New Home, New Life

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You know what, to hell with schedules. I have a free day, and I'm just going to post a chapter because I want to. Why? Because this is MY story.

Valt's POV
I woke up in a cold sweat, gasping with my whole body. Sitting straight up, my chest heaved and sweat dripped down my face. My mind was racing as I tried to comprehend what I saw. What did I see? That... "element" practically laid my entire family's history before me, and I still didn't get it! WHAT WAS GOING ON?

It took me a minute, but I vaguely became aware of a soft surface that I was lying on. A smaller, softer surface supported my back. Slowly my vision focused on white sheets that covered my legs, dampened slightly by my sweat and by a moist washcloth that I guessed was once in my forehead. The situation was so familiar, so homey, that I had a slight moment of bed brain and forgot everything that happened in past 24 hours.

Sighing, I pushed my fingers through my sweat dampened hair, leaving my left hand wet. "Was it... all a dream?" I wondered out loud.

I realized that the movement sparked a sore spot in my arm, that I could swear wasn't there the last time I went to bed. Pushing up my sleeve, I saw that my left shoulder had been bandaged, with a small bloodstain in the center. Memories came rushing back to me and I lifted the bed sheets. My left thigh was wrapped in a similar state.

All my hopes of the whole thing being a nightmare were instantly snuffed out. It was wishful thinking, anyway, I told myself.

Then I realized something. I wasn't wearing my pajamas. For that matter, I wasn't even wearing my regular clothes. I was just wearing plain, thin, white clothes; the kind you would see at a hospital. Though I was sure I wasn't even in an hospital. The ceiling was rich paneled wood and the walls were pale, traditional Japanese style walls. To my right was a traditional sliding door. By my pillow was a small bedside table. A peek at the floor showed that it was made up of traditional tatami flooring.

So... was I back in Japan?

A slight scuffle came from outside the door, and it slowly began to slide open. My heart started to speed up again. I was about to meet whoever brought me here, or someone who worked for the person who brought me here. What did they want with me? That was a stupid question; to turn me and my so-called "elemental powers" into a weapon. Well, not on my watch! I was never going to hurt anyone ever again!

I started looking for something I could use to defend myself, but I was low on options. Maybe I could pull up one of the floor mats and use it as a makeshift shield? No, doing so would require strength, that of which I did not have. Maybe I could use the beside table and bang them on the head? Come on, if I didn't have much of a chance with the floor mats, how much better would I do with a wooden piece of furniture...

"Ah, you're awake," Someone spoke up, drawing my attention to the doorway. "You hit your head pretty hard when you fell, so I couldn't be sure when you woke up. You also lost a lot of blood from your gun shot wounds, but luckily, I was able to remove the bullets without damaging anything crucial."

My brain just shut down as I stared at this new person. Yet, for some reason, they weren't so new...

"B-but... I-I..."

"Know you?" They finished smugly, moving across the room to place clothes on the table. "Yeah, I figured."

"B-but... I know I've never seen you before," I told them, still too shocked to form a proper sentence.

"True," They replied. "But your ancestors have seen me. They've seen me so many times, memories of me are practically written into your DNA." A soft laugh escaped their lips. "I'm genetic... isn't that funny?" They straightened up and moved back so I could see them fully. So I could see this walking beauty of metal and technology.

"My full name is Primitive Interactive eXternal Assistant Lifeform. But you may call me PIXAL."

No One's POV
PIXAL watched as the young master Valt stared in wonder at her. She could practically see the gears turning in his head as he struggled to understand the memories pouring into his consciousness. His probing gaze didn't faze her; she had been looked at like this many times before. They all came around eventually, though.

"You were created by Cyrus Borg as an android lab assistant," He said in a dreamy tone. "You fell in love with Zane, the android Master of Ice, during the Nindroid Conflict... took up the alias of Samurai X during the Hands of Time... then have been training Elemental Masters for hundreds of generations since..."

PIXAL's metallic smile widened. "I see the memories of your ancestors are coming in nicely," She said proudly. "Yes, I have trained hundreds of generations the way of the Elemental Masters - just I hope to do for you."

A conflicted expression crossed Valt's face. "But... all those generations knew they had Elemental Powers," He claimed. "I wasn't told about any of this... how do you expect to train me?"

"Not every generation knew they had the Elemental Power," PIXAL informed him. "Plenty of generations were clueless about their heritage, just like you, yet they learned to control it in time; your progress shouldn't be much different than theirs."

Valt's eyes turned downcast and his hands started to shake as he gripped the sheets. "But... my family... my friends... my teammates... BC Sol... the World League," He said sadly. "I'd have to give it all up in order to learn... I'd have to leave them..."

Feeling bad for his misconception, PIXAL reached over and placed her metallic clad hand on his shaking shoulder. "You will always be free to leave, Master Valt," She told him softly. "You may feel like you are being forced into this new life, but remember... you are not trapped here. You will never be considered a prisoner here."

The new Master was quiet for a few moments. When he finally moved, he lifted his hand up in front of his face and watched as it lit up with blue electricity. Without warning, a large lightning bolt cracked over his bed and snapped at the air in front of him. PIXAL didn't even flinch.

"Who am I kidding?" Valt muttered, more to himself than to PIXAL. "There's no way things can go back to normal after that." His voice rose. "PIXAL."

The female nindroid stood at attention. "Yes, Valt?" She watched as her new ward slowly released enough electricity to surround himself, then create a rudimentary Element of Lightning symbol in front of him. When his eyes lifted to gaze at her, she was shocked at how dull and lifeless they appeared.

"Teach me," He told her. "Teach me the way of the Master of Lightning."
*reads back over the chapter*

...Yeah, it's bad.

But it's something.

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