Fall to a New Beginning

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No One's POV
The storm just seemed to collapse, rushing back to its master. A solid ball of spinning clouds and lightning formed around Valt, hiding his features yet silhouetting his huddled form, which remained in an even tighter ball. His remorseful wail could be heard over the din of crashing electricity. It sounded as if he was dying.

Xander was still on the ground, doing his best not to look away, though his eyes burned from the scalding light. He owed it to Valt to look. To be there for him, even if he couldn't reach him. It was what brothers did.

"Sir," He heard a voice call weakly from behind him. One of the injured helicopter pilots, probably. "It looks like it's gearing up for another blow... you should get out of here!"

"No," Xander replied harshly, not bothering to turn around. "That's my friend. And he's not getting ready to strike again, look..." He pointed to the sky, which was gradually getting lighter. "He's pulling the storm inside himself!"

Valt's wails grew louder. "THIS ISN'T... WHAT I WANTED!!" He cried. "THIS ISN'T... WHAT I MEANT!!"

I know, buddy! Xander wanted to scream, but he wasn't sure if Valt could hear him or not. I know you meant well, but you can make up for it now! You can do it!
Finally, Valt's form carefully unwound from its fetal position within the ball. His wings, claws, and tails seemed to dislocate from his body, then disintegrate into thin air. The lightning bolt shaped frills around his face did the same, then his teeth followed. His body seemed to shrink down to its original size as well.
He's turning back, Xander realized. But he was still so high in the air and showing no signs of lowering...
Valt continued to drain the sky until the ball around him dissipated to mere sparks and puffs of cloud. Cerulean shone through the atmosphere as what was left simply vanished, and finally FINALLY, the Sun showed its light. People around the world came out of the safety of their homes and rejoiced in the streets. The storm was over. The monster had been slayed.
Unbeknownst to them, the monster had been reduced to nothing more than an 11 year old boy, who still hung in the sky after the storm dissipated completely. His mouth was left open slightly as he panted, and his headband had broken off when he first transformed, leaving his regular blue hair to fall and cover his eyes. His clothes had returned to normal along with his body, and the fabric covering his left arm and thigh was dotted with blood. Crimson streaks ran down the limbs, which scared Xander as he watched from the ground. Before, when Valt had his dark blue skin, and was hard to be seen against the stormy sky, Xander couldn't see that he'd been injured. Now his wounds were clearly visible, and he was going to need a hospital, fast.
If any will even take him, Xander reminded himself.
He was so focused on Valt's wounds that he didn't realize at first that his small friend was starting to fall. When it finally registered, Valt was  halfway down to the jungle floor.
Xander started running.

Valt's POV
I vaguely felt the notion that I was falling, but I didn't care. I kept running the events of the last few hours through my head, numb as the wind whistled through my hair. Exhausted after the first blader of the Hundred Blader Test. Rickson trying to get me to leave while Xander looked on in scalding disappointment. Amazed at how much new yet foreign energy I had inside of me, feeding off of it until I burst. Feeling the breathtaking change in my body as I changed into a man/dragon. Reveling in my new abilities as I wielded lightning itself. Shooting my electricity into the sky in order to gather the clouds for my storm. Feeling rage unlike any I've ever felt before when the helicopter troop tried to stop me. Xander finally telling me what I was doing was wrong... but no matter how much I replayed what I did, I just couldn't make sense of any of it.
What went wrong?
What exactly happened?
I did it, yet I didn't know exactly what I did.
At last, I felt my body ram into the earth, jarring my mind back to the present. My back suffered the worst of it as rocks, roots, and plants galore were thrown against it. Yet I still felt none of it. I was numb to the world outside as I tried in vain to solve the mystery inside.
I only wanted... to make it up to him... I thought in misery as I finally started to slow. To make it up to all of them... how did that go wrong?
When I stopped making my scar in the jungle floor, I felt immensely pained and tired. My back and shoulder blades were scratched to the point I couldn't feel a spot that wasn't hurting; I was positive more than a few were bleeding. My left shoulder and thigh, which were already injured, now felt like they were on fire. The bullets had lodged deeper, I could tell. But the worst pain came from my head. I just couldn't understand... what WAS I?
I stared up at the sky that wasn't covered by my storm. I guess it doesn't matter WHY I did it, I thought, tears starting to spill down my cheeks. I hurt people... possibly killed some. Even Xander, one of my best friends, called me a monster. I sniffed, more tears coming out. Is that what I am now? A monster?
I sighed and immediately regretted it as my wounds stretched. The military will probably find me here... they'll find me and throw me in a cage. Can't say I blame them, though... I turned into a psycho... My eyes started to have trouble staying open - I must've hit my head harder than I thought, because I thought I heard a loud thumping noise. And a psycho... deserves a cage...
A shadow obstructed my vision. Xander? No, whoever this was had bright green eyes, glowing even. And the hairstyle was all off... it looked like a samurai helmet, from the suits I'd seen in the museums back home. But what was a samurai doing here, with a monster like me.
I wanted to say something, but my lips felt too heavy. And then I blacked out.

