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"Has someone seen Jeongguk today?"

Taehyung froze by the mentioning of the ravenette's name. It's the next, already 1pm and all six remaining members of BTS haven't seen the youngest member today. Jeongguk was out, without informing anyone.

To say Taehyung was worried was an underestimation. He was beyond that, could start crying any second because he didn't know where Jeongguk is. Or where he spent the night after yesterday.


Jeongguk just laughed, pulling Taehyung into his embrace. "My love, I know really well that you still love me."

Yes, he sounded toxic, but it was true. It hasn't been 48h since the two had talked about having their own children in the future. Jeongguk can't believe Taehyung lost all feelings for him in a span of not even two days.

Because he didn't. And he knows it.

Taehyung felt helpless. "Jeongguk please... You make it harder for both of us-

"There's no reason for you to make anything this complicated, hyung. You love me, I love you. A-and you always said our love will be stronger than any rule and we are gonna end up as winners. Please stay with your words, hyung. Stay with me, like you promised."

Sobs escaped Taehyung's lips, as the urge to
hug Jeongguk back and tell him that he is right burned inside of him.

"Jeongguk... I beg you.."

No response.

Just a tighter embrace, as if Taehyung would be gone once Jeongguk's let's go.

Funny how this mirrors the truth.

"Bun." He tried to hold his voice more stable. It did waver though. "I'm doing this for you too, okay? For our group, for HYBE and please try to understand that this is the only way for everything to work out fine-

"Fucking hell, Taehyung!" Anger. Boiling anger.

Taehyung flinched when Jeongguk let go of him and just held him by his shoulders. "I fucking love you! And I don't know how you think everything is going to work out fine when you're not with me..

"Jeongguk. I can't pretend anymore, okay? We're shamelessly lying to millions of people on a daily-basis, we have to fear getting caught and we have to pretend like we don't feel something for each other! This pretending and lying shit doesn't feel right, I feel like fucking shit!" That's not true. Taehyung would do anything for their love.

But he can't.

"But you love me!"

"No, I don't!" Both their hearts broke.

Taehyung's eyes widened when Jeongguk suddenly kissed him, holding desperately onto him. Taehyung fought against it, even though he didn't want to. "Let-nghh- go!"

He pushed Jeongguk away from him.

Jeongguk stared at him for a while with disbelief written in his eyes and then, he scoffed. "If that's what you want, then take it. Do whatever the fuck you want, Taehyung. I don't believe one fucking word you just said and you know me well enough to know, that I'm not one to give up quickly."

And he left. With a broken heart, sadness and anger inside of him. The best mix anyone could wish for.

Jeongguk could literally break down a wall right now.

Taehyung watched him leave, tears silently rolling down his cheeks. He did it. He told him. But he didn't succeed and felt like he should've never done it in the first place, because Jeongguk didn't buy it.

I never stopped loving you|TKWhere stories live. Discover now