DT! Dib AU Chapter 3- Mom...

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After a few months had passed, I was starting to look up on things.

Of course, my life still sucks, but I had someone to vent or hang out with.

As expected, I didn't go to my 'house.' I either go over to Katheren's place or in my hideout, which no one can find. However, mostly, I spend time at her place.

Although she was still a stranger, I actually started to enjoy her company maybe a little too much.

I mean, she's great and all, but the more I spend time with her, the more attachment I wanted to be with her.

I stopped being so obsessive a long time ago, and I was glad. It was more of me being too dependent on her, but I'm okay with it.

Katheren, on the other hand, doesn't think that it was fine and often helped me with my abandonment issues.

I mean, she's not wrong, but I'm not wrong here either, right?

Anyways, once I got to my 'home,' I saw Zim, Gaz, and the Professor in the living room.

However, instead of saying hello to them, I just went to my room and quietly closed the door. 

I decided that I wanted to change my behavior, even if it's going to take up time.

I changed into different clothing and looked up at the mirror. The clothes I wore were just a plain black jacket, dark blue jeans, and my old boots.

I started to like what I was wearing and headed downstairs to go over to Katheren's place.

Needless to say, Gaz, the Professor, and Zim were long gone. I was happy that they weren't here and left that easily.

On my way to Katheren's house, people were staring at me as if I changed, which I did. 

However, I didn't care about their opinions. With Katheren's help, I slowly started to stand up to myself. I learn how to not endure with anyone's mind and how to be bolder.

Once I walked to her place fifteen minutes later, I unlocked the door with her spare key and entered.

Nothing had changed, but now, Katheren was more comfortable than ever.

I smelled something and smiled as Katheren saw me with a plate full of lasagna.

"Hey, Dib. You made it!" She exclaimed with a smile.

I smile back and sat down to eat.

"How's everything?" She asks, obviously knowing that I changed my clothing.

"It's fine," I replied, already eating.

"How was yours?"

"Eh, kinda in the middle. On one hand, I was finishing my business without any problems. On the other hand, a group of gang members tried to hit on me! I mean,  that's harassment!!"

"Did you, you know-"

"Yes, and they will never mess with me EVER again..."

I shiver at her words while awkwardly eating my lasagna.

The number one rule to know about Katheren is to NEVER get on her bad side. Trust me, it'll haunt you for the rest of your days...

As Katheren and I ate, I was started to feel full because of the amount I ate. Not that it was bad, but my body was so used to not eating a lot. Another life adjustment, I guess.

Anyway, once we're done, we headed out for a bit to 'lighten' our stomach, whatever that means.

I walked right beside Katheren and didn't bother heading in front or behind her. I guess it's because of my issues, I think. 

"Hey, look. There's an ice cream shop right there. Maybe we can grab a bit?" She asks, already pulling out money.

I don't know how she has a lot since she doesn't even work here, but I shrugged it off.

"I guess," I said, holding her hand. 

It was another habit I developed, and I'm both embarrassed and prideful. Embarrassed because everyone's watching and prideful because I showed everyone off.

We walked up to the Ice Cream shop and saw that nearly everything was very filthy. However, the ice cream was fine, and that's what all that matter.

"Hello, what do you want?" A teen boy said rudely.

"I would like one small oreo ice cream with chocolate syrup, whip cream, and a cheery. And one small plain strawberry," Katheren answered with a somewhat calm face.

The teen grunted and did the ice cream just like Katheren asked.

I gave her a thank you nod for ordering my flavor.

I only told Katheren once about what I like and dislike, and she's never forgotten about it ever since. I'm both impressed and scared at how much she can remember.

The click of the cashier clicked, and I was snapped back into reality. 

"Ten ninety-nine," He said, opening the money stock.

Katheren paid him the same amount and gave me my ice cream.

"Aren't you too young to be dating someone?" He asks, clearly referring to me.

"Aren't you too old to find a date?" Katheren snarly remarked, her patience running thin.

This shocked him, but he ignored it. 

"Have a nice day," He grunts before being on his phone.

We left the shop, and honestly, I was filled with contentment. 

However, the fun was ruined when I saw Gaz and the Professor right in front of Bloaty's.

'Damn it!' I thought, not wanting them to see me.

I turned away as fast as I could, nearly dropping the ice cream I have.

"Dib?" Katheren asks, trying to see if I was alright, which I'm not.

"C-Can we go somewhere else?" I stuttered.

Whenever I do that, stuttered, it means that I'm about to have a mother fucking panic attack.

Without any hesitation, she grabbed my hand and went to the opposite side. She already knows that I need to calm down, or otherwise, I'm about to explode. 

We ended up sitting on the bench from the first meeting. It was nice to know that she cares about me.

"Calm down, Dib," She said as she was hugging me.

It would go from good to bad and then back to good, but it wasn't easy. But with her help, it's alright.

My breathing was steady for a bit before I looked up at her.

Her smile really can take anything bad turn into good, and that's what I need.

She stands up after calming me down, and I saw how amazing she really is.

She was practically sparkling, and it was like nothing can truly turn her down.

With one look at her, my mind takes me back to when I first met her, and, without thinking, I bluntly said, "Mom..."

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