First Stop: Ken

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Valt's POV
My plan was simple: start with family and friends closest to home, then slowly move outwards to family and friends in foreign countries. So that meant Ken, Toko, Nika, and my mom were up first.
I felt bad as I slipped a voice modulator into my mask. Next to myself (yes, I admit it, I've had my wet eyes moments), Ken was one of the most emotional people I knew, and I was about to give him the shock of his life. Toko and Nika definitely wouldn't like the idea of their big brother being a monster. And mom... I wasn't sure how I felt about seeing her again. They all needed to know, that much was certain, but I hated it. I hated this whole situation. Still, PIXAL was right - I had to tell them, what was going on with me, and the best way to ease Toko, Nika, and Ken into it was with a battle. Mom... I'll just pop by the bakery.

Gripping my new beyblade, fresh from the printer, tightly so I wouldn't let go of it in midair, I shifted into my Dragon Form. It was becoming easier and easier to turn into... but that didn't make me feel any better when I shifted. Shuddering slightly as painful memories of the first time I transformed crossed my mind, I spread my wings and took off.

Time to see my old home.

No One's POV
It was a regular day for the Beasts bey club. Ken and Ben were going at it in one bey stadium while Yoga and Raita were having a battle in another. Sanji (I don't know his name, so I'm just gonna make one up.) was busy restocking the practice room cooler with water bottles.

Everyone looked up, though, when the sound of a bey bursting came from Ben and Ken's stadium. Ben leaned down and picked up Betromoth, which wasn't in pieces. "Yo, Ken," He said to the black haired blader, who was staring sullenly down at the pieces of Kerbeus. "You've really been off your game lately, what's up?"

"Yeah, that's the fourth battle you've lost to Ben today," Sanji piped up, his job momentarily forgotten.

Another bursting noise came from the stadium next to theirs. "Meanwhile, that's the second time Raita's lost to me!" Yoga bragged, holding up his fists in triumph.

Raita glared at him as he picked up the pieces of his bey. "Uh, we're talking about Ken's track record, not mine," He growled.

"Oh right," Yoga muttered sheepishly. "Continue."

Ken sighed, still staring down at Kerbeus. "Sorry," He started; Ker and Besu were waiting for him on a bench nearby. "It's been four months since Valt disappeared from the World League matches in Rio, and I just really miss him." He grimaced, tears glistening in his eyes. "I can't get the fact that he's gone out of my head..."

"You're making it sound like he's dead," Sanji told him. "Remember, he's not."

"Yeah," Ben added. "He's only missing, and that means he can be found. You just have to be patient; he'll turn up, don't worry."

Wiping his eyes, Ken smiled at his teammates. "Thanks guys," He told them. "I really needed to hear that." His gaze went to Ben in a challenging glare. "One more time! I'll win in the next battle." Kneeling down, he reached for the pieces of Kerbeus.

A hand clothed in a dark blue glove reached out from beyond his peripheral vision and picked up the pieces for him. His eyes followed the length of the arm up to a unfamiliar face - a face covered by a gray blue hood and a dark blue mask with a electric smile. When the guy straightened up, it could be seen that he was wearing a short sleeve, gray blue trench coat, black pants, stripped blue boots, and a belt with an unfamiliar symbol as the buckle. Their eyes could not be seen. "Why don't you try your hand with me?" They asked, their voice distorted.
Everyone took a collective step back. No one had seen the guy come in - it was just like he appeared out of thin air. When no one spoke, the guy tossed Kerbeus, now reassembled, to Ken. "Battle me," They demanded.
Ben finally spoke up, growling, "How'd you get in here? This is a closed practice!"
The mysterious blader faced Ben with an eerie patience. "I only want to battle Ken Midori," They told him. "But the rest of you are welcome to watch, if you want."
Ken was quiet as the uninvited guest explained his purpose. When they finally faced him again, he asked. "Why? Why do you wanna battle me? Why not the other bey club members?" He motioned to the other bladers, who stared at him with wide eyes.
"Ken - buddy - why are you trying to bring us into this?" Yoga asked, his tone incredulous.
"Yeah! I don't wanna battle this guy," Raita added. He cast a sideways glance at the mysterious blader and shuddered. "Whoever this is gives me the creeps."
"Let's just say you and I have unfinished business." The mysterious blader revealed. They moved to stand on one side of a nearby stadium. "And I intend to finish it, right here and now." A hand reached into their pocket and pulled out a bright blue bey. The edges were jagged to look like lightning bolts, and a cerulean dragon looped around the center. A sharp-looking R marked the middle. "Meet Electric Raijin. What do you bet King Kerbeus stands a chance?"
Ben grit his teeth. "I don't think so, buddy," He said in a low growl, moving to stand in front of Ken. "I'm the team captain, so if you have any problems, you can take it up with me. But if you think you can just crash a club meeting and challenge one of my teammates, just because you have some sort of beef with them, you have another thing coming!" He turned to Yoga. "How soon can we get school security in here?"
"Don't bother," The mysterious blader said, not moving from their place aside the stadium. "I took care of security on my way in here." While Ben stuttered in rage and surprise, they returned their gaze to Ken over his shoulder. "All I ask for is a battle," They told him softly. "Can you grant me that, Ken?"

