Dragon Fury

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Valt's POV
I had been hovering in the for over THREE HOURS (wasn't even tired, not to brag), and I still didn't sense ANYTHING from the storm around me. No one was coming, not even the smallest bird!
My plan was simple:
    - Make a storm to monitor the Earth.
    - Have all the bladers in the world come to me.
    - Wait patiently for said bladers to arrive (still working on that).
    - Prove I'm strong to Xander and the rest of my friends (preferably the whole world in the process).
But why was Part 4 moving SO SLOW?!
"Seriously!" I grumbled out loud, flicking my tail agitatedly. "I know these bladers are coming from all over the world, but do they have to be so damn slow?!"

Just be patient, the reasonable part of me ordered. Grinding my fangs, I decided to listen and continued hovering.
Wait... something was coming. Something was moving through my storm, towards me. A lot of somethings, actually... big somethings. My adrenaline spiked again. The bladers were coming in planes! I just might get my ultimate battle after all! Well, might as well continue to wait until they arrive.
Then my new ears picked up a faint buzzing noise? Bees? No, bees couldn't get up this high. Hummingbirds? No, I'm pretty sure they couldn't fly as high as I did, either. As it got closer, it sharpened into something more metallic-sounding. Not the sound of plane turbines... more like helicopter blades. Why do I hear helicopter blades?
I straightened up in midair to see if I could spot my approaching company. Then it hit me. In my left shoulder and thigh. Pain shot through my senses and blurred my vision to the point that I nearly fell out of the sky. When it had dulled enough that I could make out the shapes in the clouds again, I looked down to see what exactly had struck me. My shoulder blade and my left pant leg were completely soaked with blood; I could barely see the lightning bolt marking on my shoulder. I was shot. Twice!
My eyes burned with fury as I swung around, holding my left arm. Who would dare-?!
Immediately I was met with a troop of high-grade helicopters. Military brand, by the looks of the enormous guns attached to the sides. Which were pointed DIRECTLY AT ME.

Yeesh... I mentally griped as the swarm continued to encircle me. Nice welcoming committee, Brazil. You really know how to make a guy feel at home!

(I mean no offense by this statement - I have never actually been to Brazil.)
"VALT AOI. YOU ARE TO STAND DOWN AND COME WITH US," The head of the helicopters announced.
"Jeez, what is the matter with you people?" I asked, annoyed. "What's with the gun show?"
"YOU ARE UNDER ARREST. ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU," The head helicopter droned again, sounding irritated.
"Wha- arrest?" I asked. Did I hear that right? I was being arrested? "Why?"
That seemed to be the last straw, because whoever was in the helicopter just exploded at me. "LOOK AROUND YOU!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE BEING ARRESTED FOR?!"
"All I want to do is PROVE myself to the world!" I shot back. "Is that such a crime?" The guy (or girl - couldn't tell) just didn't get it, none of them did. None of them played Beyblade - none of them knew how tough the game was. I was going through this whole thing to show the world that I was strong. That I wasn't as weak as I appeared to be. How could these idiots not see that?
"WE'RE TAKING YOU IN!" I heard the audible CLICK as guns swerved all around me. "STAND DOWN OR WE'LL HAVE TO DO THIS FORCIBLY!"
Wow. These guys really were idiots. They obviously had no idea what I was capable of. And they had made me mad. That was not a good combo.
I fed on my anger, feeling it shine through my eyes. My lightning used it as fuel, pooling in my chest. Through the haze of my fury, I also felt the roiling of my storm around. Help your master, I said to it. Help me defeat those who stand in my way.
The storm heard me. It sent strands of lightning to its master, helping to fuel my next move. I grinned under the shadow of my face as I felt my strength grow. These people had no idea what was about to happen to them.
"No," I said simply. I gathered the lightning from my storm up in my arms. Time to strike. "You... CAN'T... MAKE ME!!"
"RETREAT!!" I heard someone yell. Too late.
With a wild cry, I flung my arms out and let my lightning run wild. It spread out from my body in a large circle, attacking the helicopters with wild abandon. Smoke filled the air as the blades stopped moving and the unwelcome intruders started to fall. I felt no remorse. I had merely sent a message, to the military and to the world.

Don't get in my way.

No One's POV
Far away
In a room, in a large monastery, far away from Brazil, a person sat in front of a table. On the table was a pot of steaming hot water, a cup of grounded tea leaves, a sift (not sure what you call it), a single tea cup, and a couple utensils. After waiting a few moments, the person proceeded to prepare their tea.

(Basically this - without the cloth and the kissing)

After preparing the tea, the person simply held their cup in front of them and sighed. "Fifteen years... still nothing," They lamented. "How I wish something would happen to end this cycle." Sighing once more, they went to bring the cup to their lips, and then their arm blinked.
Surprised - their arm usually only had a news report if they downloaded one - the person set down their cup and rolled up the sleeve of their kimono. Scanning the screen that popped up, they smiled. "Looks like I got my wish. A high Elemental spike has been detected," They said wistfully. Reading forward, their excitement turned to pleasant surprise and bright green eyes widened.

(Comic strip time!)

(Comic strip time!)

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"It's HIM. I was wondering when Chiharu's block would fail...
Surprise! Can you guess who this is? (Hint: ONLY Ninjago fans will know who this is.)

God, these past two chapters were SO bad! Sorry, I just have a lot on my plate lately - my grandma came down for my Confirmation, and of course, school. (AKA the killer of free time.)

I hope you guys like this newest update!

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