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"Is something wrong Y/N?" Loki asks Y/N as they walk up to her room.

"I just, wanted to talk." She said.

"Well, I'm listening." Loki said as he closed the door.

"I just wanted to.. I just.." She stuttered a bit "I just wanted to tell you that-"

Loki can see that Y/N is stressed so he gives her a big hug that calms her down a bit.

"Thank you, I needed that." Y/N gave Loki a small smile. "Ok.. I just uh, oh god how do I tell this" Y/N starts walking around her room.

"Just, say it" Loki laughs as he's clueless why is it hard to "say it".

"I still have feelings for you."

"Oh.." Loki didn't expect that from Y/N.

"I'm sorry if that's so sudden I just had to tell you that, it's ok if you don't feel the same way, I know it's been a while but, yeah, that's that." Y/N mumbled in a nervous voice.

"Hey, calm down it's ok." Loki tried to calm down Y/N as he saw that she was a little stressed.

"I.. I like you too Y/N, as a friend, but, I don't think this would be a good idea." Loki spoke softly trying not to make Y/N sad.

"Why are you so cold." Y/N's face became nub as she just stood there looking at Loki. "You know, I am trying my best here while you care just about yourself. Where did that Loki go who loved me. Who cared for me." Y/N's voice is trembling.

"Look, ok, I am not gonna lie, I did love you, but people change, Y/N." Loki said.

"Wha- people change? Hearing that from you sounds pathetic. You don't change, Loki. I don't even know now if you really loved me. Or if you just used me. Say it. Confess. I was just a empty place for you. A pet you could play with, when you were sad."

"Ok now stop." Loki shouted.

"Why? Am I getting close to the truth? Am I blowing your cover? What are you going to do?" Y/N said with no emotions. You could see little fire flames in her hands.

"You know what, I'm so done with this I can't deal with you anymore, Loki, you are nothing, but a heartless frost giant." Y/N said as she left her room and went to the toilet.

"Unlike you, when I say "I love you", I mean it." Y/N said from the bathroom as Loki stood in her room, thoughts running through his head. Trying not to cry.

It was quiet for a bit when Y/N's coughs kicked in.

"Are, are you ok?" Loki asked trying to help her in this horrible situation.

"I'm fine." Y/N answered straight after not wanting to hear Loki's voice.

Then, she coughed again. This time, Loki said nothing.

After a minute or so Loki had arranged his thoughts and was ready to say something.

"You are wrong, Y/N" Loki said.

"About what?" She asked from the bathroom, her voice a little weak.

"When I said "I love you". I meant it. I never stopped loving you. Not for a single second. Not. Once. But I didn't say anything, cause I thought you hated every single cell of my body. I though, that you hated me so much," Loki's voice started to tremble and tears started to form in his eyes, "That.. that you'd never want to see me again. And that made my heart shatter into million pieces." Loki said sniffing.

Some seconds passed and Y/N let out a weak cough from the bathroom.

"Y/N, are you sure you're ok?" Loki asked as he walked up to the bathroom, he opened the door and saw Y/N laying on the floor.

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