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"But what do I do if they find out it's me?" Y/N asks Loki while they're quietly walking down the stairs in the S.H.I.E.L.Ds HQ.

"Calm down, they wont find out." Loki says as he stops.

"We're here." She says to Loki as she stands in front of the bottom floor entrance. She touches the metal door and it melts. They walk in and the alarm system goes off.

"Shit, we got to move fast." Y/N says as she runs up to the tesseract.

"No, I'm taking it." Loki says as he slightly pushes Y/Ns arm away from the tesseract.

"Wow, what a diva. Without me you couldn't even get in here." Y/n slams back.

"Party's over, hand over the tesseract." Tony says as he enters the room and the other Avengers follow right after him. 

"I see you took your little friend with you, Loki." Nat says.

"Yeah, so we could successfully steal what I need." He angrily says as he takes the tesseract.

"Oh, so you're pathetic without me, is that what you're trying to say." Y/N looks at Loki.

Loki rolls his eyes, " Would you get rid of them?" He says as he exits the bottom floor by the back door.

"Brother!" Thor shouts as he runs after him but Y/N sets fire to the ground creating a protection circle around her and the door not letting the Avengers get them. But she forgot that tony could fly. He approaches Black Flame and hits her. Her mask falls off but they are unable to see her face because she quickly gets away as she leaves her mask behind her.

"This could be in use of knowing who is behind Black Flames identity." Tony says as he picks up the mask.

"Lets go back to Y/Ns house and analize it, Banner will help us in getting the DNA." Steve says as he runs out of the bottom floor.


When the avengers get home Y/N is sitting in the kitchen holding an ice hag to her face.

"Y/N oh my god, what happened?" Nat asks as she runs up to her.

"Ah it's nothing, I tripped and fell. Nothing much." She says to her as she removes the ice bag and smiles at Natasha.

As Y/N removes the ice bag she's been holding to her face Tony notices that's the same place that he hit Black Flame earlier today. He's a little suspicious but doesn't take it seriously because she couldn't've possibly done it.

"I'll go to my room I have to do some things." She says as she gets up and smiles.

"Are you sure you'll be ok?" Nat says as she rubs her shoulder.

"I'll be fine." She smiles and leaves. 

While Y/N is upstairs the avengers discuss the mission.

"Do you guys think Loki loves whoever is behind the Black Fames mask?" Steve asks.

"Probably, but he left her alone as he escaped with the tesseract." Tony comments.

"My brother is all about himself. He cares about the tesseract and his own safety. BUT, if I had to guess, I'd say he likes her." Thor says as he takes a sip of his water. Y/N walks downstairs and grabs her house & car keys.

"I'll go to the store guys, you want something?" She says as she stops to ask them.

"No we're fine." Nat says as she smiles to her.

"Ok." Y/n says as she smiles back and leaves the house.

While Y/N is gone they decide to explore the house. As they're walking around the first floor they notice a room that they haven't been in. Of course Tony's curious and wants to go in. He tries to open the door. 

"I wanna see what's in this room, help me find the key." Tony says to everyone.

"That wouldn't be nice of you Tony, Y/N wants some privacy as well." Nat says as she stops him.

"Hey come on, one peek." He tells Nat as he goes to search for the key.

For a while they're trying ever key in the house that they can find. And suddenly the key that Tony found actually opened the door. 

"Bingo!" He says as he smiles and opens the door. In front of them are stairs that look like a basement stairs. "This will be fun." He says as he slowly goes down the stairs.

As everyone's heading down the stairs they get to a dark room. As I said, something like a basement. Tony sees a light switch and flicks it. They see as the room lights up. They stand there in shock. In front of them in a glass showcase there is Black Flames suit. Their faces drop. As they walk through the room they see bunch of tests, different versions of the suit and much more things. 

"No, this can't be." Natasha in a shocking voice says with tears in her eyes.

"What, are you doing down here?" A familiar voice asks in a angry tone.

They slowly turn around and see Y/N standing there looking at them.

"What- what is this." Tony asks her in a trembling voice.

"Are you blind or something? What does this look like?" She raises her voice as she slowly approaches them.

"Y/N, calm down." Steve says calmly.

"Yeah. Ok. I'll calm down so then, you capture me or even decide to kill me." She says angrily. 

"AVA?" She asks looking at them.

"Yes miss ?" A voice that is supposed to be an virtual assistant? Answers her.

"Activate code A 1 13 and call Loki." She says while looking at the Avengers.

"Activated code A 1 13 AKA intruder mode and getting Loki on the line." AVA says.

"Hello Y/N? What's wrong." Loki asks as he pick up the call.

"Hi, wanna have some fun?" She asks as she's smirking. "We have six lovely fighters that broke into my lab.

"Be there in 5." Loki says as he hangs up.

"Now, we wait." Y/N says as she's giving them an evil smile and sits down in a chair and placer her legs on the table.

"Y/N why are you doing this?" Natasha asks her with a mad tone.

"Hey, calm down, you wouldn't understand anyway." She tells her as she plays with fire that's coming out of her hands.

"Wait, you can do that by yourself?" Tony asks her confused.

"Yeah, what did you expect?!" She looks at him.

"I thought you could do that only wearing your suit." Tony says.

"Oh honey, you don't know ANYTHING." Her smile dissapiers.

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