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"Tae?" Jeongguk called out, softly knocking against the door. "Petal, did something happen?"

Taehyung slapped his hand against his mouth to not let his loud cries out.

Jeongguk frowned, knocking again against it. "Baby, open the door please," he pleaded, voice soft, laced in so much worry.

"P-please go away, G-gguk.."

Jeongguk looked surprised at the door, before turning his gaze down. "I'm not going until you tell me what's wrong, bub. Why are you locking yourself up from me, I don't understand it..."

Taehyung buried his face into the pillow that he was hugging, stiffening his sobs.

He couldn't faze Jeongguk, he wouldn't know how. He hated it, this pressure put upon his shoulders.

"J-just leave me alone.."

"Hyung, I brought food, you haven't eaten anything-

"Just leave it in front of the door."

Jeongguk's hopeful expression fell. It's the next day and Taehyung still hasn't left his room. It was a painful night, with both of the males not being able to sleep peacefully.

Jeongguk sighed. He hoped he could see Taehyung if he opens the door to get his food, but he for sure won't when someone is there. Everyone has already tried to talk to him, Hoseok and Jimin have explained the situation to the other members, of course leaving Jeongguk out.

"Love, can't you come out..? I haven't seen you the whole day and it's.. it doesn't feel right. I miss you, Tae. Please open up.."

Taehyung didn't even bother to wipe the tears that were rolling down his cheeks anymore. It was all so painful, he didn't know how to face Jeongguk. He has to break up with him, but he knows once he sees him he will crumble together and cry, cry, cry. He won't be able to hold it in.

"Can't you listen? I-I don't want to see you." Taehyung knows that he was hurting Jeongguk with this.

He was also hurting himself.

Jeongguk stared at the door for a while, feeling lost. The older's words tug on the strings that were holding his heart and it hurt like hell. Taehyung has never said something like that and it frustrates him that he doesn't know the reason or all in all what was going on.

"You don't have to see me, just explain to me what's going on. I can't stand you hiding things from me."

Taehyung froze, sensing quite madness in Jeongguk's suddenly firmer voice.

The younger of the two scoffed, when some time passed with no answer of Taehyung.

"Are you going to continue like this? You can't stay inside of there forever!"

All Taehyung could feel was wretched. He realizes, isolating himself away from Jeongguk is not going to change their fate anyways.

They have to break up, one or the other way.

And the quicker Taehyung does it, the easier will it get to overcome it- for both Jeongguk and him.

The brunet slowly got up and wiped his tears as he tried to form any words in his dizzy head that he could use once facing his boyfriend. Collecting his last droplets of courage and letting out a deep sigh, Taehyung advanced the door.

Wordlessly, he unlocked it. Jeongguk must feel so relieved right now, not knowing Taehyung will crush this relief with only a few sentences, a few words.

But once opening the door and standing face to face to Jeongguk again, who has dark eye rings, hair in a messy state and lips dry, he couldn't keep it up, lost even that last drop of courage. The tears in his eyes were snitching on him.

I never stopped loving you|TKWhere stories live. Discover now