Intruder #1

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Shu's POV (a few minutes before)
My grip was starting to get tired, so I was grateful when the temple-looking building came into view. Not temple - monastery, something in me corrected. More specifically, the Spinjitzu Monastery.

That sudden burst of information almost made me lose my grip entirely. Where did that come from? And what the hell is Spinjitzu?

We didn't land inside the open air courtyard, or even outside the front gates. Instead, we dropped lower, until we were miles below the Monastery. At first I didn't understand - it just looked like an ordinary area on the mountain face. Then I heard a beep from above, from where I guessed was inside the metal being, and a hidden door started to slide open in the rock. For some reason, this didn't faze me as much as it would someone who didn't know it was there. Because I realized that I did know it was there. How could I have known it was there when I've never been here?

At least... I don't think I've ever been here.

The sense of familiarity only got stronger as we flew through the door and fluorescent lights illuminated the space. Everywhere around me, I saw vehicles of every size and design lined in groups in neat long rows. Helicopters, jets, water-travel vehicles, automobiles of every kind. And weapons. Weapons everywhere and of every size and shape; weapons attached to wheels, wings, dashboards, headboards, seats, windows, and even the lightbulbs looked highly combustible. Some weapons were long range, others were detachable hand weapons for short range combat. There were also plenty of weapons that weren't attached to the vehicles. Those were hung up on the walls in trophy cases - daggers, broadswords, katanas, shields, spears, tridents, throwing stars, nunchucks, among others I couldn't name.

For any outsider, it would look like the secret bunker of a psychopathic terrorist, and would feel a sense of unease upon entering such an armored space.

But for me, the feeling felt more like... nostalgia.

Like coming home.

We were quickly approaching the floor, and it was becoming clear that I would be squashed if I did not let go of the foot in time. So when we were about two yards above the floor, I dropped and rolled off to the side, hiding behind the wheel of a massive vehicle. The roar from the jet packs masked any noise I might've made.

After the metal being had landed and the jet packs had died down completely, Valt swung down from the confines of the claws so effortlessly, I felt myself blush watching him. His loud sniffles filled the now still air, and my heart lurched with each intake. I wanted to run to him and hold him in my arms until he calmed down, but another person jumped down before I moved a muscle. I didn't see their front, but they wore a helmet that was topped with the horns that the metal being had been wearing. So it was just a suit, I realized. Why does that also seem familiar?

Then the helmet was tossed aside with a loud CLANK, revealing shiny gray hair that was done up in a ponytail. Not gray - silver. Silver hair that was almost too shiny, almost like metal. For some reason, that also seemed familiar. WHY DOES EVERYTHING HERE SEEM SO FAMILIAR?!

The person with the metal hair lead Valt down a hallway, which curiously light up a bright blue as they went down it. I meant to follow them - correction, to follow Valt - but something kept me where I was until they were out of sight. I stayed there until I was certain that neither were coming back, then I slowly unwound myself from my crouching position. For a minute, I just stood there, staring at the hallway they had disappeared down.

A voice inside me told me to go after them, but an even louder voice reminded me that I had questions, and a lot of them could be solved here.

So I hung back and took a closer look at all the stuff in the cavernous space. The vehicle I had hidden behind did have large wheels, but it they didn't draw more attention than the massive, golden drill sticking out of the front. The body and wheels themselves were black with highlights of amber and orange, with a sort of cockpit that had a covering of orange veined glass.

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