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A/N - Sorry guys for not updating the story in a long time. I took a break and had no ideas what to write.

After the show Y/N and Loki played, Y/N had enough of the shit and went to her room while Loki was still standing there in shock trying to process what just happened.

"Y/N! Wait!" Natasha called after Y/N as she rushed up the stairs.

"Ok. Wow. That's a lot of information." Tony said as he stood there in quite shock.

"I know right." Steve agreed.

"Well brother," Thor approached Loki, "You're in deep midgardian shit." 

"Thank you, brother. That really helps." Loki looked at Thor as he sarcastically replied. "I better go to Y/N and clear this thing out." He said as he started to walk towards the stairs.

"Loki, I really think-" Tony started.

"Shut up Stark." Loki said as he looked at Tony with a angry expression.

"I think you should leave her alone," He quietly mumbled, "Ok. Do how you like." He said.

Loki rushed up the stairs and knocked on Y/N's door.

"Y-Y/N?" He softly asked.

"Yes Loki?" She asked on the other side of the door.

"Can... can we talk?" He stuttered a bit.

"Yeah. I guess we can." She said as she exhaled. "Nat, leave us." You could hear her telling Natasha to leave the room.

Natasha walks towards the door and opens it. She sees Loki standing there, she walks past him giving him a death stare.

"If you hurt her even more, I'll kill you." Natasha grabs the collar of his suit.

"Got it." Loki said as Natasha lets him go.

"So..." Loki says as he enters the Y/N's room closing the door.

"Just get on with it." Y/N said as she rubbed her forehead and sniffed.

Both of them stood there for good 10 seconds or even more just looking at each other. The longer they stood the more painful it got to both of them. 

You could see tears forming in Loki's eyes. And to note, Loki barely cries, so this was truly painful for him.

"I'm sorry." He said as a tear rolled down his cheek approaching Y/N and hugging her tightly.

"Let go!" She said as she tried to pull away by not strongly hitting Loki in the chest. "Let go of me!" Y/N continued as she tried to push Loki away.

"I'm.. so sorry." Loki said as he cried.

"Let.. go." Y/N said as she slowly stopped hitting Loki and rested her head on his chest.

"I'm so sorry about what I've done Y/N." He said as he gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"I trusted you." Y/N said as she looked up. "I.." There was a small silence moment until Y/N coughed again. "I trusted you." 

"I know, I'm sorry." Loki said as he hugged her even tighter. "I'm sorry." Loki kept repeating under his breath when Y/N finally hugged him back.

"I forgive you." She said, "But, I think you were right."

"Right about what?" Loki asks as he sniffs.

"About the break." She said as she wiped her tears and pulled away. 

"Ok then." Loki says. 

There was an awkward silence, but, once again, Y/N's coughing kicked in.

"By the way, you can be as involved with the baby as you want. You can have no business with it if you want." Y/N said.

"Oh no I'll help you. If.. you're not against it." Loki replied.

"No, that's fine." She said as she looked at Loki.

"Right.." Loki awkwardly said. "I'll, leave then." He said as he turned around to leave.

"Yes, bye." Y/N said watching Loki leave the room.


A few days passed since the conversation and for surprise, everything was going just fine. Y/N was happy again, that's what everyone though. Natasha helped her little sister go trough this roller coaster by spending almost all the time with her. 

The two sisters watched movies, went shopping and much more things. Although, as fun and happy that sounds Y/N still wasn't back in the old track. 

She was crying herself to sleep every night and thinking what did she do wrong. She also worried about the baby and one time she even though about getting an abortion. That didn't seem so wise to her so she decided to keep the baby even though she was really scared about the whole process, not even talking about giving birth.

About the coughs, they haven't got any better. Oh! Almost forgot! One night as Y/N was washing her face and getting ready for bed, another cough kicked in, and by the way, she now has a little handkerchief with herself for the coughs, just in case, you know.

And this time, it was in use. You may ask why. Well, this is why.

As I said, Y/N was washing her face when all of a sudden she started to cough. Well, this time it was a bit different.

1. It hurt a little more.

2. There was little drops of blood this time.

"W-what?" Y/N asked herself confused looking at the handkerchief. "Blood? W-why is there blood?" She couldn't figure out.

She got to the point that she's just starting to see things because of the pregnancy. 

Y/N went to bed that night thinking everything's fine.

Well, this is just the beginning of the big storm.

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