Sixth Stop: Wakiya

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No One's POV
Not far from BC Sol, Sunbat United was hard at training, which was no real surprise. With Wakiya Muraski as the captain, everyday was both an arm and a leg day. Though for some reason, he seemed to be even more irritating than usual that day - which, to be honest, was a feat no one thought possible.
Right now, he was busy having Wyvron grind into the bey of his teammate Dust Rukane, with no sign of having the battle end anytime soon. Both bladers were gasping for breath and sweating,but Wakiya refused any prospect of a break - this was their 150th battle.
The club's Bey Trainer Ataru was standing next to the stadium trying miserably to record the data, but no matter how fast he typed on his BeyPad, something else was already happening. His light blue eyes were dry as he kep t flipping his gaze from the battle to his screen, numbers blurring in his vision, but he still couldn't keep up. His fingers were starting to cramp up, though that was mostly because he kept crossing his fingers that Wakiya would end the battle sooner than later. It was quickly proving useless.
All around them, the other members of Sunbat United were either lifting weights or running on treadmills, though they were constantly throwing concerned looks towards the ongoing battle. Winces flashed across all of their faces with the sound of each clash. It sounded as if Wyvron was trying to demolish its opponent, even though each attack had an underlying tone that sounded like the purple bey was exhausted. It was obvious that both blader and bey were tired, though they still battled. What their teammates couldn't figure out was why.

"Now, Wyvron!" Wakiya yelled suddenly. "Super Tempest Attack!" Soon afterwards, the metallic sound of a bey Bursting came from the stadium, and Dust dropped to his knees. His ragged breathing filled the air, which lead to his teammates quickly coming to his aid, but all Wakiya did was take Wyvron out of the stadium and fix Dust with a disappointed glare. "When I let you onto the team," He said slowly, breathing heavily after every other word. "I thought you would at least give me a challenge. I thought you would at least put up a decent fight against me this time around... but this is just pathetic! Ataru, relay to me the statistics of the battle." Shaking his head and mumbling under his breath, he walked (no, stomped) away. Ataru glanced at the pitiful image of Dust heaving on the floor, then reluctantly followed the captain.

The two remaining teammates were left to help poor Dust to his feet, which was a struggle, since he was a little overweight. Django Del Toro grit his teeth to keep from running after Wakiya and slapping him across the face. "What is his deal today?" He asked bitterly. "I get that he's the captain and all, but seriously!"

Guy Spear sighed as he struggled to keep Dust on his feet. "The guy's always been a huge pain, so don't take it too personal," He assured the lilac haired blader.

"I know, but today he's annoying on a whole other level!" Django protested.

Dust finally spoke up from where he was balanced between his teammates' arms: "I agree with Django; I think Wakiya is acting different today, but I'd be concerned rather than angry. Whatever's going on with him, it's making him push himself too hard. Who knows what's going to happen if he pushes himself past his limit?"

Guy listened to his teammate's theory, then looked at Django across Dust's shoulders. "He's right, you know," He told him. "We have to do something before he pushes himself too far; for his sake as much as ours."

Lime eyes stared at sea green before Django finally sighed. "Fine," He huffed. "Let's do this before he gets bored and chooses one of us to battle." The two carefully set Dust down on a nearby bench, then cautiously approached the captain. Unbeknownst to any of them, while they had been talking, one of the bey stadiums in the training area had vanished...

Ataru had been showing Wakiya the information he had gathered from the battle when the other teammates approached them; his ragged breathing had stopped, but he was still sweating up a storm. When they noticed the pair suddenly standing next to them, Ataru lowered his BeyPad to gaze at them with a confused look while the captain fixed them with an annoyed glare. "What do you two want?" He asked condescendingly. "Don't you have training to do? I'm battling one of you next, in case you've forgotten."

Django grimaced while Guy barely blinked. He had been with Sunbat United a little longer than the former, so he was somewhat more used to the captain's irritating ways. "Wakiya," He said slowly. "We've been talking, and we've all noticed that you seem especially on edge today. Something is bothering you, and whatever is seems to be causing you to push yourself, and us, really hard."

