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"Yes, I don't like it"

Jeongguk's stared at him, startled. His lips parted, but closed again, as if he was going to say something, but changed his mind, tending to something else. "I'm sorry then, I didn't mean to... make you feel uncomfortable or something.."

The guilt washed over Taehyung like the coldest wave ever, feeling Jeongguk retract his hand from his thigh under the table.

"That's not it Gguk... I'm just--

"It's okay, hyung, you don't have to explain yourself," Jeongguk gave him a small smile, but it wasn't convincing at all, the pain Taehyung's words caused evident in the way the younger's eyes aren't shining as bright as they naturally do. There, they looked dull, lost of every shine.


"Excuse me, i think i'm ready to order," Jeongguk called out, pretending to look for the waiter, when all he wanted was an excuse to look away from his boyfriend. His mind was running wild, trying to decipher what the older's sudden behavior could mean.

Taehyung felt like crying.

Almost immediately, the waiter from before was back with his note book and took the menu cards back. He placed Jeongguk's order and then left the two idols alone.


"Let's talk at home, I don't like talking when I'm hungry."

Taehyung felt like a kicked puppy, wondering if what he did really was a good thing. He knows Jeongguk made that statement up and that he was simply hurting.

The brunet just nodded, whispering an almost inaudible 'okay'.

Something like this never happened before between them. It was so silent, they didn't look at each other, didn't think of even conversing. They hated it. Both.

Luckily, soon Jeongguk's food arrived and it wasn't as quiet as before anymore, due to Jeongguk's spoon hitting the plate.

Taehyung didn't move or make a sound, only looked back to Jeongguk when the younger filled his glas with water and pushed it towards him.

"At least drink something, love," Jeongguk offered, not looking at Taehyung.

The older felt his heart getting squeezed in more guilt by that action. Slowly, he took the glas in his hand, took a few small sips, before placing it back, adding a small 'thank you' at the end.

Jeongguk ignored it though, continuing to eat his food.

Taehyung watched him for a while with a longing heart, the urge to kiss him and take his pain away so huge, burning inside of him. Internally, he felt mad at the situation though. That damn fear of getting caught is messing with his mind and right now, because of it he made his lover sad.

Both Taehyung and Jeongguk flinched, when the older's phone suddenly rung. Taehyung quickly fiddled the device out of his pocket, while Jeongguk didn't spare him a glance.

Taehyung answered the call. "Hello?"

"Are you with Jeongguk?"

"Y-yeah, what's up?" Although Jeongguk didn't look at him, he still tried to pick up who his hyung was talking to, but he couldn't hear it.

"Is there a way that I can talk to you alone?" Taehyung turned to Jeongguk as if asking for permission to leave, to which the younger just shrugged, continuing with his food. "yes wait, I'm gonna go outside."

And so Taehyung did, with Seokjin on the speaker. "What's up hyung, what did you want to talk about?"

"I know what Bang PD said to you, he told me too. You need to be careful if you and Jeongguk want to stay together."

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