PIXAL's mindset

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Three months later...
I must say, young Valt has made some real progress these past few months. But I must also admit that his demeanor has dimmed, to say the least.
Since I am not a stalker, at least by illegal standards, I downloaded any and all information on him when he officially became my student (I had to know what he was comfortable with, of course). In nearly every picture I saw of him, he was smiling. Even in his registration picture for the National Tournament, he had the hint of a smile on his face. And now he just walks around with an emotionless expression on his face; the youthful light in his eyes had been put out long ago.
If you're still wondering how he got that scar on his face, and why the Elemental Power of Lightning was blocked in his body in the first place, I can tell you that tale. I play a part in it, after all.
When Valt Aoi was merely three years old, he was running errands with his mother, Chiharu. Unfortunately, that same day, two thugs were looking for easy targets. They cornered the two Aoi's, separated Valt from Chiharu, and proceeded to attempt to harass her in front of him. Now, Chiharu was a former Master. She could have easily defended herself, even without the power of Lightning.
Little Valt did not know that.
Wanting to defend himself and his mother, Valt instinctively called on his Elemental Power and transformed into his Dragon Form. It was a much smaller version of the form he used in Brazil - he was three, after all - but it had the desired effect. Terrified, the thugs split. I was told even one of them wet his pants.
However, Valt's young body hadn't yet been trained to contain the Form. He turned back too quickly, weeping profusely and suffering from several burns.
Unsure of what else to do, Chiharu brought her injured and traumatized son to the Monastery, asking if I could treat him. Of course I did, and most of his burns weren't severe. It was obvious, though, that the burn on his left cheek, left over from the lightning tattoos from his Dragon Form, would leave a permanent scar.
After the procedure, Chiharu came up to me and told me that she would not allow her son to bare the burden of a Master. She asked if it was possible for her to transfer the Element of Lightning back into her own body. I told her that once an Elemental Power was transferred, by parental genetics or by choice, it could not be transferred back. Valt was the new Master of Lightning, whether she liked it or not.
So instead, she asked if it was possible to put a block on the power.
Believe it or not, I knew a way, and told her so. But I also knew that no form of blockage would be able to stop an Elemental Power for long. I warned Chiharu that a series of strong emotions would weaken the block overtime. Staring at me with a fire in her eyes I hadn't seen since I was her teacher, she told me exactly, "It doesn't matter. As long as my son grows up knowing a normal life, I'll be happy." Surprised, and honestly a little frightened by the look in her eyes, I agreed.
So the block was installed. It was not easy... and it was not happy.
Afterwards, Chiharu barely left Valt's side as he lay bandaged and unconscious in bed. She watched him with the look of a mother gazing at her newborn child. To be honest, I was jealous of Chiharu in that moment. I was jealous because she was a mother with a child. Zane and I never built any children of our own, and while I personally view each generation as my children, I do not coddle them as such. Partly because I knew they would not want their nindroid teacher treating them like children. Another part is because I know they already have mothers, and it would be rude for me to take their place.
I have often entertained the idea of building a child of my own, but it would not be the same. They would just do whatever I programmed them to do. It would not be able to feel like I do, and the other part of the technology that enables me to do so is currently powering Ninjago. That, however, is a story for another time.
So all in all, I am alone.
Now, eight years later, the block is broken. Valt has given up worrying about his appearance; he now wears his longer blue hair in a ponytail, and flat out refuses to wear his regular clothing, even though I lay out a clean assemble as an option everyday. He now prefers to always wear his blue training gi; I've even seen him wear the white undershirt to bed. His shoulders are always bare, exposing the pale gunshot scar on his left shoulder. You'd think such a wound would make him self-conscious, but quite the opposite. He calls it a symbol of the lesson he learned.
When Valt is not in the courtyard, training, he is in his room, staring at the wall. I know he has not adjusted yet. Who could adjust to having an entire new life in the blink of an eye? And his powers? He hasn't adjusted to them at all. He has to be careful each time he reaches for something, lest he accidentally releases a large amount of electricity. Whenever that happens, he just breaks down crying. It takes a whole 5 minutes of me consoling him to get him to calm down.
Yes, there is a protocol that all Masters must be found once one pops up. And yes, I do have a machine that looks for high Elemental Power spikes. Valt shouldn't be alone. In retrospect, showing Valt the machine while he was still in his depressed state wasn't the best idea. Impressed, he had reached forward to run his fingers over the contraption... and I'm sure you can guess what happened next.
Now the machine lays in pieces on my work desk. I can fix it, obviously, but it's going to take a while. Poor Valt was even more devastated after the incident. I think it's why he spends most of his time in his room - to make sure he doesn't slip up like that again.
But now, I'm walking to his room with a news report downloaded onto my arm. It's sure to get him to feel... something, though what he feels is up to him. It's not good news. He won't view it as good news. Regardless - he has a right to know.
They were friends, after all.
1145 words. First update of the weekend.

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