Xander's POV
I ran through the Brazilian jungle, looking for any sign of Valt. I had seen him fall, but distances are deceiving, and I had no idea where he'd actually landed. All I could do was continue in the direction I'd seen him fall, and cross my fingers that I'd eventually find his crash site.
My heart hurt just thinking that. His crash site. It sounded too ominous. Come on, Valt, where are you? I thought desperately.
A loud thumping noise reverberated through the jungle. I skidded to a stop and whipped around. trying to locate the source. It sounded close... Then I heard another thump, this time a little softer. It came from a grove of trees right next to me.
Relief flashed through me. Finally, I found Valt! Pushing aside branches as I ran through the trees - the one time I wished I was shorter! - I opened my mouth to call out his name-
-and then I clamped it shut. I did find Valt, but I found something else, too.
Standing above Valt, who looked as worn out as a rag doll, was a humanoid figure that was entirely clad in armor, in a style I had never seen before. Ornate details in blue and red stood out against a white chest plate, while shoulder plates of deep red and metallic sleeves of deeper blue covered the arms. Embroidered among the chest was a gold symbol of a samurai helmet over a large X. The black pants were the only article of clothing that wasn't metal, but they still looked as though they could withstand a nuke explosion. Stripped knee pads that extended both ways lead down to deep blue boots that both had the symbol of a silver X on the toes.
But it was the mech behind them that truly sent shivers up my spine. It was nearly twice my height, with what looked like massive turbines attached to the back. Plates of white detailed with red covered the arms and legs, and just barely covered claws of pure steel that glinted dangerously in the sunlight. Its crouched position looked like a monster on the prowl as it waited patiently behind its owner.
All in all, they were nearly as imposing as Valt was in his dragon form.
Hiding behind the trees, I watched as the mysterious samurai kneeled down and stroked Valt's cheek. "It's a pity, really," They said in a voice that sounded distorted to the point that it was hard to tell if they were male or female. "I told Chiharu that the block would only last so long." They tilted their head thoughtfully. "But as a mother, she didn't listen... for that, I envy her." They paused to loop their arms around Valt's upper back and legs. "Now, it seems the next generation of Masters must be united sooner rather than later."
Who or WHAT is that? I wondered. Shock turned to anger as the samurai picked Valt up and turned around to the mech, clearly intending to take him with them. AND WHAT GIVES THEM THE RIGHT TO TAKE VALT?!
Nostrils flaring, I stepped forward to do something, though I wasn't sure if I even stood a chance against whatever this was. I just knew I couldn't let them take Valt.
It's okay, a voice deep inside me said. Caught off guard, I stopped in one place. This person means well. The samurai stepped into the awaiting opening chest plate. Just let Valt go with them. They carefully laid Valt down on the chest plate, then slipped into the mech. Immediately, the arms moved to pick Valt up with the delicacy of a mother with her son. He will be fine. The chest plate closed, making the head of the samurai the head of the mech. The turbines flared to life, the legs of the mech bent slightly, and then the entire body leapt into the air. In no time at all, Valt and his mysterious rescuer were gone. The whole time, I stayed frozen in place.
Slowly, as though I was afraid the samurai would come back, I stepped out from the trees and stared at the sky. I didn't try to follow them, for two reasons:
1) I didn't see where they went.
2) Even though I was sure I had never seen that person before, for some reason they seemed familiar. I couldn't explain it, but somehow, I knew...
Valt would be just fine.
PHEW! 1838 words over the course of three nights. Was it worth it?

Guess I'll find out!

Again, can anyone guess who the mysterious samurai is? Ninjago fans, let me know in the comments!

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