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"H-Hyung, I w-will have to break up with him. He'll tell me to leave m-my Jeonggukie.. I d-don't wanna-

"Calm down, Taehyungie. Maybe it's not even about you and Jeongguk. There are millions of other things he could want to talk about," Hoseok reassured the crying brunet, hugging him tightly to his chest.

"Hobi hyung is right, Tae. Don't stress yourself yet, it might not even be a bad thing he wants to talk about," Jimin agreed, walking up to Taehyung, sitting down on the other side next to him.

Luckily, Jeongguk wasn't home currently, having a workout session with Namjoon again. Seokjin had forced Yoongi to come fishing with him, so they weren't home either.

And being alone with Hoseok and Jimin, Taehyung couldn't held back the suffocating fear he had inside of him and told them
about the message her got.

"Y-you think so?" Taehyung asked unsurely, a spark of hope in his voice though.

Jimin and Hoseok gave each other uncertain looks. He didn't know what might happen, or what the reason their boss want to talk to Taehyung is. The only thing that was left for them was to also hope that Taehyung's and Jeongguk's relationship wasn't involved in it.

"Maybe, do you want to call him over now? It's just us three, it would bring up questions if the others are here too." Especially Jeongguk, Jimin thought, but kept it to himself.

Taehyung wanted to say no. The later the better.

But Jimin was right.

He nodded hesitantly, taking his phone. He hadn't turned it on ever since the morning.

Once he turned it on, he instantly texted Bang PD to come over. He didn't care about the typos he made due to his shaking hands. He put his phone down again, taking a deep breath.

Hoseok and Jimin eyed him worriedly. "Is he coming?"

Taehyung nodded. "C-can you... stay with me when.. you know?"

"Of course," Jimin instantly said, going to
hug Taehyung. Hoseok soon joined them too.

Thirty minutes later, the door bell ringed and Taehyung instantly felt like burying himself alive and firstly come out when everything is over. He was scared. So damn scared and his fast heartbeat was the evidence for that.

Jimin rushed to open the door.

Of course it was their boss.

Bang PD, who usually wore such a bright smile whenever entering BTS' dorms, looked dead tired and glum. Taehyung felt his tummy tighten, the tears already forming again.

"H-hey," he greeted in a stutter.

Bang PD looked at him, giving him a sad, forced smile. "Let's sit down first."

"We kind of promised Taehyung to be there with him, so we're just gonna follow you," Hoseok suddenly said and Jimin gave him an annoyed expression.

"Sure," The elderly man said, eyes fixed on Taehyung who couldn't dare to look up.

When the four sat on the couch in the living room, Taehyung felt all kind of pressures on him, literally drowning him. His mind was full of negative thoughts, full of fear, his body trembling as he swam in the unknown.

"Taehyung... Good that you chose a timing where Jeongguk isn't home."

That's it. It's over.

Taehyung absently nodded. "Wh-what did you want to talk about?"

Bang PD sighed, pulling some documents out of the bag he carried with him.

Once again, it were some photos that were taken anonymously. Taehyung heart fell.

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