Wakiya's glare turned to daggers. "I don't know what you're talking about," He bit out through his teeth. "In my opinion, you should always push yourself when you train."

"Yes, and we respect that motto," Django said soothingly, trying to appear supporting to the captain. "But this is different. We're your teammates - you can talk to us about anything!" He approached Wakiya cautiously. "Maybe we can help."

Unfortunately, Wakiya was never one for sentimental moments. He took one look at his teammates and stormed away from them. "It's nothing!" He yelled over his shoulder. "Nothing is wrong, and even if something was wrong, I don't need your help!" He stopped next to one of the stadiums. "Who wants to battle me first?"

"Wakiya, they're right," Ataru spoke up, causing the blonde blader to reel on him. "You've been pushing yourself way too hard today; it's not healthy! You have to stop before you hurt yourself!"

All that did was incest Wakiya further. His entire face turned the color of a tomato and veins stood out in his neck. "For the last time, I'm fine!" He seethed. His fists clenched, and he looked as if he wanted to punch something - or someone, if they came too close. "Nothing is wrong with me, and I wouldn't want your input even if something was wrong! I do what I want to do, and what I want to do now is train!" He kicked the stadium stubbornly. "Now come on, who's up?"

Django shared a look with Guy, who in turn shared a look with Ataru. A silent agreement passed between the three of them and the trio nodded. Wakiya stared agitatedly at the three of them, trying to understand what they were thinking, until Guy said suddenly: "You two grab his arms; I'll get his legs."

In the blink of an eye, Ataru had set down his BeyPad and grabbed Wakiya's right arm while Django grabbed his left, and Guy hoisted both of his legs off of the ground. Together, they began forcibly moving their captain out of the training room while Dust looked on in shock. This was nothing he had anticipated.

With Wakiya, this was definitely something he had not foreseen his teammates doing to him. "WHAT ARE YOU IDIOTS DOING??!!" He screamed, kicking and thrashing in their hold. He almost dislodged his right arm from Ataru's grasp, but the younger blader soon got the appendage securely in his grasp. "PUT ME DOWN!! I'M PRETTY SURE THIS COUNTS AS A MUTINY!! YOU CAN GO TO JAIL FOR THIS!!"

"You would call the police on your teammates, when they're just trying to help out?" Guy asked contemptuously, slightly garbled on account of Wakiya's feet flailing around his face. "I'll believe that when it actually happens."

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU, I DON'T NEED HELP!!" Wakiya yelled, becoming tired from all his thrashing. "BESIDES, HOW IS THIS HELPING??!!"

Instead of answering, Django simply said, "Check his pockets." Ataru complied and the two rooted through his pockets until the lilac haired blader triumphantly removed a metal key. When Wakiya saw what they had taken, his eyes widened even more.

"YOU'RE GONNA LOCK ME IN MY OFFICE??!!" He screamed, his thrashing intensifying. "WHY??!!"

"You've been pushing yourself way too hard today," Ataru told him, struggling to keep his grip. "You need to calm down before you hurt yourself, and us!"

"Yeah, it's for your sake as much as ours," Guy added. By that point, they had reached the main office of Sunbat United, and they relinquished their hold on Wakiya long enough to push him inside. Once he was in, they slammed the door behind him and, using the key they had taken from his pocket, locked him in. Pounding immediately ensued from the other side, but everyone took a collective breath.

"I feel kind of bad for doing this to him," Ataru admitted. "He has a point: this is kind of like mutiny."

Guy wiped the sweat off his brow and tenderly rubbed the bruises on his shoulders and arms from Wakiya's feet. "He'll thank us for this later," He said bluntly. "For now, let's take a break so we can be fully charged for when he does come out."

The other two nodded and the trio headed back to the training room. In the doorway, they found Dust on his feet, staring down at an empty spot on the floor. When he sensed their presence, he turned around and gave them an inquisitive look. "Hey, guys," He asked. "Didn't there used to be a stadium here?"

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