Ken stared at his next opponent, his jaw working as he considered the request. His claim seemed sincere enough. But was he really willing to battle a total stranger, who hadn't even bothered to tell them his name yet?

Yes. Yes he was.

"It's okay, Ben," He assured him, placing a hand on his pink-haired friend's shoulder. "I'll battle this guy."

"You don't have to!" Ben protested.

"They just want a battle, and who am I to deny them that?" Ken told him firmly. He held up Kerbeus, who glinted gallantly. "Don't worry, me and Kerbeus can handle this guy, no problem."

He took his position on the other side of the stadium. "Don't hold back with me, okay?" The mysterious blader told him, taking out a dark blue launcher.

"I won't if you don't," Ken replied, readying his own launcher. He locked in Kerbeus while his opponent locked in Raijin. They took their launching positions, Ken leaning back to give his bey some bounce, the mysterious blader crouching down and positioning his launcher between his legs, their head and shoulders becoming hunched. They looked like a beast on the prowl to Ken. Their launching position made him shiver.

"I'll be the referee," Ben declared, moving to stand between the two sides. He placed his hand lengthwise above the stadium, checking to see if both opponents were ready. When he seemed that they were, he threw his hand up. "Ready... SET!"

Everyone counted down. "3... 2... 1..."

"LET IT RIP!" Both bladers yelled. Ken moved his launcher out by a few inches and pulled the ripcord. His opponent leapt up from their crouch and pulled the ripcord while they were still in the air.

Kerbeus and Raijin landed in the stadium, Kerbeus bouncing like a leaping beast, Raijin circling the stadium like a dragon on the hunt; it was nothing more than a blue blur. In no time at all, it met up with Kerbeus, hitting it hard enough to send it skittering back to the edges of the stadium. The green bey wobbled for a few beats, then began to spin around the stadium as well.

"Was that really the hardest your bey could dish out?" Ken taunted. "Nice try, but it takes a lot more than that to get Kerbeus to burst!"

