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Taehyung quickly wiped his tear stained cheeks, before he entered his and Jeongguk's shared bedroom. He smiled lightly, seeing his boyfriend on the bed, eyes glued to the television in concentration, where a K-drama was currently playing.

"Hey, angel" Jeongguk greeted, but didn't avert his gaze away from the display of the tv, seeming totally immersed into the plot.

Taehyung didn't say anything, wordlessly walked over to the bed to lie down next to his boyfriend and hugged him, closing his eyes. Jeongguk put the series he was watching on pause and hugged Taehyung back. "Everything alright?"

Fighting tears, Taehyung buried his face in Jeongguk's chest, feeling a knot forming in the pit of his stomach. "Everything's fine, just hold me please."

Jeongguk worriedly tightened his hold on Taehyung, giving the crown of his head a small kiss. "What did you and Bang PD talk about?"

"Nothing important," Taehyung lied, feeling guilty right after. He never lied to Jeongguk before.

The younger tilted his head suspiciously, but let it go. Taehyung would tell him if something happened. So all he did, was hold Taehyung, spooning him into his embrace like a baby. "I guess the show can wait, my only priority is you," he cooed.

Giggling, Taehyung bit Jeongguk's chest, causing the younger to squeak out in surprise and look at the brunet with wide eyes.

"Your sappy ass deserved that," Taehyung grinned.

Jeongguk squinted his eyes at him, before rolling on top of Taehyung, making Taehyung whine. "Get down, you're heavy!"

"You love when I'm on top of you, shut up!" Jeongguk mocked, laughing when he heard Taehyung do the same. The older eventually succeeded in pushing his younger lover down from his own body, but the loud thud sound that followed made him look up. Jeongguk fell from the bed.

"Oh fuck" he heard Jeongguk groan and went to the edge of the bed to look at the ravenette, rubbing his back.

Holding back laughter was so hard in a situation like this, but Taehyung tried his best. "I-I'm sorry." He went down from the bed and knelt next to Jeongguk. "Does it hurt a lot?"

"Yes, I think I'm gonna die, quick--give me a last kiss!" Jeongguk stated dramatically, trying to kiss Taehyung, who squealed, trying to push him away

"Don't joke about something like that!" He glared, but couldn't hold it much longer and bursted out laughing again, together with Jeongguk.

No, Taehyung will never let go of the happiness he feels when he is with Jeongguk.

"It's past ten, do you maybe wanna go for a walk?" Jeongguk asked after they calmed down a little.

Taehyung tensed. When it's dark outside, it's easier for the two to go out together, therefore they do that pretty often. Taehyung would love to go outside on the fresh air with Jeongguk right now, but he was a little scared after what their boss had told him.

But taking one look at Jeongguk's smiling face and his hopeful, glistening eyes, Taehyung couldn't find himself saying no. "Okay, let me get a scarf though, it's cold."

Smiling happily, Jeongguk got up, extending his hand for Taehyung to take so he can help him up too. Taehyung gladly took it, pulling himself up, trying to ignore how the veins on Jeongguk's forearm seemed like popping every second.

"I didn't expect it to be this cold," Jeongguk complained, waddling his arms in attempt
to warm himself, as the two walked around the small and quiet neighborhood, the icy night wind striking right through them.

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