BC Sol Trouble

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No One's POV
The mysterious blue lightning storm covered the whole globe, with no end in sight. Families were forced to stay in their homes, all places of business were closed, and everyone had the weather channel on to monitor the storm. So far, the weathermen kept repeating the same story in different languages:

"As this mysterious storm continues to spread around the world, bladers are starting to fear for their safety as the three ominous words continue to echo consistently: COME GET ME.

"But not so mysterious is the storm's center: Valt Aoi. His exact location is still unknown, but rest assured that military personnel all across the globe are putting their best to the test in finding him. Numerous 'sightings' are flooding in, but none have been determined."

Currently, the remaining members of BC Sol were watching the Brazilian weather channel, where the anchorman spoke in rapid Portuguese. Not everyone understood exactly what was being said, but the message was clear: Valt was made public enemy number one, and was to be apprehended in the hopes of putting an end to the storm.

Honcho sighed and rested his head on his arms, sucking agitatedly on his lollipop. "I still can't believe they think Valt of all people is behind all this," He grumbled. "I know the guy can be a little crazy at times, but I just can't see him making a storm."

Silas sighed in the corner. "You heard that broadcast just as clearly as the rest of us, Kiyama," He retorted. "Valt's either gone insane, or has a hell of a good impersonator."

Cuza was shaking his head. "Even if it was Valt behind the voice, how would he create an entire storm?" He asked incredulously. "Also, how did he even do that broadcast? Even if he had access to some form of equipment, Valt's not exactly a technical guy." Everyone nodded in agreement, remembering the dozens of electronics Valt had killed around the BC Sol manor.

"*Sqwak* Not a technical guy! *Sqwak*" Carl agreed.

"Rickson went after Valt when he left for SB Rios," Kris worried at her desk, wringing her hands. This new development - one blader seemingly insane, another out for the count - was eating her up. "I hope he's okay."

Kit, darling that he was, went to comfort Honcho about their friend. "Don't worry, buddy. I'm sure Valt's fine, wherever he is, and this is some hater's prank or something."

"Really? Then how do you explain this storm, huh?" Silas asked.

Kit glared at him. "Global warming is a thing, Silas. Haven't you ever seen Day After Tomorrow? Or do you just not watch the news?" Shocked at the kid's rebuttal, Silas stayed silent.

"Anyway~" Honcho butted in as the silence grew uncomfortable. "Kit's probably right. I just hope Valt's okay, wherever he is."

At that point, the anchorman finally stopped talking and listened to his headpiece. An excited expression crossed his face and his eyes seemed relieved as he turned back to the camera. A string of fast Portuguese filled everyone's ears, but this time a string of dialect in other languages rolled across the bottom of the screen. They all said the same thing: Valt Aoi's location has been pinpointed. 50,000 feet above Brazil. Brazilian military personnel has been dispatched to apprehend him. We're sure to see the Sun again.

A collective chill ran through the room. "Apprehend him...?" Kit murmured in fear, bringing his hands up to his mouth. "They don't mean... Oh God, please no!"

"They can't do that!" Honcho yelled, standing up. "We have to help him!"

"WE CAN'T!" Kris shouted, startling everyone. "Even if we knew how to get to Valt, WHICH we don't, Free's transference and Cuza's stunt at the parade have damaged the reputation of BC Sol enough." At this, Cuza turned pink with humiliation. "Valt's acting out alone is another crack. We can't have the general public thinking we're helping a terrorist." Getting a feeling where this was going, everyone took in a breath.

"I'm not proud of this decision, but I must put the well-being of the team over the well-being of an individual. So for the time being, Valt is on his own."

And there it was. The foot was down. The bladers of BC Sol were all in various levels of panic, but none came close to Honcho and Kit. Poor Kit was paralyzed with shock. Honcho was spitting mad, and after clenching and unclenching his fists, he vaulted over the table to run over to Kris's desk.

"Valt is more than our teammate, Kris; he's our friend!" He shouted in her face. "He would do the same for any of us! And now we're just gonna throw him to the wolves like this?!"

Kris suddenly stood up so fast, Honcho took a step back. "And HOW exactly do you propose we get to him, Rantaro?!" Everyone startled in their seats. Nobody called Honcho by his real name. Kris would have to be furious in order to do so. "The anchorman never told us an exact location, only that Valt is 50,000 feet above Brazil, which would be IMPOSSIBLE to get to without a plane on its own. Besides..." She turned to the blue mass outside. "Look at this storm. Something tells me that Valt's changed... in more ways than one."

Honcho stared at the storm and fumed. Though he was still against the whole thing, he couldn't argue with Kris's logic. It would be impossible to get to Valt in this weather, and the mere look of whatever this was chilled him to the bone. It hurt him to his core, but he quietly resigned himself to the inevitable.

Everyone in the room came to the same conclusion around the same time.

There's nothing we can do, anyway.
Sorry my last two chapters have been short.

I'll post longer chapters, I promise.

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