DT! Dib AU Chapter 2- First Meeting

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Warning- Mentions of depression and other serious topics. Read at your risk!


"You... You're just like me..." I shockingly said, moving away a bit.

She tilts her head in confusion. "What?" She asks, not understanding the situation.

'Maybe I should go... I'm just making up some excuse to believe...' I thought, turning around to leave. Then, with misfortunate luck, my stomach rumbled. 

"Aren't you a bit too young to not eat?" She asks, hearing my stomach growling. 

I embarrassedly blushed and nodded while looking down.

"How about I buy something for you, kid, and we can talk about what you said," She offers. 

'I don't even know the girl, let alone a stranger, but I feel that she's not going to harm me,' I debated. With a good second or two, I gave in.

We walked nearby to a coffee shop called 'Krazy Koffee' and ordered our 'breakfast.' 

'At least the food's better here than in other places...' I thought, getting my pancake with coffee.

I thought she would have told me to drink some juice or something, but she didn't.

After a few moments of silence, I mumbling asked, "Why didn't you stopped me from ordering coffee?"

"Why should I? You may look young, but I can tell that you're older. Maybe fourteen, fifteen-ish?" She replies, sipping her coffee.

"I guess..." I begrudgingly said.

We ate in silence again, but the atmosphere wasn't as tense as before. 

"So, why did you mentioned me being the same as you?" She asks, not looking at me.

I bit my lips and stutteringly said, "W-Well, I-I felt some, some sort of aura, energy? I don't know, but I think that you-"

"Been through the most painful parts of my childhood?" She finishes my sentence.

I looked at her as if she was psychic, but my mind must've been going through some crazy shit.

"No, you're not, " She replies, now looking at me.

I stared at her and then said, "Who are you?"

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! The name's Katheren, just Katheren," She answered.

"What's yours, kid?"

I closed my eyes and said, "Dib."

"I get it; you don't want to have any strangers knowing your last name," She jokingly said. 

I didn't say much but took one last bite of my pancake. She did the same and ended up paying for the breakfast and leaving a tip for the waiter.

After we left, we walked over to the same park and sat down on the pouch.

"So, Dib, why did you say that to me? And don't even think about avoiding the conversation," She said with a serious tone.

I looked away, feeling so disgusted with myself, and tightly closed my eyes.

'Damn it! I'm such an idiot! She must hate me now-'

"Hey, take it easy!" She exclaimed, hugging me tightly as I was trying to breathe.

"Everything's fine, just relax... Easy there..." She ushered me with a motherly tone. I hugged her tightly and tried my best to do what she said.  "In and out, in and out..."

It took nearly fifteen minutes of calming me down, but I feel hurt more than alright.

"I take it you don't want to be in your house?" She asks. 

I nodded numerous times, and she picked me up unexpectedly.

I hid my face on her chest, either too embarrassed or too uncomfortable to have anyone looking at us.

"Relax, no one's even looking at us. Besides, I took a shortcut to my house," She said without any shame.

"And here we are!" She stated. 

I looked up and saw that it was one of the hotels this stupid city had.

'And not the dirty ones...'

We entered the hotel, went into her room, and she sat me down on the bed.

It wasn't too bad, but it wasn't good either. The pillow felt rocky, the sheets were a little dirty, and the wall's color was fading.

"Now, are you ready to answer the question?" She asks, patting my back lightly. 

I was trembling, and finally, I told her why exactly. 

I explained to her about my family, school problems, Zim, depression, and much more. Funny thing was she was actually listening to me. As I continued to rant, she was paying attention to me. Only to me...

Once I was done, she didn't say anything at first, but then she asked, "Feeling much better?"

"Very," I replied without any hesitation.

She smiled and continued to speak," It's not healthy to keep your negative emotions locked up. Sometimes it's better to vent than letting it affect you mentally."

"Are you some sort of doctor or something?" I asked, feeling skeptical.

She did the 'so-and-so' gesture and said, "Look, kid, what I'm saying is true. It'll better like that; believe me, I know..."

Then, she grabbed a piece of paper, wrote on it, and said, "If you ever need something, just call me."

I saw her number and shoved it into one of my pockets.

I laid flat on the bed and released a huge sigh.

"I know that we just met today, but aren't you too dubious about being seen with me?" I asked, looking at the ceiling.

"Why do you say that? I'm fine with whoever I want to be seen with," She claimed.

"Are you sure? I'm claimed as Membrane's 'crazy' child," I remarked, feeling disgusted.

"So, isn't everyone crazy sometimes?" She smugly said while laying down right next to me.

"Huh, guess you're right..." I emotionlessly said, still staring up.

"Don't be like that, Dib. I'm not that kind of snotty, ugly, oblivious, neglectful, abusive, bullying type of person."

I laughed a bit when she said that.

"Furthermore, I like to hang out with honest, adventurous, sensitive, caring people," She said, looking at me.

"I'm not that caring or sensitive, Katheren," I remarkably said.

"No, but you seem to be okay, kid," She said before stretching her hand up.

I did the same before smiling.

"Maybe someday, I'll be more aware of being that person," I said.

"I know you can, Dib. I know you can..."

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