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"You two are going back in your cells!" Tony raises his voice towards Y/N and Loki.

"We helped you defeat Hydra, I think we deserve a 'thank you'." Y/N with a little pissed voice speaks back at Tony.

"Oh please, you were trying to kill us." Tony continues.

"Tony, give them a chance." Nat speaks up.

Tony looks at her with a confused voice, "You too?" 

"She's my sister, what am I supposed to do." She looks at Y/N.

Tony exhales, "Fuck," He swears under his breath, "I'm gonna regret this. Ok, you are free, but, you have to stay here and wear power observant collars for a while, we can't fully trust you yet."

"What ever flows your boat." Y/N shrugs her shoulders. "But what ever you do don't put me in a room with him." She points at Loki.

"Why?" He looks at her confused. "I thought you loved me." 

Y/N runs up to him and knocks him to the ground pointing her knife at his neck. "Shut up." 

"What did he say?!" Steve asked again.

"Nothing." Y/N gets up and starts to walk away.

"You like Loki?" Natasha smiles.

"No, I don't. Not anymore." She looks at Loki with a cold face.

Lokis face drops from hearing that. He liked Y/N all along and still does. Just acts like he doesn't. 

"Wait, where am I even sleeping?" Y/N asks Tony.

"Sorry, but we have only one spare room for now. You can chose, sleep in one room with Loki or downstairs on the couch." Tony tells Y/N.

"I will-"

"She can sleep here, I am going to take the couch." Loki cuts her off looking at her. Y/N gives him a confused look.

"Well, then ok. I'll sleep in that room then." She says as he goes to the room and gets ready for bed.

The Avengers get ready for bed and at 12.00AM all the lights are out. Loki's on the couch in the living room wit no blanket, no pillow or anything. On the other hand Y/N's sleeping upstairs in the bed. Deep down she feels bad for Loki so she decides to give him a pillow and a blanket. She takes those that are beside her bed and heads downstairs. She sees Loki sleeping on the couch all crawled up in a little roll.

"Hey, Loki." She quietly walks up to him and gently taps him.

Loki opens his eyes and as soon as he sees Y/N he sits up on the bed.

"Y-Y/N, what are you doing here." He asks her with a sleepy voice.

"I uh, brought you a pillow and a blanket. I don't know why." She tries to excuse herself.

Loki looks up to her and smiles.

"That's very kind, thank you." He says as he smiles at her and takes the pillow and blanket.

"But this doesn't mean anything!" She tells him raising her finger.

"Ok, ok. Now go back to bed." He tells her as he settles in in the couch with the blanket and the pillow.

"Good night." Y/N grins. 

She walks up the stairs and closes the door quietly.

"What the fuck did I just do?!" She stands there covering her face in her hands. "Ok, just go to sleep. Stop over reacting."


°In the next morning she wakes up with a collar wrapped around her neck.

"Are you kidding?!" She says as she gets out of the bed and walks out of her room.

"Stark, thins thing's chocking me!" She says as she walks down the stairs yelling at Tony. "Couldn't you put it on my leg or something?!"

"Sorry, it stays on the neck." Tony says as he eats his toast.

Y/N gives him a pissed look. She walks up to the sink and takes a glass of water.

"Want a toast Y/N?" Nat asks her.

"Yeah, a toast could work." She tells her as she notices Loki by the table. "How did you sleep?" She asks him siting down in front of him.

"Good, thank you for asking." He smiles a her.

Everyone looks at Y/N with a confused look. Nat's smiling.

"What? Can't ask him how he slept?" She takes a bite of her toast.

"No it's just weird." Thor comments. "Yesterday it seemed like you hate him.

"Well it seemed right." She slams back while watching him with a bitchy look.

Loki doesn't say anything. He knows she's lying because he can read minds after all. He even smirks a little to himself.

"What are our plans?" Y/N asks looking at Tony.

"Ours*" He corrects Y/N. "You're not going anywhere." He looks at her. "We have to go do one thing. You and Loki will be staying here locked in."

"Will we at least be able to order food?" She asks.

"You can call Pepper and she'll order for you." Tony says as he gets up from  the table.

"Fine." Y/N with a pissed voice exhales.

The Avengers leave the compound and you and Loki are alone.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Loki asks as he looks at Y/N.

"I am going to go to my room and watch movies. I don't know what are you going to do." Y/N says as she goes upstairs.

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