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"Ggukie!" Taehyung squealed as he run up to his boyfriend and jumped onto him, knowing well that he is going to catch him. And of course Jeongguk did, laughing lightly at the older male's adorableness. "Hey, my prince," he greeted and placed a lovely kiss to Taehyung's cheek.

Namjoon and Jeongguk just came back from the gym after an intense workout and Taehyung had been bored to death the whole morning over. But luckily Jeongguk is back and Taehyung knows at least half of his boredom will be gone when Jeongguk's here and he can annoy him.

Taehyung shortly kissed Jeongguk on the lips, the cut off, scrunching his nose. "You need to shower, you're stinking."

Rolling his eyes, Jeongguk let his boyfriend down again, keeping his hands around his waist. "You stink too."

Gasping, Taehyung glared at him, lips jutted out in a pout. "I showered when you were gone, you asshole."

"Well then, your shampoo stinks," Jeongguk retorted and Taehyung kicked his shin. "We use the same shampoo."

Ignoring the pain in his shin, Jeongguk just laughed, shaking his head. "I'm kidding, no one smells better for me than you do."

Taehyung scrunched his nose. "Bun, that's kinda sappy... but I like it. Continue." Jeongguk chuckled as he buried his face in Taehyung's neck, closing his eyes while hugging him tightly. "You're the best for me in everything... Everything but overwatch, you suck at that game."

Taehyung huffed. "Not true," he mumbles, well aware that it was the naked truth.

Jeongguk laughed lightly and sighed contented when he feels Taehyung's hands move to his hair. "I love you."

Feeling his heart do a jump, Taehyung smiled and slowly let go of Jeongguk, in order to look at him. There was nothing that Taehyung has ever seen that is more beautiful than Jeongguk's eyes. The depth, the sparkling, as if there's a whole universe mirrored in there.

Taehyung softly cups his face and placed a warm kiss to Jeongguk's forehead. "I love you too. More than anything and anyone.... but you still stink," he giggled lightly and Jeongguk rolled his eyes, this time playfully, before placing a chaste kiss to his boyfriend's lips. "I'm gonna go take a shower then so I can cuddle you."

Pleased with the idea, Taehyung hummed, also giving him a chaste kiss on the lips. "Then go and don't let me wait too long." Finally they were able to let go of each other and while Jeongguk took a shower, Taehyung took his phone and scrolled through social media in boredom.

He put the phone aside though as the thoughts and worries of what what would happen to his and Jeongguk's relationship kept haunting him.

A month has passed ever since Bang PD announced the new condition and gave Taehyung a last chance.

He has been looking at the situation more at ease the last two weeks, but sometimes he still couldn't sleep, or began to cry suddenly just because of the thought of what might happen. His and Jeongguk's relationship was on the edge of a cliff and one little push would mean Taehyung has to break Jeongguk's heart.

How ridiculous and sick this might be.

Taking a deep, shaking breath, Taehyung fought against the tears. He never has been as happy as he was with Jeongguk, alone the imagination of living a life without being able to love him is heart wrecking.

Taehyung quickly composed himself as Jeongguk walked out of the bathroom, only a towel wrapped around his waist, as his wet, long black hair dripped water. "The water tap was acting up, the temperatures kept switching," he pouted as he walked towards their closet, picking an outfit out.

I never stopped loving you|TKWhere stories live. Discover now