DT! Dib AU Chapter 5- Pilot Dib

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Warning- Mentions of torture. ( I think you know who's going to be the one torturing their Zim.)


We were falling into a wormhole as soon as we entered. The colors from the portal were changing every five seconds, but I didn't care.

I was finally out of that harsh place, and I don't regret it. Not in the slightest!

Anyway, I asked Katheren where we were going, and she said, "I honestly don't know. I just let the wormhole take me."

"Oh, but aren't you put in a dangerous situation before?" I asked.

"Well, yeah, but I'm alive still, aren't I?" She smugly said.

I rolled my eyes, but I was smiling.

She saw it and smiled as well.

Then, I saw a bright light right in front of me, and I knew that we were going to a new timeline. I closed my eyes as the brightness was growing, and the next thing I knew, I was lying flat on the floor with Katheren standing and without any marks.

Katheren POV (Finally)

"Showoff," I heard Dib say as I helped him up.

"Not my fault. Although, to be fair, I fell onto so many disgusting places. So, you got lucky," I said while winking.

He playfully rolled his eyes at me, making me punch his shoulder lightly.

"So, where are we?" He asks, looking around.

"I can you this, I don't know honestly," I said while rubbing my head.

He sweatdropped, and then we heard some noises right behind us. 

Dib twitched while I looked behind to see who it was. And, you guessed it, it was Pilot Dib.

"Hello~!" He said, 'happily' smiling at us.

Dib hugged me tightly with the 'WTH' face while I kindly said hello back.

Pilot Dib's glasses reflected as his face was indicating something. Something that he wanted to know.

"Who are you, and why exactly are you here?" He asks firstly. "I'm Katheren, and this is Dib. Well, a different Dib from you," I answered.

He tilts his head better to see Dib better, and then he smirks.

"Let me guess, that one can't kill a Zim, huh?" He asks again. "Well, he could, but he refuses to," I answered again. 

"Okay, I know that we're name Dib, but what should I call you?" Dib asks, still terrified of him.

"Hm, I don't know, why don't you ask your friend over there," Pilot Dib responded while emphasizing the word 'friend.'

"No need to say that. I'll call you Pilot because you were one of the first Dibs before Nick decided to replaced you," I calmly replied.

"Nick? First Dibs?" They asked, confusion covering their faces.

I smiled and shrugged off the topic.

"Anyway, will that name be good?" I asked. It took a few moments, but Pilot replied with a smug look.

"Of course, now answer my second damn question," He demanded.

"Look, buddy, we're not trying to find any trouble, but it looks like that you are that desperate to kill your Zim," Dib replies, still hasn't moved. 

"True, he's evil and such a jerk," He laughs.

"Like someone right now," I said before smugly smile.

"Hey!" Pilot said before laughing again. "Now that was funny~!"

"Okay, what can we do to help?" Dib asks, finally letting go of me.

Pilot tilts his head and 'smiles.'

"You can help me by figuring out what Zim's weakness is. And maybe hang out?" He ferociously said with his creepy face.

"Uh, all I can say is that he's very allergic to water. It literally burns his skin, and as a bonus, he'll scream like a little girl," Dib suggested.

"Hm, you tried that on your Zim?" Pilot asked.

"Yeah, and it really pissed him off. And mention germs. He's germophobic and will do anything to not have any germs with him. And-" Dib suggested more, but I interrupted. "Okay, stop because we don't want to give away too much info," I said, holding my hands up.

"Aw, and we were going to have fun with torturing Zim~," Pilot 'whined.'

"Sorry, not sorry. For now, you can use that to your advantage. After all, everyone is stupid to see that Zim's an alien," I said.

Dib nodded his head, agreeing with me.

"Wait, how old are you?" Pilot asks.

"Fifteen, why?" Dib responds.

"I'm only twelve," He answered. "And you, lady?"

"I'm eighteen and happily single," I responded with a 'kind' smile. 

"Huh, and you couldn't defeat your Zim?" Pilot asks while poking fingers at Dib's chest.

"Trust me, I tried, and eventually, we called in a somewhat of a 'truce' because his mission was a lie and-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, his mission was a lie?!" Pilot exclaimed. 

"Yeah?" Dib responded.

"Dib, don't say anything anymore. As much as seeing Pilot torturing his Zim is fun, we can't give away too much," I warned him again. 

"Oh yeah, uh, forgot about that part, sorry," He said while rubbing his head.

Pilot's head jolted back, and both Dib and I were confused.

"You, a Dib, apologizing? Something must've gone crazy for you to ever apologize!" Pilot exclaims. 

"Yeah, I get that some people are too prideful to actually say sorry, but-" 

"Dib-" I started to talk. 

"Oh, yeah. I'm not the 'normal' Dibs out there. Trust me on that, you ferocious, creepy kid," Dib said.

I can tell that he was still creeped out, but not as much as before.

'Okay, for someone that' about to break the fourth wall, I'm not going to apologize,' I thought, looking up at the magical 'fourth' wall.

"And don't you think that Pilot's a bit dangerous?" I asked, but I wasn't looking at Dib or Pilot himself.

"Huh?" They tilt their head, confused again. 

I smiled again and shrugged off the topic.

"Anyway, about that hangout, do you want one now or-" I was about to finish until a random portal opened.

"Oh, that was both fast and unexpected," I said, shocked to see it.

Both Dibs were shocked as well, but then Dib sighed dramatically. 

"I guess we have to go," He said before whispering something at Pilot's ears.

His eyes widen, and I knew what the subject was. Unfortunately, for you readers, you'll never know what Dib told Pilot.

"We'll see you again someday, Pilot! Have fun torturing Zim for us! And sorry for the hangout!" I replied before seeing Dib leaving and then me.

'All in a day's work,' I thought, holding onto Dib as we had another dimension to go.

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