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Taehyung whimpered softly when he got ripped out of his sleep by a knock on the door and quickly wriggled himself out of Jeongguk's grip, tippling to the door.

He opened up, quietly, not wanting to disturb his lover's precious sleep. "Good morning, Joon hyung told me to wake you two up for practice," Jimin stood in front of the door with a smile plastered on his plumb lips. Taehyung nodded. "Are the others already up?"

"Yoongi ain't, of course, and I don't know about Jin hyung, but I was gonna check up on him next."

"Oki, I'll wake Gguk then, see you in a few," Taehyung turned around and closed the door behind him, eyes fixing on a beautiful sleeping man, with black hair and an adorable pout on his lips. Smiling, Taehyung walked towards him, sitting down on the edge of the bed on Jeongguk's side.

He softly planted a small kiss to the younger's forehead. "Wake up, bun," he said calmly, shaking Jeongguk's body a little. The younger woke up and turned towards Taehyung, opening his eyes with a bunny smile on his lips. "Good morning, my love," he mumbled in a deep sleepy voice, yawning right after and taehyung chuckled softly, leaning down to give him a short peck on the lips. "C'mon get up, Jimin just called us downstairs for practice."

Rather than doing that, Jeongguk grabbed Taehyung by his wrist, yanking him across the bed into his muscular arms. Taehyung had let out a curt squeak by the act, now giggling as he hit Jeongguk's chest. "Bun, let go."

Jeongguk shook his head, loving to listen to Taehyung's cute giggles. "Don't wanna go," he mumbled against the others nape, pulling the older even closer, squishing him completely against his front. Breathlessly, Taehyung continued trying to move out of Jeongguk's grip and eventually succeeded when the younger let him go with a giggle.

"Why do you have to be so strong?" Taehyung said, panting lightly.

"Don't act like you don't like it, I know you have a muscle kink," Jeongguk retorted getting up and Taehyung's eyes widened, as he grabbed his pillow, throwing it at the younger, who dodged it. "You little piece of shit!"

"I love you too, hyung," Jeongguk teasingly threw him a blowing kiss, before he vanished behind the door of the bathroom.

Taehyung smiled lightly, as he also got up to pick out his clothes for practice and then waited for Jeongguk to finish, so he can go next.

"I don't know why, but- oww!" Jeongguk began when he stepped out of the door, but Taehyung flicked his forehead. "We agreed to no jokes about our kinks," he huffed and walked into the bathroom.

Jeongguk chuckled when the door closed and walked towards the bed, letting himself fall backwards, until he was staring up to the ceiling with a dreamy smile and a Taehyung-filled mind. He really loves him a lot.

Yet, since yesterday he began doubting his trust in taehyung's words. Jeongguk isn't dumb, he knows Taehyung and he is sure the older was hiding something from him, even if he keeps denying it. He's not mad though, he could never be mad at Taehyung.

"Ggukie?" Not when he so sweetly calls for him like this. "Hmm?" Jeongguk looked up to see Taehyung's head, wrapped in a towel, peaking out of the bathroom door. "Can you give me my clothes, they're next to you on the bed."

Sitting up Jeongguk eyed him for a little, lifting an eyebrow. "Are you naked?"

Taehyung glared at him, nonetheless he couldn't stop his cheeks from turning a shade darker. "Give me my clothes," he ordered.

Jeongguk tilted his head, walking to him. "Come get them yourself, babyboy."

Cheeks tomato-red, Taehyung tried to hold a firm glare. "Just bring me my damn clothes."

"It isn't like I've never seen you naked? I even tasted every part of your beautiful body-

"GIVE ME MY CLOTHES!" Taehyung interrupted him, totally embarrassed and with a flushed face.

Chuckling, Jeongguk finally got up and handed the older male his clothes. "Give me a kiss and I'll give you them," he challenged, Taehyung looked at him surprised. With a roll of his eyes, he opened the door just a little more so that he can lean towards Jeongguk and placed a kiss onto the younger's lips. "Now give me my clo-"

A yelp left Taehyung's lips, when Jeongguk suddenly pushed past the door, claiming the brunet's lips with his own again. Taehyung wasn't able to process what happened, but felt like he didn't have to, when he feels Jeongguk's hand gripping his naked hips, massaging them.

Taehyung gave in, kissing the ravenette back. He was ready to give Jeongguk what he couldn't yesterday, but the younger has stopped. "I'd love to.. you know, fuck your brain out and stuff, but we have practice and you have to be able to dance."

Taehyung blushed badly, as he feels Jeongguk's hand slide up to his waist and felt him hook his arms together around him. "How did I get blessed with such a shy, yet demanding boyfriend, hm?" he chuckled lightly and Taehyung began wondering how it was possible to blush this much. "Such a beautiful boyfriend." Jeongguk looked up and down Taehyung's body and the older whined softly and moved his hand to tilt Jeongguk's face up.

"How did I get blessed with such a horny brat as my boyfriend? Such a cute yet annoying boyfriend." Taehyung cooed teasingly and Jeongguk scoffed. "You're so mean."

Taehyung shrugged. "I'm just saying."

Shaking his head with a light smile, Jeongguk leaned towards Taehyung again, now placing a shorter, loving kiss against his lips. "even though you're mean, I still love you."

Taehyung smiled, hooking his arms around Jeongguk's neck. "I love you too."

Sure, it looked all butterflies and rainbows currently, but their love was still standing at the edge of a cliff and Taehyung was well aware of it, while Jeongguk was not.

And for sure, this is going to bring more conflicts and more pain to the two youngest members.

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