DT! Dib AU Chapter 1- A Horrible Past...

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Warning- Mentions of suicide, insomnia, hurtful words. Last chance before reading...


From the beginning of my early childhood, I knew that I was different from everyone. I, somehow, know that there's more to life than SCIENCE itself, seeing the paranormal in front of me, and more intelligent than everyone else.

I guess that because me being born like that, people are disgusted with me. Even my family wouldn't describe me as their son or brother. 

At times, Dad would try to take me to therapy to make me feel 'better,' but nothing worked. It started when I was five, but he gave up on me when I turned twelve because I didn't stop loving the paranormal. And because of that, I stopped calling him my parent a long time ago.

My sister, Gaz, used to be close with me, but then she gave up on me too. I think that her being with me made her annoyed and odious. 

As time passed, I start to realize that things were never going to be the same.

Since I came out and tried to persuade people to know more about the paranormal, they resent me.

At Skool, my classmates would either see me get bullied or bully me. The teachers didn't care much since all they ever want is money from the Professor. And Zim, the alien, would laugh at my face after a beat up.

Speaking of Zim, we straight up went to becoming enemies, and since then, he would make the pain more extreme. He would join in with the bullies to beat me up, insult me, laugh at me, and many more. On top of all that, I used to think that we could've been friends. 

Backstory here- Zim and I stopped being enemies since the Tallest Red and Purple told the truth to Zim about his mission. Like a good frenemy, I comforted him, and we called a truce. Ever since then, we were leaning more into the 'friendship' side. Up to the point where I developed feelings for him. However, that all changed when he suddenly changed. Unfortunately, I still have feelings for him, but that won't mean I would do his bidding, even if it does hurt me.

I eventually stopped being his friend, and now, I became his number one target. 

I feel like the world is out to get me for what I became. Gay, emo, clever, a parascientist, whatever I am.

However, I started hating myself because of everyone's hate towards me.

I developed depression, insomnia, started cutting, not eating as much, covering myself with more clothing, etc. Luckily, I have medication for that, and it calms me down, mostly.

But hey, that's all in the past, right? Here's the present right now.

I'm here in my room, silently screaming as I was hearing voices in my head.

'Freak!' 'Weirdo!' 'Gay!' 'My poor insane son!' 'Idiot!' 'Kill yourself!' 'Loser!' 'Wimp!-'

"Please, stop, please!" I shouted, feeling tears falling and shivering.

'NO ONE BELIEVES IN YOU!!!' One of the voices screeched.


"Please, please, stop..." I pleaded, closing my eyes as I took another pill.

I took a deep breath and repeated the process for a few minutes, and soon, I was calm.


I didn't reply and headed up to my bed.

I didn't bother doing my homework because what was the point? The teachers always listened to the Professor and had them ace everything for me. Although some do look over the homework, it wouldn't matter. They all are the same, and that's why I hate them.

I saw the blade right near my glasses, but I decided not to use it since I had already bandaged my arms.

I set my eyes up at the wall and felt tears forming still.

I took a shaky breath and thought, 'Why me?'

'Why was I born if everything before me was fine? Why doesn't anyone care for me? Why-'

Suddenly, I heard the Professor's voice as he cheerfully greets his daughter.

I clench my hand and pretend not to hear them.

'Why do they have to rub it in my face for being so happy?' I thought, wiping my tears quickly.

'I feel like an outsider from this stupid family. I'm only fifteen and still look like my twelve-year-old self.'

My head started to hurt from the medication, but I didn't mind too much. It's the same old thing anyway. 

However, I just wish that someone would love me, be taken seriously, shower me with kindness, and so much more.

'Wishing isn't very SCIENTIFIC, son,' The Professor's voice echoed through my head.

'Whatever, I'm done being like this. I want to be better, and yet I can't. I need help, but I don't know how to ask for it. I'm not my twelve-year-old self who wouldn't care about anything...'

I lightly banged my head to my pillow and released a sigh.

"I hope that things would one day get better..." I mumbled before closing my eyes to sleep.

'One day...'

The next day


I woke up from the banging in the door from Gaz.

"HURRY UP, STUPID! YOU DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!" She shouts before leaving.

I groan and got up to check if anything was missing. Nothing was gone, but with Gaz sometimes waking me up at night, it's rare.

I bit my lips before changing the bandages and walking downstairs to the kitchen.

As usual, Gaz was there and didn't bother to say, "Hello," or "Good morning," to me.

I looked over at the calendar and saw that it was a Saturday.

'Damn you, Gaz,' I thought before seeing her smirk.

I decided to leave since I didn't want to be with her at all. I took no breakfast with me and walked out.

The sky was almost dark blue and filled with clouds, but I wasn't interested in it.

It's rare, but I wasn't fascinated by this because it reminds me of the Professor's 'happy' aura.

I didn't know where I was walking until I looked up. I looked around me and saw that it was the park, nothing special.

I continued to walk while looking down and stuffing my hands into my jacket.

'I hate you so much, Gaz...' I thought.

'And the Professor, the Skool, everyone here, and especially Zim. Maybe I should run away and fake my death? No, that won't work. Maybe-'

I bumped into someone while closing my eyes before opening them.

"S-Sorry," I mumbled, looking down.

"It's fine," A female voice answered.

I looked up to see her appearance, and something snapped inside me.

I stared at her and only thought one thing.

'She's... She's just like me...'

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