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"G'morning," Taehyung whispered with a sleepy smile right after he woke up, finding his boyfriend already wide awake and looking fondly at him. "Good morning, angel, slept good?"

Taehyung nodded, closing his eyes again, stretching his arms. Jeongguk chuckled when Taehyung grimaced after hearing a crack sound. "You're adorable."

Scoffing, the brunet grabbed his pillow and threw it at the other. "It's early Gguk, don't be like that." He began laughing when Jeongguk threw the pillow away and sulked. "Give me a kiss at least."

Chuckling, Taehyung pecked Jeongguk's lips. "here," he said, placing another one to his lips.

Jeongguk grinned, before grabbing Taehyung by his neck to pull him back closer into a real kiss. Taehyung squeaked surprised by the unexpected act, but kissed back almost immediately, adjusting to the familiarity of Jeongguk's lips and his movements.

A soft whimper left him, when Jeongguk sat up a little, now being on top of him, not cutting the kiss off. Words weren't needed to give each other the idea of what they want.

Taehyung's hands moved to run through Jeongguk's hair when the younger began kissing down his jaw and neck and-

Taehyung pushed Jeongguk quickly down from him when he heard someone knocking on the door. "Yes?"

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, laying down on his back, hands behind his head. "Is Gguk also up?" They recognized the voice as Hoseok's.

"Yeah I am," Jeongguk groaned and Taehyung hit him for sounding so impolite. "Oh that's good, manager said Bang PD will come over today and talk about something. Jin hyung instructed me to wake you up, 'cause we have to eat breakfast and start to clean this cow stable of a dorm," the red haired explained and Taehyung glanced to Jeongguk, before shouting: "Give us ten minutes." They heard Hoseok leave after that.

Jeongguk looked at his boyfriend. "Is ten minutes enough time to fuck you?"

Taehyung blushed, hitting his arm. "Get up, you heard what Hobi hyung said."

"But... hyung." Jeongguk pouted and Taehyung gritted his teeth, because the raven haired knows exactly that this is one of Taehyung's weak spot and resisting is hard. "No. Not with that morning breath- come on, let's brush our teeth.

Frowning, Jeongguk got up, following Taehyung into the bathroom. "You lied about the morning breath."

"Shh, just brush you teeth, bun" Taehyung handed Jeongguk his toothbrush, where he had already put toothpaste on, before picking his own and beginning to brush his teeth, occasionally laughing because Jeongguk wouldn't stop making grimaces in the mirror.

After that, they left the bathroom, going for their clothes as they of course won't stay in their pajamas when their boss arrives. Taehyung grinned, taking a black hoodie from Jeongguk out of the closet, causing the younger to roll his eyes in a soft and admiring manner before he picked out his own clothes and wore them.

"You look cute in my clothes," Jeongguk commented and taehyung smiled, walking to him and pecked his lips. "If you like this view, do you allow me to wear whatever I want from you?"

Jeongguk raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that what you're basically already always doi-

"Do you allow me?" Taehyung asked again, batting his eyelashes. Jeongguk chuckled. "Of course, my love."

Taehyung squealed, jumping into Jeongguk's embrace. The younger boy just placed a small kiss on the others head, before letting him go. "Let's go now," Taehyung declared and Jeongguk nodded following him outside.

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