Chapter 1- It's Showtime

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(~Your POV~)

My boss grabbed my wrist, smiling with lust in his tone, "Well Darling~ It seems we have another show to put on. We have a buyer that paid A LOT to get his hands on my prized gem. What do you think? It's been a while since you had your last job." He gives me a gentle kiss on my hand. I respond with respect, "I will go with whatever you decide, master."

His robotic arm grabbed my chin, making me look at him, "That's my good girl, already playing your submissive role. You will go and await further instructions. Your transport will be arranged for you immediately." "Yes sir." I reply promptly, so he leaves me alone.

(~Small Time Skip~)

I step out of my cell, wearing my most simple white dress. Another monster and my boss are already out here in the hall. My master gestures his hand in a circle, "Turn." I do as he says, spinning slowly so he can examine my attire. Both give me convinced looks and nods. "Fabulous darling~" My boss spoke to me before turning to the other monster, preferably my escort. It's a new one every time, so the royal guard can't track it.

My boss takes the secrecy of his business very seriously. Even the escorts don't know who they're selling to, they just get an address and drop it off. As for my master, even I don't know his name and I've been raised here longer than most. I'm one of his "bestselling products" if you want to call it that.

"The curtains are open, the stage is set! Good luck. My sweet Y/N is all yours, make sure she gets there on time." Boss walks away, waving with the back of his hand. The escort nods, grabbing a large rope of chains off of his belt, "Yes sir."

'I always hate this part.'

Having no choice, I turn my back to him and let him bind my arms together. He pulls too tight immediately and I fight the urge to growl.

'Ya trying to snap my bones?!'

He opens a large metal crate, positioned on wheels behind him, "Get in." I quietly crawl inside, dragging a line of chain behind me like a leash. The escort helped me out, grabbing the end of it and tossing it beside me.

He bends down, "Open." I open my mouth and let him stuff a pill into it. It tastes very bitter, so out of reflexes I end up gagging. The monster scolds me and holds his hand over my mouth, "Swallow it." I try but my body refuses, making me gag again. I feel his grip grow, jerking me harshly, "SwaLLoW iT!"

Being shaken around and unable to breathe, I finally get it down. My soul absorbs it, it's glow dulling. It's a pill to numb my senses and block my magic use. It's easier to be transported, when your carrier doesn't have to worry about you making noise or trying some tactic to escape. Plus, it's less risky.

A soul's magic can be sensed by other monsters. Some carriers get caught and killed for not giving the correct dosage of the drug. Overdose the drug and you kill the user, then my master kills them. However, if you don't give enough, they get caught. Bystanders would sense a soul in the box they were transporting, and they were reported.

'That's rare since nobody cares anyway. They mostly do it to affect the business or my boss. Revenge or something like that..... or the carrier just made them mad..'

With the correct dosage, no one can detect a soul when it's in this state. I've had close calls with a few jobs, since my soul developed a tolerance for it over the years. It would wear off early and wake me up too early.

'To stop it, they make a special mix just for me. Isn't that great? *sigh*'

It puts my soul in a dead state for a while, but without actually killing it. I've done this more times than I can count, but this part is always the worst of it. It's just hard for me to swallow anything without gagging. I can't control that, I've had the trait for as long as I can remember.

The guy lets go, shoving me to the back of the cage and slamming the door closed. A sheet or blanket is draped over the entire thing, blocking my vision. Doesn't matter that much anyway, since the drug has already started to do it's job.

In any monster, it would take some time to get into their system and to affect their soul. Not for me. I'm a skeleton, no skin and no organs. Anything I consume immediately gets absorbed and the energy gets transferred into my soul.

'My lack of flesh makes it easier for them, I guess.'

I take deep breaths, trying to calm my slightly panicked breathing.

'It's alright. It'll be over soon. Then I can come back and stay in my cell where it's safe. You'll be back home before you know it.'

My vision slowly darkened. I close my eyes and continue to take deep breaths. I don't want to move, I'm so tired. Sleep is tempting. Even though it was forced, I happily succumbed to it.

(~Time Skip~)

I jerk awake, feeling my cage being dragged.

'Where am I?! It's... It's cold.'

Torture room? Basement? Abandoned building? I've had several previous masters that did that. Fear strikes itself into my waking soul, registering the situation and making me tremble. I try to wrap my arms around myself but they're still bound behind my back. I back myself into the farthest corner instead. I hear a door close and even that startled me, making me flinch.

Next was a harsh scream, "SANS, WHAT IS THAT?!" "H-Hey Boss! Don't get mad-" The first voice interrupts the other, "OF COURSE I'M MAD! STOP DAWDLING AND ANSWER THE QUESTION!"

'This is bad.'

"So ya know those really sketchy places where you can buy illegal things?"
"Boss, just listen!"
"A person."

There was a long silence and I already knew this wasn't going to go well. A loud slap rang out through the room followed by the first voice growling in a lower tone, "With WHAT money? I did not authorize this."

It was silent for a moment before he got a response, "I h-had some savings put aside." "OH REALLY?! SO WHY DOES THAT TRASHBAG GRILLBY KEEP BOTHERING ME ABOUT HOW YOU HAVEN'T PAID YOUR TAB! AND WHO'S GOING TO PAY FOR THE THIRD MOUTH WE HAVE TO FEED?! ANSWER THAT, SANS! YOU NUMBSKULL, CAN'T YOU THINK THROUGH THAT HARD SKULL OF YOURS?!" The first voice boomed back to screaming so loud it made my skull hurt.

"BOSS JUST LISTEN!" Suddenly the other voice was screaming too. The room went quiet and a shadow cast onto the sheet over my cage, "I know, alright?! I was stupid, but you have to see this! I only did it because of one reason-" The blanket is pulled off, revealing me to two skeletons.


The shorter of the two looks at me with his red eyes. He's wearing a red turtleneck sweater, black jacket, shorts, and a collar. The other is really tall, wearing a short black shirt that's spiked at the shoulders, a tattered red scarf, gloves, and tight black pants. This one is giving me a surprised yet fierce glare. Already intimidated, I let out a small whimper.

The shorter one turns to the other, with a concerned look, "That reason being... She's one of us."

Writer~San: Off to a great start! Isn't Papyrus terrifying? Lol XD

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