Bring on the Storm

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Valt's POV
My wings pushed me higher and higher up into the sky until I could barely see the buildings below anymore. That's right. My wings. I had wings. My adrenaline spiked at this thought and my lightning flashed briefly around my body. Giddy, I opened my mouth to let it gather along my jaw as I continued to climb higher. I had never felt so alive! Is this what being a god felt like? If so, call me immortal!
Something in me shifted, a sign I knew that I was nearing my destination. Reluctantly, I slowed down, but I wasn't completely disappointed. I had a mission, and it was nearly completed.
I slowed down and completely stopped high above the Earth's surface. How high, I wasn't sure. I only knew that this was the perfect place where I could start brewing my storm. The storm that would bring all of the bladers in the world to me.
Excited for what was about to come next, I began the procedure. I held out my hands in front of me and clenched my fists, gathering my lightning. When I felt I had enough, I unclenched my fists and held my palms up above me. Streams of beautiful blue electricity left my arms and shot into the air. They gathered into a glowing turquoise ball high over my head. Said ball grew larger as I added more, and I kept adding more until it was the size of a small bedroom. I kept adding more, even though it stopped growing on my lightning. It started feeding on something else...

Xander's POV
I kept walking in the direction I had seen Valt fly in, thinking I would eventually run into at least a sign of where he'd gone. The pounding of my feet matched the pounding in my head as I still tried to process what I had seen Valt do; I kept coming up with no reasonable explanation. It just... wasn't human. Now what had become of my friend was loose in the world, and there was no telling what he was going to do with his new found strength.
"Valt... where have you gone?" I asked out loud.
I soon began to realize, as I was staring at my shadow in front of me, that the light was changing. It started as a subtle change, the kind of change you would expect from rounding a corner. Then it completely flipped behind me. I hadn't even turned that time. Confused, I looked up and took in a bizarre sight: the main source of light in the sky was coming from a source other than the Sun. Along with that, thousands of clouds were now moving in the same exact direction. My eyes trailed in that direction, and I saw what others would interpret as a mini, blue Sun.
But I had an idea of what it was. Because I saw the dark shape beneath the blue sun.
Valt. What was he up to?

No One's POV
That day, every cloud in the Earth's surface left their place in the sky, disappearing for an unknown reason. And that day, bladers around the globe were shaken as a mysterious voice was heard across the sky:

"Bladers of the world! Boys, girls... basically anyone who plays the sport! Look to the sky and hear my call!
I am Valt Aoi; maybe you've heard of me. I have made a promise... actually, several promises to several people... and I intend to keep those promises!

"I challenge every blader - EVERY SINGLE BLADER, in the world - to a battle. How you take me on doesn't matter, as long as you come at me with everything you got.

"Though I sincerely doubt you can beat me. As you've probably already guessed, I've recently gotten some new skills... and they are AWESOME.

"My storm will watch your progress. Now - COME AT ME!"
After that, high above Brazil, a turquoise blue ball of light exploded. From the ball came the largest storm the people of the world had ever seen. It spread across the world, darkening the skies, only providing the light from the blue lightning it produced. Along with the repetitive sound of thunder, three words echoed over and over again: COME GET ME.
Xander Shakadera was the first to witness the storm's birth. He watched as it hatched from the glowing blue ball, watched as it shrouded the sky. It obscured his vision, but he kept his gaze on the last place he had seen his friend, the one responsible for it.
"Valt..." He whispered in horror. "What are you doing?"
Meanwhile, the blue dragon that used to be Valt Aoi grinned demonically as it took in what it had created. Pleased with itself, it lounged in midair, kicking its clawed feet back, holding its head with its arms, and lazily flapping its wings.
"Let the games begin," It growled.

I just want to say, thank you @nanimaus5 and @nbcv2016 for liking this book enough to put in your lists - it means a lot that my little story has fans.

Speaking of fans, how does this book already have 44 views? I only uploaded the first chapter two weeks ago!
What... how... when... HUH?

To be honest, I did not expect to have that much so soon.

You guys rock!

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