Third Stop: Chiharu

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It was a slow day in the Aoi Sunrise Bakery. Actually, the slow day was nothing new. The bakery had fallen on hard times and was getting fewer customers. Chiharu, the head and only baker, just didn't feel like putting her heart into it anymore. Not since her eldest son disappeared...

Actually, she had a gut feeling where her son had ended up, though she sincerely hoped her gut was wrong. She had made sure that Valt would never go down the same path she did, didn't she? He couldn't have met PIXAL yet. It was too soon. Valt wasn't ready!

Still... there was a slight possibility.

She was gently awoken from her reminiscing when a stale burnt smell tickled her nose. It was then that she realized that a faint yet pungent smoke filled the air, coming from the oven. A quick look inside showed that the six formerly pale mounds she had put in were now as black as coal. Great. She burned her latest batch of bread again.

Sighing, she slipped on a pair of oven gloves and retrieved the tray. With one hand, she dumped the black loaves into the trash while waving a dish towel to disperse the smoke in the air. She fondly recalled memories of her colleague, Kamiko, the Master of Smoke. Whenever there had been a burnt food item or faulty transmission, Kamiko would just wave her hands and blend the smoke particles with the air until the smell was gone. Chiharu hadn't seen or heard from her or several of her former colleagues in years...

"Oh, come on," A voice grumbled behind her. Mentally cursing, she spun around in a fighting stance. She was really off her game; she hadn't even sensed anyone come into the kitchen. Her mysterious intruder wore a hooded stormy blue trench coat and creepy blue mask, both of which completely covered their face. They were facing the trash can with an air of disdain. "Why does this trash can look like it's where bread goes to die?"

Wait, what? It couldn't possibly be that bad, could it? But on upon closer inspection of the trash can, Chiharu had to admit her intruder had a point - the trash can literally looked like a bread cemetery. The last batch had been the fifth one she'd burnt that morning; not a single loaf had survived. Charred loaves teetered over the rim of the can, only serving to remind her how bad things had gotten.

Slowly lowering her guard, Chiharu sighed. "Yes, I'm afraid," She explained sadly. "Things have really gone downhill since..." She caught herself, lest she revealed too much. "Wait, why am I telling you any of this; who are you?"

Her mysterious intruder remained silent, fingering the black bread almost remorsefully. "Someone who's here to help," They said softly.

Chiharu raised her eyebrows. "Here to help?" She asked skeptically. "I don't recall putting up any signs or ads requesting help."

"You don't have to put out a sign to show that you want help," They told her firmly. "The look in your eyes and your body posture says enough. And this-" They kicked the overflowing trash can, causing a few loaves to tumble out. "Definitely shows you need help." They leaned down and picked up one of the charred lumps, letting it crumble to dust in their partially gloved fingers. "I mean, come on - this is just sad."
Their tone suggested they were telling the truth and that they did want to help, but they hadn't even bothered to tell Chiharu their name; the entire time, they hadn't even made a move to take their mask or hood off. "I want to believe you, but how should I trust you when you haven't even shown me your face?" She asked.
"You have every reason not to trust me, but I'd prefer to keep my identity secret for now," They told her. "How about this? If we can bake 500 loaves before 1 o'clock, I'll show you my face."
Chiharu glanced at the clock on the wall. It was currently 12:05 pm. She turned back to the intruder with a skeptical gaze. "That seems impossible," She said.
"If my memory serves me correctly, in the past, you've sold 1,000 loaves in half the time," They told her, sounding amused.
It was true. How they knew that, she had no idea. "Yes, but that was a long time ago," She said, exasperated. "A lot has happened since then; family drama, you wouldn't understand."
"Number one, it was last Christmas Eve," They replied calmly. "Number two, I understand family drama perfectly." Chiharu rose an eyebrow at that. "Number three, with your currently diminished skills, and my knowledge of the kitchen, we should be able to do it." They walked over to the back up apron hanging on the wall, kept in case of burning the other apron. Tying it around their waist, they faced her once again. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's make some bread!"

Chiharu stood stunned for a moment. A complete stranger comes into her bakery, says they're here to help, then just walks around the kitchen like they own it? For a second she considered reaching for the phone and dialing 911, but they didn't appear hostile, despite their bossy attitude. Plus, she was curious as to who exactly this mysterious helper was, with their apparent knowledge of the bakery's past. If they could actually make 500 loaves of bread before the clock struck 1 o'clock, she would learn their name - and their motive for helping.

"Come on, let's move it!" The stranger interrupted her thoughts, sounding annoyed. "Where's the hustle and bustle I... I've heard the Aoi family is known for?"

Chiharu heard the hesitation in their voice, but she didn't question it. She knew they would just brush it off or change the subject. Without another word, she adjusted the straps of her apron and flashed her new helper a smile. "Let's make some bread. Clock's ticking."

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