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A knock was heard.

Taehyung paused the video he was watching on his computer and got up to open the door.

But when it revealed a distressed Jeongguk, crying, his breath got knocked out of his lungs. "J-Jeongguk..."

The ravenette didn't think about wiping his tears away, Taehyung had seen him already in every emotional condition possible, from negative to positive and everything that's in between.

"I'm sorry."

"Wh-why are you sorry-

"You.. I'm sorry for yesterday," Jeongguk sniffed, "I shouldn't have forced you like that. I'm a horrible person."

Taehyung bit his lip to suppress the tears that rose up to his eyes. "It's okay," he whispered, his voice broken. He hated to see Jeongguk like this and not being able to comfort him "You're not horrible, Jeongguk."

"Then why did you leave me?" The ravenette's voice broke too, the sound piercing Taehyung's heart.
Because our company made me do it.

"It's... better for us," Taehyung's biggest fight right now was against his own voice, that could break any moment into cries of agony again.

"No," Jeongguk looked right into Taehyung's eyes, the older sucked in a deep breath seeing how red they were from crying. "It's not better for us."


"I'm sorry if I did something wrong, b-but don't leave me, please."

Taehyung was on the edge of crying himself, he didn't know what to do. "I-I'm not leaving you, I will always be your hyung-

"No!" Jeongguk took a step closer, more tears running down his cheeks. "I can't look at you and just think of you as my hyung! I love you, Taehyung!"

The blond bit his lip to hold back the burning tears that were sitting in his eyes. He loves hin too, more than anyone else in the entire world.

"You have to try. I'm sorry-

"Do you... do you really not love me anymore? Just like that?" It was painful to watch Jeongguk like this. "We talked about a future, Tae! You said you love me and the next day you said you don't! You- w-we promised to fight against anything that stands in our way.." Jeongguk the tears with his sleeve, to no vain as the next followed quickly.

"I'm sorry," Taehyung whispered, not being sure if anything else he could say would make this situation better than a simple apology. "We knew this was going to be hard, I just... can't take it anymore."

Jeongguk pressed his lips together, nodding lightly, before his eyes trained to the ground again.

"Just like that," he chuckled painfully, "it ended all, right?"

Taehyung tightened his fists to not break down right there, right then. He nodded slowly.

Jeongguk looked up again, right into the older's eyes. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm not crying-

Jeongguk reached his hand out, wiping it along Taehyung's cheek, his glistening tears now sitting in the ravenette's fingers. "Then what's that?"

Taehyung just looked at him, before wiping his sleeve over his eyes. "It doesn't mean anything."

The brunette saw how Jeongguk wanted to say something, but held himself back, dropping the topic. "Can I ask you for a last favor?"

Taehyung suppressed the pain that struck his heart. Last. A last favor. Even though he could imagine what Jeongguk's last request could be and even though he knew he shouldn't agree, he nodded.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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