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"Tae, have you ever thought about the fact that baby products never get reviews from their actual users..." Jeongguk suddenly blurted put and Taehyung stared at him surprised. "You are the most random person I know, Gguk."

Jeongguk chuckled, wrapping an arm around Taehyung's shoulder, as they continued talking and walking through the fresh night air at around midnight.

"Think about it, babies are too young to review them and later on, when they're old enough, they don't remember how the baby products were anymore-

Taehyung suddenly kissed his cheek, making Jeongguk stop rambling. "You're too cute, I couldn't stop myself," the older defended his action with a shy smile.

Jeongguk smiled at Taehyung and kissed the side of his head. "You're so precious, hyung."

"But you're actually right, it's the parents who rate them," the older agreed.

Jeongguk hummed. "Parents.. Do you want kids in the future, Tae?"

Surprised by the question, Taehyung felt a little speechless at first, but a sheepish smile then formed in his lips. "Yeah.. I love kids."

A happy glint appeared in Jeongguk's eyes and he smiled to himself. "How many kids do you want us to have?"

Us... Alone hearing, thinking about it like this was making Taehyung the happiest person alive.

"I.. don't know. They're gonna be adopted though.."

Jeongguk shrugged, kissing Taehyung's hair. "They're still going to be our kids."

The euphoria that formed inside Taehyung was immense. "G-Gguk.. you want a family with me?"

The raven haired stopped walking, looked around and pulled Taehyung with him in a more hidden place, so that no one can see them.

He looked into the older's eyes, before leaning down to kiss him softly. Taehyung responded immediately and kissed his lover back.

"I love you, darling. And there's no future for me without you," Jeongguk whispered, reaching out for Taehyung's hands.

Taehyung smiled and hugged Jeongguk tightly. "I love you too."

Jeongguk smiled, as he wrapped his arms around him.

And that's where the fear strikes through Taehyung again. The fear of loosing, the fear of giving up on Jeongguk. He could never do that.

"Can we go home, please?" He asked. Jeongguk hummed, letting go of the older and taking his hand.

Taehyung was sitting on the edge of the couch, just loving to cuddle himself into the corner between the armrest and the lean. Jeongguk on the other hand was lying on the rest of the couch, one arm holding his head, as he searched for a movie on Netflix with the remote in his other hand.

Once he found something and he and Taehyung agreed to watching it, he smiled, moving up and placing his head on Taehyung's lap.

The older chuckled lightly, his hand coming to caress Jeongguk's black hair.

Jeongguk let out a small sigh in comfort. "I could literally fall asleep like this," he whispered.

"Nothing's stopping you, sweetheart," Taehyung said back, still caressing the younger's hair.

Jeongguk turned around, having his face buried in Taehyung's tummy now, making the older giggle. "What are you doing?"

"I wanna sleep.." he mumbled, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist, cuddling him tight.

"This is literally all I need."

Taehyung chuckled by that, turning the TV off. "Then let's sleep," he said, adjusting his position just a little for his sleep, but not disturbing Jeongguk's.

"Good night, bun," Taehyung whispered, a small smile tucking on his lips when he didn't get a response, guessing Jeongguk's already asleep.

"Guys! Wake up! Quick!" Taehyung and Jeongguk both jumped awake by the loud noises and looked around alarmed. "Wh-What's going on?"

Seokjin grinned when Yoongi handed him five dollars and he left the room. Yoongi sat down on the couch. "Nothing, you were just taking all the place."

Dumbfounded and a little mad, the two youngest glared at him. Jeongguk got up first, stretching his hand out for Taehyung to take it. The older did so, and they went to their room, showered, brushed their teeth- you know the drill.

Taehyung plopped down on their bed while Jeongguk dressed up. He took his phone in his hand, eyebrows furrowing when he saw a missed call.

His heart dropped when he saw it was Bang PD who called. He glanced to Jeongguk, before back to his phone, opening it to find an unread message.

'We need to talk."

Taehyung froze, fear instantly brightening inside of him. He turned his phone off, throwing it somewhere on the bed. He can't meet him, he doesn't want to hear something about him and Jeongguk.

"Are you alright, love? You look so pale," Jeongguk noticed immediately once he turned around. He placed his hand on Taehyung's forehead, whose racing heart wouldn't calm down.

"You don't have fever though..." Jeongguk frowned worriedly, cupping Taehyung's face.

The older felt like rooted to the spot, no words being able to come over his lips. He just looked down, trying to fight his fear, trying to hold the tears in and not start crying.

"I-I'm fine.."

Jeongguk softly kissed his forehead. "Don't lie to me, hyung."

Taehyung's lip began to tremble. This will be the end, right? Bang PD is going to tell him to break up with Jeongguk.

"I'm fine, I-I just need to go to the toilet," he pushed Jeongguk's hands away from him and rushed to bathroom, where he quickly locked the door and finally could cry.

With furrowed eyebrows, Jeongguk still looked after Taehyung, confusion spreading through him.

He hated to not know what goes on with Taehyung.

He waited a while for the older to come back, but even after ten minutes he didn't.

"Hyung, are you alright?" He called out worriedly.

"I'm a-almost done. You can go downstairs already and have breakfast, I'm coming later.."

Jeongguk felt his chest tighten by the sound of Taehyung's voice- so small, broken and thick with probably tears.

The raven hated to leave him like this, but maybe Taehyung needed alone-time. He just didn't understand why he would suddenly cry.

"Okay then, don't take too long, you need to eat too."

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