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"You know, I love when you play daddy-dom but sometimes I hate it too. Like how the fuck do you do that and why can't I do anything against-

"'Cause you're my sub, sweetheart."

"Still, sometimes I want to give you some of your own medicine. Would you let me top you? Maybe I can-"

"Taehyung, can you please shut up so I can start recording?"

"So this means no." After that he closed his mouth just as instructed and rested his head on the arm rest of the black leather sofa that they had in the studio that was divided in two small rooms, the wall being a window where he could see and hear Jeongguk through. "Baby, please press the record button for me."

"pReSs tHe rEcorD bUtTon fOr Me," he mocked, then got up and walked to the kind off DJ-Pult. Jeongguk smirked, about to tease his boyfriend.

"So obedient," he commented and Taehyung felt his tummy turn as the heat shoot to his cheeks. He glared at Jeongguk and then pressed the button that would mute them for each other. Taehyung won't be able to hear Jeongguk now and the same goes the other way around.

So, of course Taehyung will use this situation. "If you, asshole, won't stop being like this I am gonna bite your dick off during the next blow job," He hissed.

Then he held three fingers up and looked up to Jeongguk to see if he noticed. The younger nodded and Taehyung then counted down from three before pressing the record button.
[guys I really don't know how this recording stuff works. I only use what I remember from Big Time Rush haha]

It's sometimes funny to look at someone sing when you can't hear them, Taehyung has to admit. But still, watching Jeongguk sing was everything to Taehyung. You can't hear a single thing, yet you know he was giving everything, his whole passion and power into the few lines of melodic text that would leave his mouth. Alone that was stunning enough.

After a lot of takes and small discussions together in between, Jeongguk was done for the day and Taehyung happy that he was able to spend time with his boyfriend.

"What do you wanna watch?" Jeongguk asked holding the remote with one hand, while the other rested on Taehyung's thighs that were on his lap. "Just anything we haven't seen yet."

Jeongguk hummed and put on the movie, while circling his thumb on Taehyung's thighs. The older sighed softly, as he from time to time began placing soft kisses on Jeongguk's arm, holding back from drooling over his muscles.

Jeongguk smiled to himself, noticing what Taehyung was doing. "You're adorable."

That made Taehyung look up surprised. "You're... random?"

Jeongguk chuckled, putting the remote aside, not really being able to find an interesting movie. He turned to look at Taehyung. "You know what, let's not watch a movie."

"I mean if you have a better plan than that, tell me. I'm really bored and there's nothing to do and we have practice in an hour anyway."

Jeongguk smiled, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist and pulling him closer on his lap. The older was surprised when Jeongguk hugged him and buried his face into his chest. "Cuddling is always a better plan."

Maybe Jeongguk won't admit it, but he was feeling like something bad would happen and he knows, Taehyung's embrace will shove that feeling away.

And it did, making him smile contented and relieved, when Taehyung also wrapped his arms around Jeongguk. "You're right, cuddling will always be the best plan."

"Hmm," Jeongguk hummed in response, drowning in the warm feeling of Taehyung's touch. "I love you," he whispered, making Taehyung momentarily tighten his hold. "I love you too."

"I've been here for only a minute and you two are literally rubbing into my face that I'm still single." The couple looked up and met Seokjin, who held a weirded out expression.

Taehyung blushed embarrassed, attempting to climb down from Jeongguk's lap, but the younger tightened his hold. "You're going nowhere," he chuckled, Taehyung's blush only darkening.

Seokjin sighed, sitting down next to the couple on the couch. "Were you watchin' a movie?"

"We were looking for one, but there's nothing that we wanna watch currently." Taehyung explained and Seokjin hummed, getting the same realization. "We watch too many movies," he mumbled.

Taehyung looked up to Jeongguk and smiled softly. "We have practice in almost an hour anyways, after that it'll be late. We can go out, if you wanna."

Jeongguk smiled and nodded, giving Taehyung a quick peck on the lips. "I'd loved that," he said.

Seokjin huffed. "I literally still am here."

"And no one cares," Jeongguk said annoyed, making the eldest huff. "I'll never pay for your food again."

"I-I'm a millionaire anyways! I don't need you to pay my food."

"But you love being babied," Taehyung pointed out and Jeongguk scoffed, looking directly into his boyfriend's eyes as he leaned down a little.

"I told you to know your place around me, love," he spoke daringly and Taehyung gulped, quickly looking up. "He's a millionaire, he pays for his own food."

"That's why I hate kids," Seokjin grumbled and both Taehyung and Jeongguk looked at him offended. "We're adults!" they said in unison.

"Yeah, with only one brain cell together. Anyways, get ready for practice now or Hobi will be mad," Seokjin instructed, making both boys pout, but eventually get up to dress up.


The last update I uploaded for this book was on November 16th oops... I kinda forgot about this book hehe

Anyways double update!

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