gets worse. She decides to pay a visit to the doctor. Y/N gets dressed and goes downstairs. In the living room there's only Loki. He's on the couch reading his book.

"Hello Y/N." He says as he looks up from his book. "Oh, where are you going?" He asks as he notices that she isn't dressed as normal as she does at home.

"I am going to the doctor, I've been having these coughs the past days and they're not stopping." She says as she takes the car keys.

"Well then I'm coming with you!" Loki says as he puts down his book and stands up as Y/N coughs a bit once again.

"No, Loki, I'm fine you don't have to." Y/N says as she looks at him.

"Darling, I insist." He says as he goes up to her and hugs her.

"Loki, really I'll be fine." She says as she tightly hugs him back.

"Are you sure?" Loki looks down at her.

"Yes, trust me Lo." She smiles at him and gives him a kiss goodbye.

Y/N leaves the house and heads to the doctors office. She has been away for a good hour. The Avengers have finished their training session and are waiting for Y/N to come home. Finally you could see Y/Ns car in the driveway. All of them come out to greet Y/N back home. 

"Y/N what did they say?" Loki asks as he runs up and hugs Y/N as she gets out of the car.

"They don't know ." She exhales. "Says that It'll go away eventually." Y/N says with a disappointed tone.

"Everything will be fine." Nat says as she aparts Loki and Y/N and hugs Y/N.

"Wait, how do you..?-" 

"Loki told everyone." Natasha cuts her off.

"Oh come on." Y/N exhales. "Loki!"

"We would've found out sooner or later." Steve said calming her down.

"Lets go inside." Tony says.

"Yeah, lets go." Y/N says as as she smiles at Loki. Loki smiles back at her and takes her hand.

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