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"Wakey wakey, breakfast is served." Tony says as he knocked on the door and peeked through Y/Ns cabins door.

Y/N groans, "Coming." 

She gets out of her bed and heads to the bathroom. She gets dressed into a cute yellow dress.

She puts on her sunglasses and walks out her cabin.

"Finally, lets go, I'm starving." Steve says.

"Calm down Rogers, not my fault Tony woke me up 5 minutes before breakfast." Y/N rolls her eyes and smiles.

They make their way to a little hawaiian cafe at the beach that looks like those ones in the movies. They sit down at the bar and each one of them order what ever they want from the breakfast menu. 

"Hey, look at this, it says that here in hawaii the most common thing to eat for breakfast is Portuguese sausage, eggs and rice. So I guess I'll try that." Y/N says as she shows the menu to others.

"I'll take that too because every meal I read about on this menu doesn't sound very tasty to me." Tony says as he puts down the menu.

"I'll take that too, so that means every single one of us takes that." Steve agrees with them.

"Wait, where is Loki?" Y/N asks as she looks around.

"I don't know, probably in his cabin still sleeping." Tony answers to her.

"Why didn't you wake him up like the rest of us?" Y/N says as she gets up from her seat.

"Hey, where are you going?" Tony calls after her.

"To wake him up, cause he deserves to eat as well, you know?" She says with a slightly pissed voice.

She makes her way to their cabins and knocks on Loki's door.

"Loki? Are you awake?" She asks quietly as she peeks through.

She wakes him up by shaking him.

"Loki wake up!!" She shakes him.

Loki yawns. "You have to stop waking me up like this." 

"Well, I could just throw you in the ocean if that could've been better." Y/N shrugs her shoulders and smiles.

"No, shaking is just the thing, don't throw me anywhere." Loki smiles as he gets out of his bed.

"Oh, um, I'll let you get dressed and.. everything." She awkwardly walks out of his cabin.

"No, it's ok, I can just do this." He says to Y/N as he uses his magic to change his clothes.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you can do that." She laughs a bit. 

"Lets go?" Loki smiles at her.

"Yup." Y/N smiles back.

As they walk out of Lokis cabin he stops and laughs.

"I bet they left Thor sleeping as well." He looks at Thors cabin.

"Tony really is an asshole huh." Y/N exhales.

Loki walks in Thors cabin not knocking or anything and just jumps on him.

"Wake up Thor." He keeps jumping on him.

"Brother, get off me." Thor groans.

Loki ignores him and he keeps jumping on Thor while looking at Y/N and smiling.

"Loki, I think you should stop." Y/N whispers.

"It'll be ok, what can he possibly do." Loki says.

Thor who is being shaked has enough. You know what happens when you piss off Thor. He uses his lighting and knocks out everyone in a mile radius. Well, that's the thing he did to Loki just now. He had enough of his brother's mischief and tossed him to the other side of the room, plus struck him with lighting.

"Loki I warned you." Thor said as he got out of the bed. "Oh, Lady Y/N, I didn't see you, sorry." He looks at her awkwardly.

"It's ok." She says while holding back her laugh of what happened just now.

Thor understands about what Y/N is laughing about so he looks Lokis way. There he is. On the ground trying to get all the stuff off what's fallen on him. He notices that Y/N and Thor are trying so hard not to laugh out loud about him.

"What?!" He asks in a pissed voice as Y/N and Thor can't hold back anymore and burst out laughing. "That's it." He says as he madly gets up and walks towards them. "You're done."

"Y/N run." Thor says as he holds back Loki. "Brother calm down," He says in a half laughing voice, "It was funny, I'm sorry." 

Loki looks at him with a mad face expression. 

"Though, you've pranked me way more that I have you." Thor says.

"Yeah, I guess I have." He looks at Thor and smiles.

"Are we going?" Y/N asks as she walks back in in Thors cabin. 

"Yeah, lets go." Loki says.

They walk to the cafe and see everyone else still waiting for their food. 

"You forgot Thor, Tony." Y/N sarcastically says.

"Oops." Tony shrugs his shoulders.

"Tony, that isn't really nice of you, you know. If they're from Asgard doesn't mean they're different. And after all, they are gods. You're just a pathetic little midgardian as well as me, Nat, Steve and everybody else." She teases him.

"Ooh, you got your ass beaten, Tony." Natasha laughs.

"Where's our food?" Y/N asks as she sits down.

"Ask those workers." Tony says in a slightly pissed voice.

"We will be waiting for our food till the next morning." Steve laughs.

"Maybe I can ask them." Y/N looks at Tony.

"Ah, I wish you luck, that dude that I'm always asking he'll rip your skin off. He's the devil himself." Tony chuckles. "Oh, that's him." Tony points at a man that's walking out of the kitchen.

"Hi, excuse me." As Y/N asks the man kindly smiles and leans on the counter.

"How can I help you miss?" He softly asks.

"What the fuck?!" Tony exclaims as everyone else burst out laughing. 

"I wanted to ask how long will it take to serve our food?" She smiles.

"Oh, I will personally make sure that it's served as soon as possible." He smiles and walks back in the kitchen.

"Voila." Y/N says as she turns to smile at Tony.

"I wish I was a woman." He rubs his face in his hands. Everyone is almost crying out of laughter of what just happened.

"Holidays with you guys are amazing." Y/N says as she laughs.

"Here you go madam." The man from before walks up to them and gives each one of them their portion.

"We have to go eating only if Y/N's with us." Natasha laughs as she starts eating.

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