"Believe me, I know," The mysterious blader replied calmly. "That's why that wasn't the only trick up my sleeve." They thrust their fist toward the stadium. "Go, Raijin! Electric Command!"
Once it's blader yelled their command, Raijin immediately spurred into action. It's blue blur lost more of its shape as its speed increased to dramatic heights.
"What the-?" Sanji yelled in shock. "It sped up out of nowhere!"
"Not only that," Yoga muttered in disbelief. "That's the fastest I've ever seen a bey spin... not even Betromoth can go that fast!"
"Unreal..." Ken breathed as he watched Kerbeus get chased down by the blue blur.
"What did you expect?" The mysterious blader asked, a smirk evident in their voice. "My bey is named after a god, after all!" As they spoke, their attention didn't move from the stadium. "Now, show Kerbeus who it's master is!"
Raijin obeyed, catching up to Kerbeus. It mercilessly struck its opponent, pushing it along the stadium floor. Even when Kerbeus got away for a second, Raijin was on it in a heartbeat, breaking away its defenses bit by bit. It was like a lord whipping its slave, cruel and bloodthirsty.
Ken was stunned at this display of power. He'd fought Lui Shirosagi, who was a tyrant in his own way, but this was something else. Lui usually just went straight to the point - quick Burst Finish. This was quick, yet toying as well in the way that it let Kerbeus get away at times. Yet every blow looked as though it came from a legendary beast. Like the bey itself was a dragon.
"Come on, Ken," The mysterious blader taunted. "I said come at me with everything you got! Where's the inner beast your club is always striving to unlock?"
Ken grit his teeth. "You want a beast?" He asked, furious. "I'll show you a beast!" His gaze locked onto Kerbeus, which was getting pummeled by Raijin. "Kerbeus, take the center!" If the green bey could take it's place in the middle of the stadium, it could use Chain Launch to ride the rest of the battle out.
Boy, was he wrong. Raijin sped up again, beating Kerbeus to the center. Once in position, it was a no-hold brawl as the two beys clashed.
"Nice try," The mysterious blader patronized. "But I know that move all too well." They spread their arms, looking all too well like a lord addressing their people. "Time to wrap this up. Raijin, Master's Decree!"
The blue bey quickly left its place in the center and sped towards Kerbeus as it reeled back for another blow. Before that blow was made, however, Raijin met it with all the force of a lightning strike.
In a flash of blue and a clash of metal, Kerbeus burst, its three pieces clacking sadly against the floor of the stadium.
Ken was paralyzed as he stared down at the pieces of his beloved bey. The other Beast teammates were in similar states of shock, the three standing on the sidelines doing the three poses "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil". Ben watched his friend shake for a few seconds before deciding it would be a good idea to call the match. "Uh... Burst Finish! Trench Coat Guy wins by a score of 2 - 0," He said uncertainly, gesturing towards the mysterious blader, who reached down and picked up Raijin as it slowly spun to a stop. It was as if it knew the battle was over, and it had won.
The intruder tilted their head as they pondered their new nickname. "Trench Coat Guy... doesn't really fit me," They decided.
"Really?" Ken asked bitterly, kneeling to pick up the pieces of Kerbeus. "I'm all for wearing coats myself, but yours looks like it should be worn by a serial killer!"
"Hey! Respect the coat, people! Picked it out myself," The mysterious blader exclaimed; it was the first time they raised their voice. They seemed to collect themselves, then spoke again, "Maybe if I showed you my true face, you'll know the name I prefer to be called by."
Ken was surprised by this offer, but he was curious as to who exactly his mysterious opponent was, and why he felt it necessary to beat him in such a way. So he made no move to stop the blader as they slowly raised their head. Brown eyes - didn't really narrow it down. Then they removed their mask. A jagged red birthmark... wait a minute...
He had an idea who it was before they even pulled down their hood, but it still hit him hard enough to drop the pieces of Kerbeus as he stared at the face of one of his best friends. One he thought had disappeared.
Valt Aoi stared back at him, his face impassive. His brown eyes had lost their sparkle, and there were bags under his eyes. His blue hair looked like it hadn't seen a haircut in months and was held back in a ponytail. The baby fat that always made him look like an overgrown toddler had simply disappeared, leaving a muscled, toned complexion.
To be honest, the only thing that really told Ken this was his friend was the red birthmark beneath his left eye.
"V-Valt," He said weakly, reaching out to him shakily.
"Hey, Ken," Valt replied, not moving despite his friend's pleading gaze. His normally upbeat voice sounded deflated and broken down.
Ken stared at his friend, not comprehending what he was seeing. "B-but... w-hat happened..."
Valt sighed. "Long story. Let's just say I stumbled across some hidden family heritage." He crossed the room and stood before Ken, looking like a real soldier in the way he held himself. "Look, I can't stay long. I only stopped by so I could show you that I was okay, and tell you not to worry about me anymore."
Ken blinked, then shook his head. "No to worry about you?" He asked. "Why shouldn't I?" His voice rose a few octaves. "You've been missing for the past four months and now you're telling me you're just going to leave again? Why, Valt?!"
Valt waited until Ken finished his tirade, then spoke calmly, his eyes downcast. "I'm not happy with this arrangement, either, but it's for the best. I need to protect you, to protect everyone, from... what I am."
"What you are? Valt, what do you mean?"
Without speaking, Valt swiftly stuck his right hand straight off to the side. The Beasts didn't have a chance to wonder what he was doing before a bolt of bright blue lightning crackled from his palm. A smoking black hole formed on the wall where it had struck.
Ken stared at the wall, his eyes and jaw widening even more. He slowly turned his head to look at Valt, whose hand had returned to his side. His mouth worked, trying to form words, but his vocal chords refused to cooperate.
"THAT," Valt said firmly. "THAT is why I need to protect you and the others. I've already harmed several people with this power - I don't want to harm anyone else with it ever again."
"But Valt, if this is what you're worried about, maybe me and the others can help you..."
"You CAN'T!" Valt yelled, startling everyone in the room. He shuddered for a moment before saying, "You CAN'T help me, Ken. None of the others can, either. You don't have powers like this... you wouldn't understand..."
"Valt..." Ken tried to reach out to him, but his fingers strayed just before his sleeve.
His blue-haired friend shook his head and stepped back. "I have to go," He said, pulling his hood up over his head. Before he pulled his mask up, he added, "Goodbye, Ken. We had a good run." With that, his disguise was back up, and he was quickly running towards the window, which no one noticed had been left ajar; it was probably how he got in.
"VALT, WAIT!!" Ken yelled after him. He tried to chase him, but Valt had gained speed in the four months he'd been gone. He reached the window far before Ken did, and by the time the black-haired blader had made it to the window, he was long gone.
Tears rolled down Ken's face, but he didn't make a move to wipe them as he stared at the horizon of Japan. Somewhere out there, Valt was hurting. He had a power that was eating him up on the inside...
And there was nothing he could do to help.
2891 words... a late update...

I have a problem...

And I don't give a shit!

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