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"Jeongguk-" Taehyung hissed at his boyfriend who was pulling him through the store, aiming the fitting room. Once inside, Jeongguk closed the door, locking it.

Taehyung rolled his eyes when the younger male turned back to him with a cheeky smile.

A silly smile played on his lips and he swung his arms around Jeongguk's neck, all to the younger's favor. "Why did you bring me here? Hyungs are outside."

Jeongguk chuckled, resting his palms on Taehyung's waist, noses now brushing against each other. "Since when do I care?"

"You never do," Taehyung whispered, his breath fanning against Jeongguk's lips, as he looked directly into the latter's eyes. "A fitting room today? Did bathrooms become boring to you, Jeon?"

"You know I love to experiment with you," Jeongguk rasped, eyes glancing up and down from taehyung's lips to his eyes.

"Idiot," Taehyung scoffed jokingly and Jeongguk grinned. "Your idiot." The raven haired pushed his lips against the older's ones, both closing their eyes at the sensational feeling of being together. Hidden in a fitting room in Taehyung's favorite Gucci store.

After all, the music industry in Southkorea is not a fan of seeing relationships between their artists. And then from the same group- the biggest one to that.

Jeongguk and Taehyung, also known as the youngest members Jungkook and V of BTS.

Things happen, perspectives change, feelings evolve, and the two boys found love within each other during the time of them living together. It's hard to keep it a secret when they're in front of the camera, considering they had the love of their lives so close and they couldn't hold each other, let alone admire each other.

Of course they had slipped, of course they got caught eye-fucking each other on camera, of course we have the subtle touches, the suspicions behaviors. But luckily and to their favor, there are 'Taekook' haters and anti-shippers who give their best in explaining these suspicions, convincing more and more people with that.

That's good. It's easier to believe that Jeongguk was staring at Taehyung because he had something in his hair, than to say that the youngest member of the group is utterly whipped and in love with the older male.

Simple as that.

However, sometimes, even hiding gets annoying and burdensome, constantly getting reminded that they can't love openly by their company is heart-wrenching and suffocating at the same time. It hurts to not be able to show everyone how much in love they were.

"Guys, you wanna continue or come with us?We're leaving." Taehyung and Jeongguk cut away from each other as they heard Jimin chuckle in front of the door.

"Yeah, we're coming," Taehyung said, cheeks tinted in a dark red. Jeongguk rolled his eyes when his lover attempted to open the door and he yanked him back, pushing him against the wall. Taehyung yelped surprised, now staring at Jeongguk with a racing heart. "I wasn't done yet," Jeongguk said, pressing his lips to Taehyung's again.

The older giggled, kissing back, but stopping soon, softly placing his hands on Jeongguk's chest to keep a small distance. "We should go."

The younger pouted and Taehyung shook his head, kissing the pout away. "C'mon, bunny, let's go."

Finally giving im, Jeongguk followed Taehyung out of the room. The store was almost empty, so no one noticed the two males being together in one.

And as they walked next to each other, on their way to catch up to their hyungs and manager, the urge to hold hands, or the urge for Jeongguk to wrap his arms around taehyung's waist was so high. It saddened them a little.

"Had fun?" Namjoon nudged Taehyung's shoulder, who just smiled shyly. Jeongguk looked at him with a smirk.

"Today was nice," Jeongguk mumbled against Taehyung's thigh, having his head resting on his lover's lap. Taehyung scrolled through his phone, at the same time using his other hand to caress Jeongguk's black curls.

"Hmm," Taehyung hummed, loving the feeling of Jeongguk's hair against and between his fingers.

"It would've been even better if we were alone, though."

"What do you mean, I actually loved to hang out with our hyungs again."

Jeongguk closed his eyes, his tattooed hand moving up to lie next to his face on Taehyung's bare thigh. "I mean all alone. Just us two and no other soul on the world that forbids us to be what we are."

Taehyung put his phone away and looked at Jeongguk with glistening eyes.

Jeongguk also opened his eyes again, turning his head upwards. "I love you, Taehyung and I want everyone to know that. I'm fucking tired of hiding our relationship." He sat up and cupped Taehyung's face in his hands. "I promise you, my love, if there is a chance, I'll do anything for that."

Taehyung closed his eyes, placing his forehead against Jeongguk's. "I love you too... but there's no way, not now Gguk. I hate it too, but we'll make it, yeah? There's hope as long as we don't give up" Taehyung gave Jeongguk a small kiss on his forehead, the younger closing his eyes by that.

"It's... hard," Jeongguk whispered and Taehyung saw tears of frustration in his eyes and quickly hugged him close. "It'll be fine, sweetheart, don't be sad, be happy that we have each other," Taehyung felt his own eyes burn with tears as he brushed his hand through Jeongguk's hair, who had his face buried into his chest.

"I-I love you so much," the younger whispered again. Taehyung hugged him close. "I love you too."

But sometimes love itself is not enough for other people to accept it. Two males, two singers, two idols from the same group.
their love was basically forbidden where they came from.

It won't stop them though.


Will it?

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